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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v2


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odd, i have another question, here is some info from around the dream ruins, from what i make of it, this woman is talking about how the monkeys are and stuff:

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeほのおタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeくさタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeみずタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeほのおタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeくさタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeみずタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

i know the order of the text goes like this: grass, water, fire

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I got a question guys. instead of having to different translation between german, ect and english. why not make the second option of the game be that instead of kanji or w/e it is. That way one patched game can have both english/german =D

edit: Anyone know where to find the japanese inputs for characters names ect? I can translate the the letters into english but I don't know where to find it.

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odd, i have another question, here is some info from around the dream ruins, from what i make of it, this woman is talking about how the monkeys are and stuff:

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeほのおタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeくさタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeみずタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeほのおタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

Here you are!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeくさタイプの わざを つかえるから\xfffeみずタイプに あいしょう いいわよ\xf000븁\x0000

i know the order of the text goes like this: grass, water, fire

This is what i translated:

Here you are! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe the lodge most of the work of your type \ xfffe Sure Aishou on the type of grass \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Here you are! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe lodge the deeds of the water type \ xfffe Aishou Sure most of us on the type \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

Here you are! \ Xf000 븁 \ x0000 \ xfffe the work of the lodge grass type \ xfffe Sure Aishou the water type \ xf000 븁 \ x0000

There is one type missing. its the fire one..

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Another quick update this are corrected lines 495-531 of the 0235.txt file.

235 is the white pokedex descriptions and I noticed that the one for black was just used twice...

It produces infinite energy\xfffeenergy inside its body. When it\xfffetouches an ally, it shares\xfffethe energy.

It bathes its tail in sunlight\xfffeand undergoes photosynthesis. \xfffeIf it runs out of energy, its tail\xffedroops.

It slips through the shadows\xffeof overgrown plants to avoid/xffeattacks. It skillfully whips/xffethe enemy to counterattack.

It raises its head high to\xffeintimidate opponents. In only/xffebecomes serious when fighting\xffea strong enemy.

It snorts flames from its\xffenostrils. When it has a cold,/xffethis becomes black smoke\xffeinstead of flames.

A flame burns in its stomach,\xffefueled by the food it eats.\xffeWhen it’s angry, its fire power\xffeincreases.

It has a beard of flames. It\xffepossesses both power and speed\xffeand has learned grappling\xffetechniques.

The shell on its stomach is made\xffefrom the same material as claws.\xffeIt detaches it from its stomach\xffeand uses it as a small sword.

The attacks it performs with the\xffeshells attached to its body differ\xffefrom one Futachimaru to antoher.\xffeIt never fails to maintain its\xffeshells.

A portion of the armor on its\xffeforelegs becomes a large sword.\xffeIt only needs to roar to pacify\xffeits enemies.

They’re very wary and take shifts\xffeto keep a continuous watch over\xffethe area around their nest. If a\xffeguard isn’t present, they get\xffenervous.

The pattern on its body shines and\xffeintimidates its enemies. It has\xffeeyes that can see its surroundings\xffeeven in the dark.

The long hair that covers its face\xffeis an excellent radar. It adeptly\xffesenses what’s happening in its\xffesurroundings.

It’s obedient to its Trainer’s\xffeorders. It’s been an assistant to\xffeTrainers who raise Pokemon since\xffelong ago.

Its specialty is rescuing people\xffewho are in accidents at sea or in\xffethe mountains. A very smart\xffePokemon.

It enchants people with cute\xffebehavior, then uses the opportunity\xffeto steal their belongings. When\xffeangered, it unsheathes its claws\xffeand strikes back.

It sneaks up without any indication.\xffeBefore the opponent notices, it\xffestealthily takes them down from\xffebehind.

It shares the leaves on its head\xffewith exhausted Pokemon. They have\xffethe effect of curing fatigue.

It attacks by slamming the opponent\xffewith its spiked tail. A Pokemon\xffewith a violent temperament.

It lives in volcanic caves. The\xffeinside of its head tassel burns at\xffea temperature of 300 degrees.

A flame burns inside its body, and\xffeit scorches enemies by scattering\xffesparks from its head and tail.

It’s weak in dry environments.\xffeIt moistens the tassel on its heads\xffewith water stored in its tail.

It fires high-pressure water from\xffeits tail with the force to destroy\xffea concrete wall.

It eats the dreams of humans and\xffePokemon. When it eats a fun dream,\xffeit spits out pink smoke.

It makes the dreams it ate\xffematerialize. The smoke that leaks\xffeout of its forehead changes the\xffeform of the things materialized\xffefrom dreams.

A Pokemon that lives in towns.\xffeSince they’re social, they gather\xffein large groups in parks and\xffeplazas.

