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Everything posted by Vliegtuig

  1. I have Black and White, do I need two accounts to get an evolution on both games? (2 games, 2 accounts)
  2. Unfortuantly, I can confirm this, I used a DSi and it failed, I used a DS Old/Thick/Fat (or what ever =P) and it worked..... (Sorry DSi (XL) users.)
  3. Amazing! Now it is working! First try with 0.2.3 didn't work, it said: And I tried again! And waaahhhmm, I started at 0% and it went all up to 100% perfectly! Except it's not working on my DSi, but it is working on my old DS! So great job! (Specs: Old DS, the fat one. AceKard 2i (patched, it looks like Danny Phantom on my DSi) this software, version 0.2.3 smallftpd. Thanks you 1000000 times! As I'm very happy now!! As the sav is running perfectly on my emulator! (As a test)
  4. I've got a error, it says error: wrote 512, wrote 327 and it's very annoying (WiFi btw) (Off topic,. but does anyone know how to format my EZ flash 3 in 1 GBA card... it doesn't work anymore....)
  5. Amazing thanks!! I used the version 0.2, not the 0.2.2, because I had the same problem as NENINEF (I have a AceKard 2i with AKAIO). But version 0.2 worked amazingly! But since HG/SS is a infrared card, and BW too (correct me if I'm wong but will this tool also work for BW?
  6. Not quite sure if you guys still need this, but: Here is the Dutch Celebi, I got it in the Saturn in Groningen. BTW; this is the save file, becuase I dont know how to extract it correct. Dutch - Groningen Saturn - Pokemon Diamond Celebi 26-2-2011.zip
  7. It's a great idea! I have already done it (haven't made it public), but I'm missing the 5th Gen find/catch Locations, all the other info can be found at Veekun.com. Good luck!
  8. Thanks! But Veekun doesn't have the catch locations... is you know where I can get those, I would owe you forever! Anyway, thanks in advance!
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello Alpha,</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I was wondering if the Black and White Pokédex data is open source/public, and I don't know how to extract it from the game, and I really do want it (the B/W data). I hope you can help me.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Kind regards,</p></p></p></p></p>


  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello Alpha,</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I was wondering if the Black and White Pokédex data is open source/public, and I don't know how to extract it from the game, and I really do want it (the B/W data). I hope you can help me.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Kind regards,</p></p></p></p></p>


  11. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello Alpha,</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>I was wondering if the Black and White Pokédex data is open source/public, and I don't know how to extract it from the game, and I really do want it (the B/W data). I hope you can help me.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Kind regards,</p></p></p></p></p>


  12. Hello, First of all, I hope I post this at the right part of the forum. Well, I was wondering if someone has extracted all the data from Black and White and wants to share it. I'm looking for the Trainer, Pokédex (catch locations etc.). Thanks in advance, Vliegtuig
  13. Yeah, and now I was thinking, to make sure it CAN't delete it, make sure the Day-Care man has an egg for you, so that YOU nor anyone else can't take the Pokémon out of daycare... But..I'll try it out in about an hour! I'll you guys know!
  14. Would the game release it also if you put the pokémon in day care?? Maybe it's an option.
  15. Words can't describe how happy I am! I've already RNGd them!! Thank you so much!
  16. As far as I know it ain't possible, well there aren't any guides (e.g.) about RNG'ing for PokéRus
  17. I have Circo's Pokémon Maker, if you're interested, PM me!
  18. Really awesome, this something I desperate need! Can't wait for the release (don't know what to do with the current attachment)
  19. Hmm...well my problem is that I don't know how to open them as bytes...
  20. Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me, I want to make a small program, where I can open a PokéSav .pkm file and then display the information in VB.net or C#, but I don't know how to start. Regards Vliegtuig.
  21. Found it, but couldn't get DNSServer started, a redirect error, ahh I'll just wait :biggrin: And thanks for the work so far :bidoof:
  22. It seems to work, as I just got a Movie Shaymin, would be able to PM or post here how to set it up?
  23. Thanks Kazo, could you give me a link as it sounds interesting, but I have never heard about that method, does it has to do something with GTS?
  24. Hello, I have a small problem. I want to get more Griseous Orbs to get Giratina-Orign, but since you can't trade it you're limited to 1, but how can I get more then 1 without touching my Retail card with an AR or something like that. The only way I'm thinking of is creating a "share-able" Wondercard on my flashcard and then send it to my retail card. But I was wondering are there any other options? Regards Vlieg
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