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About YuzuruHitokiri

  • Birthday 11/20/1993

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  1. ^ Informative... *chuckle* I've played a decent amount of Tekken 6 and like it... I still prefer Soul Calibur to Tekken, but Tekken isn't that bad, it's just awkward to hold backwards for guard in a 8-way run fighter... As for my characters, I especially like Brian, Kuma, Raven, Dragunov, Jack-6, Wang, and Yoshimitsu (even though I prefer Soul Calibur's Yoshimitsu...)...
  2. Yep, I can vouch for that... As long as you update your flash cart BEFORE you update your 3DS firmware, you should be fine... ...but err on the side of caution anyways, the internet can tell you whether or not it will work...
  3. I have an Acekard 2i, and I can vouch that it works on the 3DS... It doesn't run in 3DS mode though, all they've managed is DSi mode at this point...but that's good enough for your save issues at the moment, especially since Black 2 and White 2 are DS-exclusive, so they'll work with DSi-mode flashcarts... ...but don't worry about it not being hacked, it hasn't even been out for a year yet...that, and there hasn't been many good games yet...
  4. I don't particularly like any particular genre, it's more about individual songs to me. If I had to generalize my tastes, I'd have to say instrumentals, especially those of a full orchestral nature. Video game soundtracks seem to be progressing towards this style more and more in the past 7 or so years. I've played the Viola for over 10 years now, and I guess that's had an impact on what I like now that I can place myself in the instrumentalists' shoes. Some sample OSTs that I like are: Soul Calibur V Limited Edition Soundtrack, particularly the tracks "Till Fate Write's My Epitaph" [siegfried's theme], "Faster Than A Howling Wind" [Natsu's theme] (for the exciting pace, the interesting use of European instruments along with traditional Japanese instruments), "Let My Soul Burn" [Maxi's theme] (for the powerful drum line and the sections where brass, flute, and some percussion instrument share the melody), "Blood Thirst Concerto" [Raphael's theme] (because it actually is a concerto, yet, unlike most of the concertos I've played, it uses a large amount of brass, and it portrays Raphael really well), "Samsara: The Wheel of Eternity" [Kilik's theme], and "Venice Rooftops" (SCV mix) [Ezio's theme] (for, compared to the original, a more lively drumline was added, the intro was shortened to quicken the pace, and the vocals still grab me, even after listening to it for hours on end in five separate games). Katamari Fortissimo Damacy, because Katamari music is infectious Katamari Damacy Tribute Original Soundtrack ~Katamari Takeshi~, one peep and it's stuck in your head all day... Metal Gear Sold 3 Snake Eater Official Soundtrack, particularly ""METAL GEAR SOLID" Main Theme (METAL GEAR SOLID 3 Version)" (I absolutely love Harry Gregson-Williams' works, the way he masterfully blends natural and synthetic tones, it's drugs to my ears), "Clash with Evil Personified" (for the slight insanity that it makes apparent and the digeridoo-like pipe instrument or synth, I can't quite tell what it is), and the three Shagohod fight themes, "Sidecar - Escape from the Fortress -", "Sidecar - On the Rail Bridge", and "Takin' On The Shogohod" (the two sidecar themes for their flighty string instruments, and the Shagohod piece for its mix of different guitars the music just increases in intensity and pitch and then returns to the lower range it starts in). Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare Official Soundtrack, overall for the interesting use of prominent electric bass for many of its melodies, the interesting idea of a horror western, and particularly "Get Back in That Hole, Partner" (for its excellent example of the prominent bass, and, nostalgically, the images of the first zombie fight I ever had in Undead Nightmare, which is my favorite expansion in any game, ever). The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra CD, for the interesting rearrangements of classic Zelda tunes, finally giving them the full orchestral treatment they so richly deserved. Interesting tidbit for anyone interested: - My Orchestra teacher realized something along with us as a class the other day; classic rock / rock and roll / early metal sounds very similar in design to music from the 1500's to the 1700's, especially that of Madrigals. Maybe it's because a lot of the musicians who did classic rock / rock and roll / early metal were classically trained.
  5. Finally got better internet about two years ago... The connection usually fluctuates (due to the crappy ISP), but it averages around 3Mb/s down and 1Mb/s up... ...oh, but when I'm at work (which is also my school), I get EXTREMELY jealous... We have 50+Mb/s download and 55+Mb/s upload!.. EDIT: I took this today, while working, at peak usage here... THIS IS WHY I'M JEALOUS!!!
  6. Wow, now where ever have I heard that before: Oh god! He's going to believe in evolution! The horror!! -------------------- *cough* *Looks up and sees my last post...* *cough* *Awaits proof that I'm actually the one who's wrong...* *Thinks that that 'proof' is on its way, as I have argued against his faith...* -------------------- -------------------- I thought it was on topic--you related your post to how you see people reacting to other religions quite frequently... It was, as I believe, spurred on by what you read above...
  7. Yep... Have you watched DBZ Abridged?.. I like it even more than Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged...
