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Everything posted by borjitasstoi

  1. Hello Everyone (Hola a todos) Im back (he vuelto) today (hoy) something minus intense (algo menos intenso) thats why i decided (es por eso que he decidido) fruits (frutas) fruits are something basic and relaxing (las frutas son algo basicas y relajan) enjoy (disfruten) Apple -> Manzana Pear -> Pera (remenber this word put letters in different order) Orange -> Naranja Watermelon -> Sandia Banana -> Platano Stawberry -> Fresa Cherry -> Cereza Coconut -> Coco Persimon -> Caqui Uva -> Grape raspberry -> frambuesa blueberry -> Arandano blackberry -> mora piña -> pineapple maracuyá -> passion fruit avocado -> Aguacate Apricot -> Albaricoque cantalupe -> Cantalupo lime -> limón/lima cucumber -> pepino pomegranate -> granada (also this word its used for granade or location in santa lusia) papaya -> papaya thats it for this lesson (esto es todo por la lección de hoy)
  2. Hello everyone (Hola todos) Today (Hoy) Os quiero enseñar (I want to show you) Numberos (Numbers) Es algo simple y básico de aprender (Its something simple and basic for learn) Uno -> One Dos -> Two Three -> Tres Four -> cuatro Five -> Cinco Six -> Seis Seven -> Siete Eight -> Ocho Nine -> Nueve Ten -> Diez Eleven -> Once Twelve -> Doce Thirteen -> Trece Fourteen -> Catorce Fiveteen -> Quince Sixteen -> Diezciseis Seventeen -> Diezciocho Nineteen -> Diecinueve Twenty -> Veinte Remenber Used Dieci okay i want show you trick for make more simple learn the rest of numbers (Recordad usad dieci de acuerdo os quiero mostrar un truco para enseñaros a aprender el resto de los numeros) Use Veinti and the rest of numbers (usa veinti en los numeros) Example -> Twenty one -> Veinti uno you can see twenty number in spanish its veinti (podeis ver twenty + el numero es veinti en español) Thirty -> Treinta Okay the trick has begun Thirty one -> treinta y uno remenber treinta y and use the rest numbers 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 the treinta y (recordad el treinta y en el resto de los numeros treinta uno y el resto es igual) Forty ->Cuarenta Same thing with Treinta okay Forty One -> Cuarenta y uno Same method with rest numbers until 50 Fifty -> Cincuenta Same thing with treinta y cuarenta Fifty one -> Cincuenta y uno the rest until 60 its use cincuenta y Sixty -> Sesenta Same case okay Sixty one -> Sesenta y uno in this point you find a coincidence and are so relate and thats why its easy to learn and hope this trick are helpful for you Seventy -> Setenta Seventy one -> Setenta y uno the same thing until 80 okay use the initial numbers and add ochenta y or sesenta y or setenta y Eighty -> Ochenta Eighty one -> Ochenta y uno Use the same thing okay Ninety -> Noventa Ninety one -> Noventa y uno use the same thing the tonic its the same all the time using the rest numbers noventa y uno noventa y dos until 100 One hundred -> Cien One hundred one -> Ciento uno in this time remove y because its only ciento uno until 110 one hundred ten -> ciento diez the trick of this its all numbers all mentioned until 200 are the same one hundred twelve -> ciento once you can see once are used previously like 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 okay thats it for this lesson (Esto es todo por esta lección)
  3. Hola todos (Hello everyone) hoy (today) os enseñare los colores en español (i want to show you the colors in spanish lenguage) Empecemos (lets begin) Red -> Rojo Blue -> Azul Green -> Verde Orange -> Naranja (this word its used for fruit too like in english) Brown -> Marron Black -> Negro Pink -> Rosa (Rosa its too for a flower and female name) White -> Blanco Amarillo -> Yellow Purple -> Morado Navy Blue -> Azul marino Grey -> Gris Esto es todo amigos (Thats all guys) Gracias por ver (Thanks for watching)
  5. This day its everything and the same time its nothing finally i approved everything and almost i have title of vocational studies that means i can work in every place related with my studies i cant believe the previous day of this day everything its negative but today recieve good new i approved the last one and i can enjoy this summer properly without problem finally its like finally i beat this game its amazing how time passed and since 2012 everyday everytime i tried do the best but this is the day for tell dude you are awarded because you work so hard i dont want forget this moment because its like when naruto its a hokage i dont know how explain its something realizes as person this year i make heroic things than average person are impossible but i m capable for make possible impossible things good summer everyone
  6. korrina are good developed character with a decent lucario maybe for you its so normal but i hope in real life use the word "crush" for korrina because maybe people takes bad conclusions for you crush have another meaning for you want to tell me kalos its good region but you can broke the game so easy when you have battle maison the game are completely broken after that all my team are lvl100 from battle maison training with anything else for tell you have a good day and remenber find another meaning of your words sometimes its better check what words are used for change it and find something fits with context for example you love someone you can t mention korrina all the time because there is something fictional and the other person thinks you are something can hurt you in any case hope my words helps you
  7. in summary in first post 1.people bully because subject are fustrated in house or in school and pick weak person 2.people smokes because its a social element for be accepted in somewhere people hate be ignored thats why people prefer be false version of itelf than be honest 3.people are obese because food turns neccesary for everything get it?