It’s said that the forests where\xffeHatohboh lives are peaceful\xfferegions free of strife.

The male has adornments on its\xffehead. It never grows attached to\xffeany human other than its trainer.

It appears when thunderclouds\xffecover the sky. It catches thunder\xffeand stores the electricity in\xffeits mane.

It has a violent nature. When\xffeangered, it shoots electricity\xffefrom its mane in all directions,\xffeso be careful.

It was discovered inside a fissure\xffefollowing a great earthquake 100\xffeyears ago. It has an energy core\xffeinside its body.

Energy that seeps out of its body\xffeclumps up and turns into orange\xffecrystals.

The orange crystals that grow from\xffeits body absorb sunlight. The\xffeenergy is amplified inside its\xffebody and expelled through the\xffemouth.

It adheres to cavern walls with\xffesuction from its nostrils and\xffesleeps there. A heart imprint is\xffeleft in the places where it\xffeadhered.

Anyone who bathes in the ultrasonic\xffewaves it emits during courtship\xffeis put into a very happy mood.

It puts its claws together, spins\xffeits body at high speed, and drills\xffethrough the earth at dizzying\xffespeeds.

It makes its labyrinth-like den\xffe100 meters below the surface.\xffeThe dens were exposed by subway\xffetunnels.

I will continue working on the rest of them, but these are at least a start. I hope i got the line breaks right. (If not I can just post the full list without line breaks for someone else to work on)

Here's the rest of them without the line breaks (Lines 532-650)

It has extraordinary hearing. It catches information about its surroundings from faint noises, just like a radar.

It always carries a plank of wood. This Pokemon appears at construction sites to help with building.

It tones its body by shouldering steel beams. It shows its toned muscles off to its friends.

It freely wields the concrete beams that it uses as walking sticks, without tapping all of its strength.

It vibrates its cheeks and emits sound waves that are inaudible to humans. It communicates with the sound waves’ rhythm.

It lives in the water and on land. It catches prey by entangling it in its long, sticky tongue.

It makes the lumps on its fists vibrate to double the power of its punches. It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.

It can throw opponents that are larger than itself. It always makes packs with 5 members.

The destructive power of its punch grows when it puts on its belt and lets out a battle cry. It gets angry if you interrupt its training.

It cuts up leaves and sews them together with sticky thread from its mouth. A Pokemon that makes its own clothes.

It wraps its body in a leaf to ward off the cold. It moves through the forest eating nearby fallen leaves.

It warms its eggs with the heat of fermenting fallen leaves. It makes blankets for Kurumiru out of leaves.

It feels out its surroundings with the antennae on its head and tail. It has an extremely brutal nature.

It usually doesn’t move, but if it’s attacked, it rolls around at high speeds and rams the enemy to fight back.

It thrusts the claws on its head into its opponents’ bodies and poisons them. It has a very aggressive nature.

It goes wherever the wind takes it. Since its body grows heavy in the rain, it waits out the storm under the roots of trees.

It appears riding a whirlwind. It’s a Pokemon that enters houses through cracks and causes mischief.

Since it prefers soil with an abundance of moisture and nutrients, fields where Churine lives produce excellent crops.

The aroma of the flowers on its head has a relaxing effect. If you neglect to trim them, they wither.

Red and blue Basurao don’t get along, but somehow a different colored individual got mixed into the school.

It moves by burrowing through the sand with only its eyes and nose above the surface. A black membrane protects its eyes.

Since the special membrane around its eyeballs perceives body heat, it can see its surroundings even in the dark.

It has eyes that can magnify things that are far away, just like a pair of binoculars.

Since Darumakka’s droppings are hot, ancient people put them in their pockets to warm their bodies.

When it’s weakened in battle, it becomes motionless like a rock. It’s honed its mind and battles with force of will.

It lives in arid lands. When it moves its body rhythmically, it plays a sound similar to maracas.

It makes a hole in any rock that’s handy and nests there. If the rock is destroyed, it won’t rest until it finds a replacement.

It has the stamina to walk across arid land for many days with a heavy rock on its back.

It immediately launches a Headbutt attack at any enemy who locks eyes with it. It has a very hard skull.

The one with the biggest crest is chosen as the group’s leader. Its kicking attacks demolish concrete blocks.

The guardian deity of an ancient city. It attacked invaders with psychic powers.

It was born from the soul of a human buried in an ancient tomb. It still has its memories from long ago.

It pretends to be an elegant casket, then punishes grave robbers. Its body has a solid gold coating.

It swam the oceans roughly 100,000,000 years ago. It also came up on land to capture prey.

The power of its jaws is incomparable. It chomps down on steel beams and rocks and devours them along with its prey.

