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The Shiny Jirachi

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Everything posted by The Shiny Jirachi

  1. lucky can i have it pls by pm if needed
  2. http://boards.4chan.org/vp/thread/22976022/its-happening i guess the 4 wondercard said to be found here aren,t real ??or i missed something
  3. my 2ds is american so i don't get much that other don't post before me the only WC6 i got close is a shiny arceus but it have a password and no one know it if he give you the wc6 you won't need any tools but pk6 yes i might help for the pk6
  4. yes but no the same twice so you can get all 19
  5. they say its was confirmed legit beside i think the residence start when its traded and first one is the guy its been traded to and not where you redeemed it i say that cause my self claimed samurott have no location its either that or the redeemer location with appear once you battle with it (unsure for this)
  6. check my link its a legit one the SID isn,t 00000
  7. i snatched a shiny arceus prooven legit by well known persons on gmfaqs https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wE1jBTWGR1dHhvNFJhTTMyVDg/view?usp=sharing
  8. it went through too yay i,ll be waiting online hayato
  9. sure chamdee hayato once i get the result
  10. i still have to see if mine go though too
  11. ok i,ll be waiting (ign dominic)
  12. you can try trading it with me i,m dodo129 from gamefqaq
  13. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wE1jBTWGR1SU90QWVrWEdQRDg/view?usp=sharing i think i got it right this time tx a lot
  14. sorry still learning this is it good now?
  15. Chamdee can i have the pk6 shiny arceus im pm pls i won't trade it here is the keldeo https://drive.google.com/drive/#folders/0B7wE1jBTWGR1flhNSS1RWExRU2hMR3llTUcwS1g4Y3RoVTJjaEphY0M4SFFKYWZaODBjQm8
  16. i downladed the wc6 i can share
  17. the contributor deleted it sorry
  18. so it can relearn them someone shared a wondercard here yesterday
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