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  • Importing Wondercards

    PKHeX can be used to import wondercards from our event gallery using these steps. Please note that the below screenshots show what it looks like for Gen 5 saves, but the same procedure works for Gen 4, 6 and 7 saves. If you are using a Gen 4 save, please note the difference between PCD and PGF files: PCD files contain the entire wonder card, while PGF files only contain the gift.

    1. Start PKHeX and load your save file as described in a previous section.
    2. Click the Mystery Gift button.
    3. Click the Import button and browse to a wonder card.
    4. Right-click an empty slot and choose "Set". If you do not have any empty slots, you will have to overwrite an existing one. If this is the case and you wish to save it first, right-click the existing slot and click View, then click Export. If you are using a Gen 4 save, you must choose a slot that corresponds to the file you opened (PGT vs PCD).  PKHeX will let you know if you choose the wrong one.
    5. Click Save
    6. Save your file
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    Ok, maybe I need a little help. Pokemon Diamond, trying to add the Manaphy Egg using the pgt file shared in this site.
    In the picture, here's what I get. Nothing on the Received List. Am I doing this correctly? And after all this, should I use the Mystery Gift option when I open the game in some sort of way?

    Thanks for the help!


    Edited by Micheaz
    I don't have that doubt anymore.

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      On 3/22/2020 at 3:09 AM, Micheaz said:

    Ok, maybe I need a little help. Pokemon Diamond, trying to add the Manaphy Egg using the pgt file shared in this site.
    In the picture, here's what I get. Nothing on the Received List. Am I doing this correctly? And after all this, should I use the Mystery Gift option when I open the game in some sort of way?

    Thanks for the help!



    hi, im trying to get the mistery gifts, but the delivery guy that has to give them to me doesnt appear, how did you solve this? Thanks in advance!

    Edited by galan97

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      On 4/20/2020 at 10:21 AM, galan97 said:

    hi, im trying to get the mistery gifts, but the delivery guy that has to give them to me doesnt appear, how did you solve this? Thanks in advance!


    How is your post relevant to what you're quoting?

    Also you must be doing something wrong. The guy appeared just fine for me. (Also I literally just imported a PGT to test)

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      On 4/20/2020 at 10:37 AM, theSLAYER said:

    How is your post relevant to what you're quoting?

    Also you must be doing something wrong. The guy appeared just fine for me. (Also I literally just imported a PGT to test)


    It was the first one that I found that seemed to ask about my problem, it's the first time I'm using PkHex, and yes, the delivery guy appeared at last for me, but I have other 3 mystery gifts that appear as obtained in the wonder card, but I dont have them, neither the delivery guy nor in the bag, the items are the Mystery Key, the darkrai one (members pass, I think?) and the Oak Letter, I read that I should use the Mystery gift editor 1.4.2 version, but it's not available, only the 1.4.3 (which seems to have problems with GenIV games), so now I have that issue. Thanks for replyng!

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      On 4/20/2020 at 6:02 PM, galan97 said:

    It was the first one that I found that seemed to ask about my problem


    That OP was talking about nothing on the received lists and that isn't your problem in your post.
    Your problem is the delivery man doesn't show up in game. Hence, it was unrelated. There was no need to quote that post.

    When that fella mentioned received list, it was referring tho this portion of the UI in PKHeX,
    not whatever you're going through.

      On 4/20/2020 at 6:02 PM, galan97 said:

    and yes, the delivery guy appeared at last for me, but I have other 3 mystery gifts that appear as obtained in the wonder card, but I dont have them, neither the delivery guy nor in the bag


    do you mind showing how your PKHeX setup looks? Based on what you're saying, I am assuming you loaded a PCD and not a PGT.

    (Jirachi Gift and Oak's Letter below)

    Images that I received both inside.

      Reveal hidden contents

    If you inject PGT's into PKHeX (and I'm using the latest version as of writing), it works.
    I literally received them. I think there's no need for my to test if I can receive every card, that is simply asinine.

    For starters, show me your PKHeX Mystery Gift UI in your save.