  8. 1. Maybe it would've helped had you kept some of your post to yourself then... If you felt a flame war coming, please try to avoid it, rather than leave your gasoline cans lying in the area... 2. That's a purely Christian point of view. Someone who practices Hinduism would feel that the Bible was written by mortal men. 3. There has also been major changes to it in that time and a splintering of the religion into parts like Catholism, Protestantism, Angelicism, and other types of Christianity. Each of those have their own version of the Bible. Do you expect me to believe that ALL of them were guided by the Christian god or are you going to trample further onto the beliefs of others? 4. 5. What does that have to do with forgiveness or how Christianity is scientifically accurate? 6. I'm fine without belief, thank you very much; I'm at peace as I am. 7. Many, many, many, many, many religions are more unique than Christianity--have you forgotten how Christianity is based on Judaism and how Islam is based on Christianity? There are a tremendous number of similarities between those three religions. Shinto is closer to being the most unique religion, as it was isolated to a very unique and isolated part of the world for at least a thousand years. 8. That is quite subjective as Sabeta, I, and every other aethiest will tell you. 9. If this starts a flame war, you have yourself to blame. You felt that a flame war would come as you were writing your post (see #1) yet you continued to write it as you have it now anyways. Notice what I said above: You're trying to force others into whatever version of Christianity that you practice. Stop it before you really offend someone.
  9. Thanks for saying that, randomspot... (Even though this is a reilgion-related topic, and that I'm a little late to the party,:bidoof:) I've found that any debate that talks about something that relates to someone's religious beliefs, there is little you can do to change their mind or convince them to use proof other than their faith; anything you say that contradicts it will be met with either a quote from their religious scriptures (or whatever else they use to spread its teachings) or some other reason that explains why you're wrong because it conflicts with the faith. Even though I'm aethist (or jokingly, a Consumer Christian: a person that only practices Christianity around religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas to partake in the festivities and uses the holidays as excuses to be merry and celebrate the family and the friend,) I'm not against others believing in their own religions -- they can practice them all they want -- I just don't like it when they try to force it upon others, especially when they put down all others and assume a superior tone when saying things to that effect. I can understand the unwillingness to believe otherwise, but there are other beliefs that they have to be wary of offending. This picture just about summarizes my opinion about that topic (and some users): I must confess that I make ignorant jokes sometimes, but I do it in a light-hearted and sarcastic way. Hell, that's why memes like this (below) get a laugh (at least from me). I truly believe that we need to laugh at ourselves more often, and others too but not so much and in such a way that it becomes discrimination or racism / sexism / 'religionism'(:tongue:?). (So, why not keep up with the Fry meme since it covers a lot of things...) Can you see how things are just matters of differing interpretations?.. Now where have I heard that before!.. Another place where these sort of ignorant debate responses pop up is from people like these...
  10. As Delta Blast Burn has not posted the next thing, I'll restart it. The next person has played an RPG made or published by Bethesda, such as any Elder Scrolls game or Fallout 3 / Fallout: New Vegas...
  11. Monty Python and the Holy Grail, hands down the best movie of all time...
  12. Aside from the gaming I do (majority of my time), I: - Play the viola... - Draw... - Read manga... - Watch anime (online)... - Watch parodies of anime online (DBZ Abridged FTW)... - Hunt White-tailed deer... - Work in my school's IT department (not sure if it's a hobby, but I use free time to do it when I otherwise wouldn't have to work)... - Attempt (unsuccessfully) to learn more advanced Brawl-modding (as in modding SSBB via the SD Loader code / Riivolution)... - Listen to game soundtracks (I highly recommend the Starfox Assault OST, and the Killzone 2 and 3 OSTs for anyone who enjoys the sound of a full orchestra and has a taste for good music)... - Browse the interwebs (and tell people who are also browsing the interwebs what I do in my free time)...
  13. Miss... The next person will be using a non-Unix-based operating system...
  14. I say it's ultimately your preference...as long as you don't use IE... IE is horridly slow and incompatible with a lot of things. I believe the only reason that it's even still around is because it's bundled with the majority of Windows installs and the less savvy users just use what comes out of the box. My run down of the worthwhile browsers: Mozilla Firefox: + Add-ons and extensions galore + Supported by a team that cares about their browser + Compatible with the majority of the web today - The more add-ons and extensions you install, the slower it becomes and the more resources it consumes - Mozilla is not supporting older versions AT ALL a week after the latest version comes out (- Some server management stuff does not work with it) (- Not easily deployed to a large user base, and it doesn't help that Mozilla is now using a 6 week update schedule) Google Chrome: + Fast to install AND to use + Interface is simple + Google supports it +/- Updates almost weekly - Hard to find a changelist for the updates - Not as customizable as other worthwhile browsers, even with extensions and apps from the Chrome Webstore (- Not easily deployed to a large user base, and by default it only installs from the web for the current user) Opera: (Never used it, but this is what I have heard...don't hold me to it) + Completely customizable + Powerful and can handle almost anything you throw at it (+ Easily deployed in business environments) +/- Not the worst at anything, but not the best at anything - Not simple in the least; you need to really know what you're doing to get it configured Safari: (Never used it, but I've heard about it at work and from both Mac and PC user-friends) + Extremely fast (but only on Macs) + Compatible with most things (more Mac-related things though) - Really slow on Windows machines as it is designed for Macs - Designed for Apple-designed content and mediatypes; Apple wants their stuff to come first
  15. Hit... The next person wants to go the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert...
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