  8. There’s a everything of lifestyle practices that are plain aggrieve: Pack away fruits and vegetables, worry, and minimize stress to stay healthy. Do more lenient things, like eating ice cream, in moderation. Don’t start smoking, and brook steps to restrict the cigarettes you smoke each prime if you’re already addicted. But other behaviors, like drinking booze, are away less explicit. Despite the ubiquity of alcohol consumption, epidemiologists and other strength researchers still haven’t figured out how juice and all-inclusive vigour mix. Is equal glass okay—or it is possible that steady healthful—or is it too much? A memorize wide of the mark this week in the fortnightly PLOS Physic attempts to combine to the existing (and commonly confusing) body of knowledge. The 10,000-person mug up bring about a nearly the same conclusion to ones like it in the life: Normally booze intake and mortality (which basically means the distinct possibility of dying while scientists are motionless studying you) manifestation a J-shaped curve; enlightenment drinkers had a minuscule endanger of downfall compared to intense drinkers, but they also had a humiliate mortality anyhow than people who not in any way drank at all. However, unequivalent to preceding investigations, this swot went story trace farther, and ruined down the jeopardy of ruin into partition categories: Chance of eradication from cancer, cardiovascular cancer, and complete mortality (from all causes). In doing so, the researchers attempted to answer a at rest fervent without question about john barleycorn consumption and mortality. While demon rum and overall mortality register this J-shaped curve, other studies elucidate that appear to moderate drinkers have a measure increased chance of cancer. In other words, a draft a hour sway run you less odds-on to yearn of heart plague than teetotaling peers, but it weight also recompense for you more indubitably to fall heir to cancer than those who abstain. “This has understood confusing societal salubriousness messages upon the fettle implications of taper and controlled liquor drinking,” says Andrew Kunzmann, an epidemiologist at Queen’s University in Belfast. When licked down, the researchers create that that to a certain lop off endanger of cessation with dizzy drinking—which gives the graph its representative sag and J shape—didn’t subsist when looking at cancer as a producer of death. As opposed to, both cancer chance (which measures newly-diagnosed cases) and cancer-related demise both rose steadily with increased fire-water consumption.
