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The Shiny Jirachi

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Everything posted by The Shiny Jirachi

  1. its what i though but nice to be confirmed ty
  2. so you say that x/y vega jirachi having same sid of the altair one? if so its good to know
  3. i think its possible that both jirachie have diff sid due to having diff OT but i cannot say for sure
  4. i would if i could but i updated the 2ds long ago so cannot use pkhex anymore
  5. me? i received from a trade and gave 2 of them after
  6. yes it does i tried with my legit one i guess its a translation mistake like it soften happen with translation or nintendo themselves made that mistake on their page
  7. translation error maybe who know http://www.neoseeker.com/forums/49446/t2129999-wish-upon-star-tanabata-jirachi-outbreak/ this is the jirachi i got legit i tested and can relearn both event moves
  8. i would if i could i updated my 2ds long ago so cannot use phex i don,t have the WC but I,m asing the guy for the proove
  9. yes all legit with proof maybe they got their info false or didn't put them bold cause they're unsure i don,t know how they work
  10. i tried with my legit one and can relearn it
  11. i think its just a mistake all event can relearn their event move ,no exeption
  12. anyone have water tribe manaphy and guidebook shaymin pkx/pk6?
  13. LF legit korean water tribe manaphy+guidebook shaymin pls so hard to find those
  14. all i know is classic ribbon is the right one on jirachi wishing is hack hope that help some of you
  15. it been given twice this month already
  16. also Korean olleh tv shiny charizard event being given codes the zard have roost instead of hold hands and different OT probably id/sid too
  17. JYI there's a 3rd distribution of sejun pachirisu going on april 18/19
  18. wow wish i did not updated my 2ds
  19. need assistance to redeem a zard code pls
  20. anyone have the lalaport toyosu eevee with ID 07133? pkx of a legit one or pkm pls
  21. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wE1jBTWGR1b202OWlJdGRtN0U/view?usp=sharing my french amaura wc6
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