      On 4/20/2020 at 6:02 PM, galan97 said:

    I read that I should use the Mystery gift editor 1.4.2 version, but it's not available, only the 1.4.3


    Unless you're editing cards (which at that point you aren't using unmodified cards from us anymore, so you're fully responsible if you muck it up 😜 ), there isn't any real need to use those, since PKHeX injects them just fine, as I've demonstrated.

    If you are indeed editing the cards, you could always just export the PGT, then import the PGT into PKHeX, if you don't think PMGE loads the cards right.

    Also, we have PMGE here, that page has multiple versions uploaded.
    Just use a lower version if 1.4.2 isn't there..

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    How long does this take... im on gen 7 with ok-ish internet. how do i collect the gift?

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      On 1/12/2021 at 1:18 PM, Leo1Psyche said:

    Guys, how to download the wondercard, 


    For Gen 3 - Gen 7 (excluding LGPE):
    Did you even read the tutorial?

    For Gen 1, Gen 2, LGPE, Gen 8:
    Wonder cards cannot be redeemed in-game. (If Pokémon gift) just drag the wonder card into the PC slot.

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      On 1/12/2021 at 1:27 PM, theSLAYER said:

    For Gen 3 - Gen 7 (excluding LGPE):
    Did you even read the tutorial?

    For Gen 1, Gen 2, LGPE, Gen 8:
    Wonder cards cannot be redeemed in-game. (If Pokémon gift) just drag the wonder card into the PC slot.


    Can you give video tutorial

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      On 1/12/2021 at 1:30 PM, theSLAYER said:

    No. Please read. Thanks. Nothing else to be added.


    Can you highlight which part points out the download of wonder card to pc in .wc7 format


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      On 1/12/2021 at 1:33 PM, Leo1Psyche said:

    Can you highlight which part points out the download of wonder card to pc in .wc7 format



    While the tutorial is not direct representation (this is a gen 4 example),
    It works the same way.
    Open the Mystery Gift option (step 2 above),
    load/drag the wc7 into the window (step 3 and step 4 above),
    saving the "import" into your wonder card album (step 5 above),
    save the save (step 6 above).

    Go on, try it for yourself.

    As for the "download" part of your question:

    Link. For downloading. It's at the very first line.

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    For Gen8 clothing (like the tracksuit, bag etc), do I just pull the wc8 into pkhex PC box?   It doesn't have any message showing it has been imported to the save tho, and idk how to check the clothing so imported in pkhex.   A more important thing is, should I be conerned about the receiving date of such mystery gift shown in game?  Is there a workaround to make it look legit so that it's received in the past where the event was being held??


    Thank you.

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      On 6/18/2021 at 10:04 AM, stebrick said:

    For Gen8 clothing (like the tracksuit, bag etc), do I just pull the wc8 into pkhex PC box?  


    no. Saves no longer store wonder cards.
    The wonder cards are there for archival purpose (and maybe future distribution apps)

    For items, just place them in bag.
    For fashions, load the fashion block.

      On 6/18/2021 at 10:04 AM, stebrick said:

    A more important thing is, should I be conerned about the receiving date of such mystery gift shown in game?  Is there a workaround to make it look legit so that it's received in the past where the event was being held


    date doesn't matter. It follows the date you set on your Switch.

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      On 6/18/2021 at 10:07 AM, theSLAYER said:

    no. Saves no longer store wonder cards.
    The wonder cards are there for archival purpose (and maybe future distribution apps)

    For items, just place them in bag.
    For fashions, load the fashion block.

    date doesn't matter. It follows the date you set on your Switch.


    That fashion block looks so awesome man.  You collected every event clothings items and put them together in a single file.  That's really nice of you and I really appreciate it! (actually I appreciate everything you've devoted to this forum, and cant imagine what'll happen if you aren't here :( )!  

    Some questions tho, does importing that fashion block also add entries in mystery gifts menu? Or do they just appear in the clothing store/changing room?  Regarding the date, so I just need to change the date of my switch system after the save editing in pkhex?

    For items, "just place them in bag":  I guess you mean just edit the items in the inventory editor in PKhex?  But then it wont have any entries in mystery gifts menu to make it look like it's legal?