A Pokemon that was revived from a fossil. It is thought to be the ancestor of all bird Pokemon.

It excels at both running and flying. It catches prey running at speeds that could outpace a car.

When a garbage bag was exposed to industrial waste, a chemical change occurred and it became a Pokemon.

It inhales garbage and makes it part of its body. It sprays venom from the fingertips of its right hand.

It disguises itself as humans and other Pokemon. By hiding its body, it protects itself from danger.

It has the power to bewitch many people at once. It protects its habitat by displaying illusory scenery.

A Pokemon obsessed with cleanliness. It uses its tail as a broom to sweep the dust from its habitat.

Its white fur feels luxurious. It never attracts dust or static.

It patiently observes Pokemon and Trainers. It appears to be looking at something that only Gotheem can see.

Starlight is the source of its power. At night, it levitates rocks with psychic power and maps the position of the stars.

It has the ability to predict future events based on the movement of the stars. It can also see its Trainer’s lifespan.

Its body is enveloped in a special liquid, which enables it to live in any environment.

Its brain is split into two sections. It displays its full power when both brains are thinking the same thing.

It fights by manipulating arms that have a grip that can crush a boulder. A Pokemon with a high IQ.

When it’s attacked by an enemy, it emits mist from its plumage. It uses the mist as a diversion and escapes.

The attacks it performs with its beak are strong. It draws its long neck back and unleashes a volley of strikes.

Icicles that were bathed in the energy of the morning sun became a Pokemon. It covers itself in snow when it sleeps.

It uses numerous small shard of ice to hide its body from enemy eyes.

When both heads are simultaneously angered, it blasts out a blizzard. It buries everything around it in heavy snow.

When the seasons turn, its scent and fur change. This Pokemon is used as a barometer of the seasons.

The flowering plant that grows from its horns changes with the seasons. The one with the most splendid horns leads the herd.

It lives on treetops in forests. It discharges electricity from its cloak-like membrane as it glides.

When it senses danger it shoots acidic liquid from its mouth to repel the enemy. It pursues Chobomaki.

A Pokemon that evolved by wearing Chobomaki’s shell. Steel armor protects its entire body.

A Pokemon that resembles a Pokeball for some reason. It spews poisonous spores to repel enemies that try to catch it.

It uses its Pokeball mushrooms as a lure for prey, but few Pokemon are deceived.

It paralyzes its prey with poison, then drags it to its den in the ocean’s depths, 8000 meters below the surface.

It expels water that it absorbs into its body with great force to propel itself. Life energy is its favorite food.

It drifts about in the ocean. If it spots a wounded Pokemon, it gathers it in its arms and carries it to shore.

It clings to larger Pokemon, absorbs their static electricity, and stores it in its electric sacs.

It builds traps from threads charged with electricity. It slowly devours the electrically stunned prey.

It thrusts its spikes into cave walls and affixes itself. It absorbs minerals from the rocks.

It attaches itself to cave ceilings. When prey passes beneath, it assaults them with a barrage of iron spikes.

The rotation of the two engaged bodies is what produces its life energy.

It launches an attack by spinning the small gear at high speeds, then shooting it. There’s a risk that the small gear won’t be retrievable.

It rapidly spins the red gear at its core to quickly charge energy.

A Pokemon that lives in a group. It has organs that produce electricity, which it discharges in a pinch.

A Pokemon with a vigorous appetite. Once it spots its prey, it chases it down, stuns it with electricity, and eats it.

It sucks on its prey with its sucker-mouth, and shocks it with the electricity that flows from its teeth.

It suddenly happened, 50 years ago, across the desert. No one has seen this Pokemon since then.

It manipulates its opponents’ brains and overwrites their memories with different ones.

While appearing to shed light and serve as a guidepost, it sucks out creatures’ lifeforce.

It appears before those on their deathbeds, severs the soul from the body, and immediately sucks it up.

If something is wrapped in Chandela’s flame, its soul is sucked out and immolated. Only the cast off body remains.

It marks its territory by scarring trees with its fangs. Even if the fangs break, they immediately grow back.

It has fangs that can smash boulders. The fights of Onondo over territory are extremely violent.

It has sturdy, blade-like fangs that can even cut through an iron frame. It is covered with hard armor.

Mucus is always hanging from its nose. It sucks the mucus back up and launches an attack. The mucus is the source of the attack.

It freezes its breath to make fangs and claws of ice. It lives in the cold lands of the north.

It was born inside a snow cloud. It catches prey with the chains coming out of its ice crystals.

It evolves when it and Kaburumo are bathed in Electric Energy. The reason for this is unknown.

If it removes its heavy shell, it becomes nimble. It fights with the agility of a ninja.

It burries itself in mud on the beach and lies in wait for prey. When it feels prey, it discharges electricity and paralyzes it.

