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About TwilightKai

  • Birthday 04/17/1994
  1. Try deleting your injectiondebug.bin and generate a new one by injecting a Pokemon into your game.
  2. It's fine.. I tried using HyperGTS but it always said that the DNS address was
  3. Those three options show up on the game when I enter the GTS, the standard options. I'm using IR-GTS
  4. Alright well here's my steps for all those planning to read this. 1. Boot up IR-GTS and input the DNS server that it gives me into my DS (DNS and IP are the same address) 2. Save my settings and restart my DS, going to the GTS and standing there. 3. Link to the .pkm file I'm trying to send and hit enter. Program tells me that the file is now encoded and I'm free to enter the GTS 4. Go through all the dialog on the game, save, and enter GTS. Game tells me it's connecting to the GTS and it shows the cutscene of your character stepping to the computer. 5. Dialog box pops up asking me if I want to Deposit, Seek, or exit. SOooooo anyone know what's going on?
  5. Alright.. then why won't it connect me to the private GTS?
  6. Alright, so I followed the Readme and chose to send a Pokemon to my game, I adjusted the DNS setting to what the program told me to (I'm doing this for Pokemon Pearl) and after it told me to connect to the GTS I did so. It allowed me to connect to the GTS perfectly but there is one problem, it's the normal GTS, I don't have a Pokemon to pick up or anything. Any idea what is going on here or how I can fix this? Edit 1: The DNS address it is giving me is my own IP address.. I doubt this should be happening.
  7. Even though I'm a Nintendo fanboy I'd have to go with Microsoft. I'm hoping they do a lot with their motion/voice sensor. That was a big plus for me. I'd never choose Sony due to the fact I'm not a fan of many of their games. Nintendo doesn't have much coming out: Super Mario Galaxy, IMO, was a flop, I prefer the classic mario games. And they're just milking Metroid now, I mean, Corruption was supposed to be the final game but nooo, they had to make another
  8. Eh might as well give you a face to the name.. (quick mirror shot ) Scary right?
  9. Well I'm editing sprites in my Pokemon game and people keep requesting I put new ones in. I'm not very good with spriting so I need some help. I need a Red Koopa sprited. I'd like it to look like a Pokemon seen from behind when it's sent out. Like this, but instead of Bidoof I'd like a red koopa. I'd really appreciate this being done soon. Thank you
  10. Ok so this is what I want to do. I want to change the opening credits of Pearl so when it shows the credits like © 2007 Pokemon and all that at the beginning to something that I want. Where can I find that when I open the ROM up in HxD?
  11. I was TwilightKai at the old forums. I was partially active, it depended on if I was into Pokemon at the time or not. i posted a hacking Pokemon D/P sprites guide there.
  12. Haha believe me I won't. I found out today that it's due tomorrow so I'll be up all night working >_<
  13. Thanks Damio, now to stay up all night working on this dang thing! GRR! lol
  14. I agree with you Sabresite, it really shouldn't be taught in college. There's a lot better programming languages that could be taught.
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