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The Shiny Jirachi

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Everything posted by The Shiny Jirachi

  1. Following the reveal of the German Shiny Charizard event last week and the UK event yesterday, a French press release has been released statin that the shiny Charizard event is to run in stores in France from April 13th for a limited period also UK will get it from the same dates
  2. i know but i,m doing nothing much so i though i'd give it a try
  3. cool i,m looking around to find anything wc6 or pkx but so far nothing
  4. nope although serebii posted about it ,they have no details either
  5. wait what? i jirachi that i don't know about? seriously now anyone have it in either pkx or wc6? or info on it?pls and tx
  6. again sorry for double post i'm lookig for iron defense bagon event pkm/pkx pls yet can,t find it
  7. true there's 2 different rayquaza both have the same moveset but different OT id and sid
  8. this thread is for pkx/pk6 only so first post is all about pkx/pk6 event included
  9. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7wE1jBTWGR1flNTSWJpeDVTRVI4YWRoUE1UM1owS1ltWUdzSkRlRE5wVzFmZGt6YThpTzQ&usp=sharing café pikachui and italian pokeball vivillon pk6
  10. sorry for double post corocoro rayquaza pk6 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wE1jBTWGR1TDh6RjhGRFRtcDg/view?usp=sharing
  11. is the corocoro rayquaza out already?? i don't see as much thread for it as i saw for arceus or linoone?
  12. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wE1jBTWGR1N1JMRjhrRDNxS2c/view?usp=sharing KOR linoone pk6
  13. so iit say on changelog/update Added: Decrypted Battle Video scraping for ek6 data how do we use that?? ty
  14. wow some wondercard cool only need a shiny wondercard and i'm happy i,d share it if i had it
  15. woot txa lot rarity have no meaning for me so whatever it shared to 2-3 people or the whole words don't matter tx again
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