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File Comments posted by Gridelin

  1. 28 minutes ago, MetaleroSmith said:

    A question, these sav that you came up with the event pokemon, are they legitimate ?, that is, have you rescued them from an old game or how did you get them ?, since for example, Gold Ursaring saved his game and was able to share his pokemon with us of event, but what you have uploaded seems more done in pkhex or not, please clarify that doubt, I like to collect these event pokemon, but clearly I need to know if they are legitimate. thanks.


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  2. 1 hour ago, Liontimes4 said:

    @Gridelin Can someone explain these to me

    1. Do I change both OT's or just the latest, Is their a command to do it?

    2. Is their a command to change all of their balls into pokeballs excluding the event mons

    3. What is a PID should I change it?

    I want it to have my same OT "Keonie" so it seems like they came from my previous games how should I go about this?

    I'm gonna make a video on questions like these and put it in the main post of the thread, stay tuned.

  3. 7 hours ago, HakanBruh said:

    Thank you very much for this file. This is what I was looking for. I want to fill my Dex with these but I have some questions.

    If I just export them to my Savefile, then the Trainer Information will stay Gridelin and latest OT will change to my name. Wouldnt that cause a ban in future, since a lot of people do it like that?

    Can I change all Trainer Information from Gridelin (SID, TID, OT) to my own? I would probably have to change the Met Date too, right?

    Can I change the Pokemon Language, Country, Sub Region and 3DS Region in the Main Tab to Germany?

    If there will be no future ban problem, I would just load the boxes in my save file and transfer them to Pokemon Bank.

    Thanks in advance for the answers.

    Look into how the PkHex batch editor works, it will do everything you want it to do.

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  4. 59 minutes ago, OrangeJ said:

    I have a question about the shiny celebi. There is a exclamation mark with the celebi and saying "event OT Friendship does not match base frienship". Why is that? So it seems like making this celebi not legal? what should do to make it legal?


    Change this value from 70 to 100, will fix in next update lol

  5. 4 hours ago, RubyMilo87 said:

    Sorry I have another question, am I able to transfer some of these Pokemon to Pokemon Bank and then Transfer them to Pokemon Home?


    4 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    sure, why not. It's not like HOME can tell whether it's genned in PKHeX or caught in-game, as long as the details are legal.
    They'll look exactly the same as data..

    @theSLAYER Can you please remove the review @RubyMilo87 left on this save. He left a 4 star review without even being able to get the save to work at all. It knocked it off of the most popular download do 10-15 slots, which is ridiculous considering they didn't even use the save file properly.

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  6. 2 hours ago, AppleGeek said:

    Am I able to use this save file on my CFW 3DS to transfer a few Pokemon from this save file to my own cartridge and from there to Pokemon Bank and from Bank to Pokemon Home without any issues in terms of banning or legality with the mons found in this save file? If there is no issues am I able to trade/battle within Sword and Shield or on Home? 


  7. Hey everyone, I just updated the save file with a majority of the new Pokemon that are available from Pokemon Home. These were transported from my personal Pokemon Bank/ Pokemon Home, so I can pretty much guarantee these Pokemon are legal.

    These are the Pokemon I still need to add to the save, I could transfer them to my bank->home but it would take some time, if anyone has already transferred these let me know I'll add them in:

    Shiny Lunala + Solgaleo
    Some Pikachu Hats


    • Thanks 1
  8. 22 minutes ago, tireddada1 said:

    How can I batch edit my own PID and Trainer ID into the mons? I tried .SID= and .TID= and it gives me a total different number than what I requested. I am new to this and appreciate your help.

    View a pokemon of yours with your own SID and Trainer ID. While it's being viewed open the batch editor. When you select SID/TID you will see the value for the pokemon your viewing in the circled area here:

    Keep in mind you'll have to reroll the PID as well if you want the pokemon to remain shiny.

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