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      On 6/18/2021 at 12:12 PM, stebrick said:

    does importing that fashion block also add entries in mystery gifts menu? Or do they just appear in the clothing store/changing room? 


    they just appear in the store, as obtained.

      On 6/18/2021 at 12:12 PM, stebrick said:

    Regarding the date, so I just need to change the date of my switch system after the save editing in pkhex?


    Doesn't matter. Just know that date manipulation on the Switch will probably cause a 24h lockout, where date/time events in-game won't occur.

      On 6/18/2021 at 12:12 PM, stebrick said:

    For items, "just place them in bag":  I guess you mean just edit the items in the inventory editor in PKhex?  But then it wont have any entries in mystery gifts menu to make it look like it's legal?


    Stuff won't magically appear in the Mystery Gift menu (to be precise, it's referred as the Mystery Gift Album).

    The Mystery Gift Album stores the Wonder Card Records, where it shows records of what was obtained.
    The Wonder Card Records has a storage limit, but I can't recall what that limit is.

    While it's possible to convert the Wonder Cards to Wonder Card records, there is no tool for that presently.

    If you're bothered by the appropriate Wonder Card Records not existing in your save, then don't import all the miscellaneous stuff. That said, it probably shouldn't matter for single person play.
    (Who cares what is legal or not, if it's single person play. It sounds like one would care for it, if they're trying to show off and lie to their fans/friends. Why be a liar tho 😜 )

    Any other questions, you should start you own thread in the appropriate sub-forum. :3

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      On 6/18/2021 at 12:20 PM, theSLAYER said:

    The Wonder Card Records has a storage limit, but I can't recall what that limit is.


    Gen 7 has 48 max.  But I couldn't find any info about Gen8...

      On 6/18/2021 at 12:20 PM, theSLAYER said:

    While it's possible to convert the Wonder Cards to Wonder Card records, there is no tool for that presently.

    (Who cares what is legal or not, if it's single person play. It sounds like one would care for it, if they're trying to show off and lie to their fans/friends. Why be a liar tho 😜 )


    No, I just wanted to make things as vanillia as possible.  Showing off and lying to friends are never my intention and I'm too old for that.  I mean, even if you dont say anything.... your friend, out of curiosity, takes your console and looks into your empty mystery gift album...  I know it's not an important function but it should have already be implemented.   Wonder cards records in the past few generations are nearly perfect until gen8 , which shouldn't be an exception.

    Edited by stebrick

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    does gen8 records the received card number?
    otherwise may receive duplicates

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      On 12/13/2021 at 12:47 PM, futuu said:

    does gen8 records the received card number?
    otherwise may receive duplicates


    They have a separate list that records them.

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    can the list be edited with pkhex?
    i want to make it look regular😅

    Edited by futuu

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      On 12/14/2021 at 10:16 AM, futuu said:

    can the list be edited with pkhex?
    i want to make it look regular😅


    I don't think so. And it's not a visible list anyway.

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    Hi! Pk SS here

    I've downloaded a few WonderCards, but I can't figure out PGT and PCD.

    PGTs work, I get them from the mailer in the market.
    If I import the PCD (which are in the zipper together with the PGT) nothing happens, the letter carrier doesn't appear.

    Searching on other threads I see that PGTs are only the "skeleton" of WonderCards, but then what are they for?


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      On 1/14/2022 at 12:15 AM, matti157 said:

    Hi! Pk SS here

    I've downloaded a few WonderCards, but I can't figure out PGT and PCD.

    PGTs work, I get them from the mailer in the market.
    If I import the PCD (which are in the zipper together with the PGT) nothing happens, the letter carrier doesn't appear.

    Searching on other threads I see that PGTs are only the "skeleton" of WonderCards, but then what are they for?



    The .PCD is the wondercard including the gift

    The .PGT is the gift without the wondercard.

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    Hello, I made a account on here just to ask a few questions and maybe some answers. I have imported both .pgt and the .pcd so I can view the wondercards, but whenever I load the save file up in PKHeX they either aren't there or show a bright red box. The red box happened to me when getting the 2008 VGC Lucario and the Pokémon that just are not appearing are the surfing Pikachu from Pokétopia, and both Pokétopia Electivire and Magmortar.

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