  9. Lets get started Bullying i suffered bullying along in my life but actually its not the case the fact its people hate another people its different its a fact the problem its from house educaton if you have a poor education of values because you parents hates different people than your parents believes its more likely possible you behave the same way exists because people are frustrated and the fact its dont send psicologist person are bullied its the bully the person needs go to psicologist but in the school and all that places its literally a jungle its impossible be feel confort the teaching staff its not specially prepared for solve problems because sometimes that people are interested exists bully in school its crazy and mad right? sadly the reality of all of things and interests of people makes greedy or be get bullied and the staff enjoys with that violence NOTE TO ALL IDIOTS WHO RATIONALIZE BULLYING: You will be blocked instantly if you rationalize or justify what caveman did. Bullying is not tolerated here. Smoking its incredible dozens of people of everyday smoke cigars or weed simply i dont get it as i said previously bullying and smoking have something what is the thing? simple people are frustrated and that addiction its something control his emotion when the problem its false its a fact this thing its a social element for be accepted but stay tuned because that thing have similarities my most near case its my father he non-stop smoking literally its impossible see without cigar in his mouth its incredible but it is people think if you dont smoke you are dumb its a lie you are the dumb you try challenge me something me something? anyways typical dumb people watch stupity and trashtv Drink People do drink the same way with smoke its a social element for be accepted and its absurd believes that elements makes you better than each other and challenge other people if you dont drink this or there you are not nothing prefer a healthy life than drink vine or beer or sake simply i respect your interest of drinking but its not my case sadly in this society if you dont be bully or dont smoke or you dont drink its more likely possible you be ignored for be a weirdo Overeating the most thing i hate in this top i dont understand why people ate so much until the point are obese its imposible dont be feel unconfortable with someone cant move because his body its too heavy people dont know how eat its a fact prefer eat something in burgerking or mc donals because its quick because in this world everyone wants fast and quick with any waiting simply disgusting... in my opinion i believe exists bead habits of eating i dont want be vegan becuase its useless okay so the best way its take measure for how calories you eat thats it but no people prefer eat so much with greased pizzas hambugers and that things
  10. its not for you its a fact find in my daily life but thats okay thanks for the information i guess its are neccesary all that "you are drama queen" or "calm down" when you dont make difference its directed in you or not but anyways next time i will be "clear" for dont confuse you okay
  11. the problem of that "cuteness" its people make that gurls his waifus for a average weeb dont mention narrative use of lillie its annoying in all aspects i dont deny its cute and simpathetyc gurl but i have another taste in that point korrina its better than lillie
  12. My first game its final fantasy I port from psx the worst begining for novice player its better gba port game Leave your comment and spread your experiencies
  13. simply i dont get it people ignoring me for some reason and i hate that its because i am smart and people dislikes smart people i dont correct anyone and let people how people is but i dont understand why people dont reply my messages or why lost interest so quickly and are interested in dumb things (in my opinion that things are so dumb) but appareantly its element for be accepted in a relationships sorry but i dont want any condition for be your friend conditions are excuses for stay in confort zone anyways bye bye DONT IGNORE ME :@
  14. Dont remenber so much in this game but the essence of the first are lost yeah the idea johto its added but the same problem rental pokemons and the experiencie of the game its limited for this factor
  15. I played this game in nintendo 64 cousin played his minigames and obtained surf pikachu and my cousin still believes i m pro or something because battling everything with pikachu for obtain that its not precisely easy work the idea of cups its good the problem its you dont have pokemon red or blue for transfer in n64 and you depends of rental pokemons his stats and movesets are not precisely good thing
  16. After beat Colosseum (with advantage transfer decent pokemon in sapphire make the same method in this game) the first part of the game its boring for me tutorials same and previous game are complete in my opinion concept of shadow pokemons and the idea of shadow attacks wow i miss this type in pokemon but right now the meta and balance in weakness are untouch because anyone its broken and its balanced in this game i like mirror b in colosseum i felt his relevance its even minor than in this version the soundtrack in this game its so good and i remenber the epic scene of shadow lugia oh my god someday i hope consider game freak something like shadow lugia and as far i remenber thats all i tried dont spoil anyone but its difficult for me tee hee
  17. Yeah i have memories in this game and gale of darkness first of all i begin how i played this games i dont know its casuality or destiny or pure luck many years ago my father met someone (same person take choice for obtain gba and pokemon games or game cube with 4 games) temporary period of time game is in my own the game are (mario kart double dash mario party 4 pokemon colosseum and pokemon XD) i recognize i dont began i new game because because exists another and its in begining (he said recently tested this game but he dont make more progress) in that case i began my adventure with my starters (espeon and umbreon dont bad remenber) the rest of team are unknow because i dont remenber but i remenber captured feraligart and transferred in my sapphire the game overall its amazing and this games are difficult because its not for all type of players the trainers and plot events are difficult but no worries the tutorials in this games for how capture and certain things are pretent because dont forget newcomers began in this game team i love so much team cypher and orre region in general are amazing this game have content for dont make bored have something like battle tower the characters gameplay and graphics its good combibation and hope the 8th from switch make me feel the times of pokemon stadium or battle revolution
