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Q1:I want to transfer to POKEMON HOME or new games,will be legal? Q2: If i do that,what will happen? Q3:What is the EC?
- pokemon legality
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Beyond the Deoxys, Meloeta, Dancie, requests above Im trying to get magearna. Im not 100% that I will be able to even obtain them to tranfer to Pokemon HOME I am hoping it is because they did appear on Pokémon GO so possibly an option. I have approx 25 more pokemon that aren't drastically rare that I need to also collect to complete my HOME national living dex, the ones Listed above are the rarer and challenging to acquire. Im only beginning to learn to operate PKHeX, and would prefer not to make mistakes, especially when attempting to acquire all 4 forms of deoxys and if any I listed can be shiny and not shiny locked by the game that would be preferred as well. I know using Smogen for proper builds that are compatible, as a guide for avoiding red flags is part of the process, but beyond that Im still making sure to read all the info for using PKHeX still. Any help would be appreciated, I didnt see any info on the discord bot system that would allow for requesting them using the simple bot trade method when trading to HOME? Thanks everyone Reaper
- newbie
- mythical pokemon
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So I've been playing through ROMs of Gens 3-5 to bring over to Pokemon Bank and then Home since my copies are somewhere at my mother's house, and I have gotten back into working on my living dex. What I've done is start a game, save three identical copies, choose one starter in each, and then drag them so their in the same save file, effectively having three starters with my Trainer ID all being gotten from the same location. Out of curiosity, is this going to cause any problems with Pokemon Bank and Home? Don't know how particular they are and so thought I would ask.
- 2 replies
- Pokemon Home
- starter pokemon
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Can Pokémon transferred from Go to Home obtain hidden ability? Thank you
I was unsure if this was the right place to post this question so I'm sorry in advance if this is not the right place. I see people on Ebay and various people online who are selling shiny locked legendary such as Zacian, Zamazenta, and Eternatus etc along with full dex but transferring them via a move as if they were coming from pokemon bank. How does this work and how are they doing it? I been trying to figure out how to transfer generations 1 though 8 to home all at once and can't seem to figure out how this is possible. Any help?
- 7 replies
- Pokemon Home
- shiny locks
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Hello all! Any help is appreciated! I have a cfw switch and im already familiar with the process to customize my save file and upload it back to the game (thru checkpioint/pkhex). Thats not the problem. I have three questions! 1) Im wondering, is there a way I can get my pokemon from my cfw switch save file onto pokemon home without a second Switch? 2) is there a way i can edit my ofw pokemon file (i have a purchased copy of sword) thru the cfw checkpoint and when i restore the file itll successfully change my ofw pokemon save file? again, not needing another switch. and 3) is there another way to do this that im not thinking of? or do i really just need another switch? lol. again, any help is appreciated! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
Version 1.0.0
These are a few pokemon I've cooked up to load onto Ultra Sun, then transfer to Pokemon Home. It's a strange assemblage I'll admit. In any case, I thought somebody might find them interesting. I've thrown as many ribbons as I could on them, since that actually does something on Sw/Sh. You're welcome, and SOLIDARITY FOREVER-
- Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon
- pk7
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Hi good afternoon I was wondering if anyone had sword or shield save data that has pokemon from national dex so I can transfer to home
Version 1.0.0
First of all the Base save file belongs to @Gridelin . The 35 Pokemon are in Box 23-25 . Rest of the other boxes are done by Gridelin . 89 Pokemon in total So if you're looking for transferred Pokemon , feel free to use this file . Both Shiny an Non Shiny versions are Available so do what you want and just adjust the Pokemon to your need. Like Changing IVs , Natures and Language Hope this helps to anyone who don't own Home Enjoy