About This File
Pokémon XD is a fine game, but it would be better with dancing Pokémon. Introducing the first XD hack with custom music: Pokémon XD: Groovy Version, a hack where you can feel like Miror B. (more or less). Every usable Pokémon has animations that resemble dancing, or fits Miror B. in some way or another.
-Custom music (mostly in combat).
-Changes done to some Pokémon.
-Every trainer is changed in some way, specially bosses.
-Only the grooviest Pokémon are obtainable.
-Make a full party of Ludicolos.
-Some text is adapted to the changes.
-Custom title screen and banner.
- *.xdelta file and the software needed to path your iso.
Known bugs:
-The music loops aren't perfect.
-Eldes has his Shadow Pokémon duplicated.
-Duking doesn't take your Trapinch for the trade.
-The Shadow Monitor has mutiple empty Torchic entries.
-Zook's battle doesn't have the intended music.
Custom Music list:
- Pokémon Colosseum: Miror. B's Theme
- Pokémon Colosseum: Mirakle B's Theme
- Yakuza 0: Friday Night
- Yakuza 0: Koi no Disco Queen
- Yakuza 0: 24h Cinderella
- Michael Jackson: Bad
- Michael Jackson: Smooth Criminal
- Bee Gees: You Should Be Dancing
- Yakitate Japan: Ending 2
- Mario & Luigi SuperStar Saga: Come On!
- Punch Out!!!: Disco Kid's Theme
- Street Fighter IV: Dudley's Theme
- Mother 3: Mambo (Arragement by The Noble Demon)
- Mass Effect 2: Afterlife
- The Simpsons: Señor Burns
List of changes to the Pokémon
In order of appareance:
- Lombre: Learns Teeter Dance, Petal Dance and Swords Dance with level.
- Ludicolo: +10 Attack. Learns Teeter Dance, Petal Dance and Swords Dance with level.
- Eevee: Doesn't evolve: New stats: 80/95/65/85/75/100. New ability: Guts. Learns Water Pulse, Shock Wave and Overheat with level.
- Bellsprout: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 90/100/55/100/75/40. New ability: Limber. Learns Petal Dance, Weatherball and Swords Dance with level.
- Delibird: New stats: 75/75/65/90/75/105. Learns moves with level.
- Beautifly: New stats: 70/90/50/90/60/85
- Combusken: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 70/105/80/95/60/105
- Volbeat: New stats: 75/83/65/87/75/90
- Kirlia: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 83/50/80/105/90/95. New ability: Own Tempo. Learns Petal Dance with level.
- Spinda: New stats: 77/77/77/77/77/77
- Golbat: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 100/85/90/65/80/90. New ability: Soundproof.
- Totodile: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 70/80/75/110/75/115
- Baltoy: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 60/80/80/80/90/80
- Nosepass: New stats: 90/60/135/60/90/30
- Lickytung: New stats: 110/75/75/60/75/30
- Furret: New stats: 85/86/70/45/70/105. New ability: Limber
- Grovyle: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 70/90/60/100/75/125
- Meowth: Doesn't evolve. New stats: 65/70/65/60/60/120. New ability: Hustle.
Check out my other hacks:
Edited by JagGentlemann