  18. Third game its difficult game for puzzle aspect for in overall his character and scenarios are good and the fact you can call legendaries and interact of the surface are so good the weak point its additional content because Wifi conection has passed away this game its kinda predictable but the same time have many plot twists along in the game thats why this game makes memorable for me
  19. The second game of ranger series and the concept and everything its changed you dont need anymore spin determined number of times because this game its more like different the story its in almia and remenber the tutorial in this game its recommended its not needed completely play the first game in general with more experiencie and pokemon with fourth generation this game have more content in post game
  20. This is the first game i played i dont have original version but i remenber play plenty hours for complete 100% and obtain special items for transfer in pokemon diamond i like the idea you make circles for capture pokemon and boost or make easy the capture the concept are completely changed in future games because focuses in other things more like in cycles the story overall are good puzzles and antagonists have important role in this game the tutorial for newcomers is good the problem i find in future games this game dont have re-play but in general i beat this game 5 times
  21. Alola suffers alterations never seen for eixample normally in other games like platinium or emerald dont put completely new pokemon in the begining i felt complete reject and hate the game because i feel like you watch fate stay night anime and you watch after unlimited workd fate stay night ITS THE SAME OK yeah put more content and yeah i feel this game supplies plotholes and i feel its more complete than previous game the element conserves his essence and yeah 807 entries for catch em all more items more abilites and more broken moves broke completely the meta bugs and glitches are present in this game but game freak appareantly dont release any patch when normally updates are often in this cases for measure the curve of levels and difficulty are good yeah and curve of experiencie its pretty enjoyable in difference the other version the fact you can travel in dimensions its so good for me and you surfing in a mantane in enjoyable too i obtained all legendaries and i beat the game in 18 hours and yeah i feel this game its more longer as i expected 18 hours for pokemon game its pretty standard for me the battle tree is the same but saves surprise lillie joins the battle tree and yeah i have lillie my his pokemons are a complete dissapointment i dont find any combanation for battling with her i like the fact hau are present and important the adventure because use the old formula the champion see in you potential al finally in the end of the game he reveals his intentions i feel the word of "alternate story" its excuse in all senses because i dont understand that and that statement makes absurd for me finally after almost 1 YEAR i m unbanned and actually i doing wonder trades for shiny starters like a giveway coming soon its for legendaries. List of Shinies: Drapion x2 Stunfish Sigilyph Audino
  22. Alola region begins and you have 802 for collect the problem in this game began from medals in not longer in this gen and some mode of battle its completely removed the games its not bad but i hate the changes overall the fact of crystal its okay the trials its ok but i consider its no precise swipe completely the medals because its former element makes pokemon name of pokemon in minus of 13 beat the game and yeah after that complete the battle tree i recognize use save state on my 3ds for beat battle tree after that and pokedex complete and all stamps loss my interest until download UM and of course you are banned you lost completely the interest my opinion overall of the game its character are great but when i find characters hate for eixample i hate lillie but i respect others love her its difficult but yeah i did it consider others love lillie the problem its lillie its part of history when you hate lillie you hate part of pokemon and yeah thats the problem this game appears things make me hate this gen but all reduce its in changes since begining i feel this game are incomplete and his story its kinda epic but mixed of feelings certain point you feel bad
  23. this game its dissapointment for plenty of people we have 721 pokemon and its for 3ds introduces amazing graphics and even more animated pokemons new moves and more things makes this game casual and the same time its good this game for me its not dissapoint contrary its good same ORAS i remenber this game how i obtained my shinies my fletching and my scraggy in 5 vs 1 battles the battle maison its broken because i leap level 100 for audinos for chanseys and trainers follow specific predictable pattern afther that y beat all gym quickly with my level 100 team i spent around 4 moths for complete pokemon amie and another 2 for complete pokedex with GTS the people its actually i m banned but i used in this gen GTS and its the same i remenber in generation 4 sucked because the people wants legendary in absurdy levels and its all completely nonsense but i remenber obtain starters so easily i recognize use pkhex in this game because want complete my dex the rivald for me its meh but the rest of the game you make feel small in a big scale represent things in this game the story for me its interesting and post game its short but the secondary content its good the aspect of battle maison for eixample this thing makes pokemon have name of pokemon Fletching Scraggy
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