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Ruby Genseki

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Ruby Genseki last won the day on January 20 2018

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About Ruby Genseki

  • Birthday 05/27/1997

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  1. So...well, I farmed FC with the sole purpose of getting a dye shop. Sophocles kept refusing to give me one and just offered useless stuff all along but I finally had some luck.
    Spent a bunch of berries, but guess it was worth it, I've harvested hundreds of them anyway.
    My clothes finally match my lipstick (?
    Didn't wanna use the default purple color since it was way too light.

    Uh..are any of you guys this picky about customization?

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    2. Ruby Genseki

      Ruby Genseki

      Well,  I did the same at first, but since I found out about what the "dying" thing was (I heard it from an NPC at some point but didn't pay that much attention until I saw it on the Internet) I started farming these thing, but to not luck at all, all Sophocles offered me were useless stuff with even lower ranks than the ones I already had.
      But, lyesterday, I finally lucked out. And to add some sald, he offered me the exact same dying shop (color and rank) the next rank-up.

      I've always been into this character customization thing in any game I'm able to, so I was fascinated when it came into Pokémon (meaning the main series for this matter).

    3. wrathsoffire76


      I was pretty happy when it came in X and Y but the sheer lack of options felt bad.

    4. Ruby Genseki

      Ruby Genseki

      The female MC's options are usually better tho.
      This is what I've achieved in both gens, for both genders:
      The male clothes in XY were way better and I really like what I did with him, but... I can't say the same thing about SM, I have yet to see a male SM avatar that I really like, and I just did the best I could when trying to customize one myself. The poor boy's got a serious lack of options.

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