It uses pretty, continuous attacks. If its body and soul are unified, the techniques’ speed and sharpness increases.

It fights by slamming the enemy with the long hair on its arms. It shakes its arms like whips.

It catches the prey running around its narrow den with its sharp claws. The skin on its face is as hard as stone.

It’s thought that this Pokemon was born of the science of a mythical ancient civilization.

It’s said that Goruugu was ordered by the ancient people who used it to protect humans and Pokemon alike.

It fights at Kirikizan’s command. It clings to its prey and ebbs away at it with its blades.

It hunts prey as a swarm, accompanied by large numbers of Komatana. Kirikizan lands the finishing blow.

It charges indiscriminately and lands headbutts. It has the destructive power to derail a train.

It indiscriminately challenges even strong opponents to battle. It battles repeatedly to become strong.

A fearless warrior of the sky. It’s said that the more wounds it has on its body, the more respect it gets from its comrades.

If it finds a handy skeleton, it has the habit of using it to protect its bottom. It chases after weak Pokemon.

It surveys the ground from the sky, then swoops down on weak prey. It has the habit of wearing bones.

It melts Iront’s steel body with its fiery tongue, which burns at high temperatures, and eats what’s inside.

It burrows into mountains to make its nests. The complex tunnels are an Iront made labrynth.

Since it can’t see, it finds its way by tackling and biting its surroundings. It’s always covered in fresh bruises.

Since the 2 heads fight so viciously over food, it always eats more than it has to.

The heads on its arms lack brains. It destroys and devours everything with its 3 heads.

It lives at the bottom of a volcano. It spews flames from its 5 horns to repel anyone who comes to attack it.

In battle it scatters smoldering scales from its 6 wings, turning the area around it into a sea of flames.

It has a body and heart of steel. All it has to do is look, and even brutal Pokemon defer to it.

It has the charging power to penetrate thick castle walls in a single shot. A Pokemon that’s mentioned in legends.

The horn on its head is a sharp sword. It tosses its enemy with whirlwind like movements, then cuts it apart.

The energy that flows from Torunerosu’s tail awakens huge storms. It has the power to blow away a house.

It launches electric attacks from the spike on its tail. It flies around in the skies of the Isshu Region dropping thunderbolts.

When Reshiram’s tail burns, the atmosphere is affected by the thermal energy and the Earth’s weather changes.

A Pokemon that appears in myths. Inside of its tail is an enormous generator that produces electricity.

The energy that flows from its tail nourishes the soil, causing the crops to grow larger.

It has the power to create sub-zero weather conditions, but it freezes its own body as well.

It races around the globe, running on the surface of oceans and rivers. It appears by beautiful waterfronts.

The melodies Meloetta plays provided the inspiration for many famous works of music.

An ancient Bug Pokemon that was altered by Team Plasma. The canons on its back were made more powerful.

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Does anyone know what ttd.exe? They said to fix my error=-4 on my DSTT I need to do something with ttd.exe but I can't find this program/file ANYWHERE. Can someone please help?

You'll have to search on GBATemp.net for TTDT.exe. Its a seperate download, and its used to edit the savinfo.dat, extinfo.dat and the others like those. If you want, I can try and upload the modified files of those somewhere for you so you should in theory be able to play any of the versions regardless of if its patched or not.

http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=255899&st=0&start=0 TTDT is the first quoted link.

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You'll have to search on GBATemp.net for TTDT.exe. Its a seperate download, and its used to edit the savinfo.dat, extinfo.dat and the others like those. If you want, I can try and upload the modified files of those somewhere for you so you should in theory be able to play any of the versions regardless of if its patched or not.

http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=255899&st=0&start=0 TTDT is the first quoted link.

Please upload those :D I've been struggling with them.

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I think it would be cool if you could possibly try to translate the story systematically from beginning to ending, and upload many patches. (just the thing you are doing right this time, right? :tongue: )

In my mind the story is the most important thing to translate, pokemon descriptions are irrelevant. :rolleyes:

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Why are so many people posting requests?

"Could someone please Google translate it so I could go through the story?"

"I think it'd be a good idea if you guys translated the story :)"

Um, excuse me. This is clearly a combined community effort and you're trying to make specific requests? As if, everyone isn't either trying or knows that story is just as important as everything else. No, how about we just drop everything or go out of our way to Google translate the entire story just for you so you can have a convenient time.

Really. If you're not contributing, listing bugs or asking for technical support then you're just being selfish and have no real reason to post.

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Also, Google Translate really bites. Take any line from this game, and run it through, and you will have a sentence made up of 100% random words :P

I want the story done just as much as everyone, but it takes time, so just be patient, and we will have it translated in no time :)

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