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Everything posted by sora10pls

  1. Hello. I'm not too sure if this is meant to be shown off like this, but when I was editing a Shedinja in PKHeX, I noticed that its HP wasn't set to 1, regardless of what level I put it at. The HP changed to 1 when I injected it into my game, however. Level 1 Shedinja - http://prntscr.com/600zfx Level 100 Shedinja - http://prntscr.com/600zoh As you can see, the HP stat is 11 at Level 1, and 143 at Level 100; when in reality, they should both be 1. Just something I found a while ago, and if this is intentional, please let me know. Thanks! :]
  2. tl;dr it can edit your save file instead of just the Pokemon in your PC PCEdit can only modify the Pokemon in your PC; while RAM2Sav can do that, and can modify things in your save file such as the multiplayer sprite that appears on the Player Search System, can modify your current/best streaks in the Battle Maison, your bag inventory, wonder cards, etc.
  3. I private messaged you the link to the thread. I'm relatively new here, so I'm not sure if linking on threads is allowed.
  4. Is it possible to remove an entry into the Hall of Fame using RAM2Sav and PKHeX? Let's say that I have two entries in the Hall of Fame in ORAS, and would like to delete one so when I'm battling somebody, it would say that I've only entered the Hall of Fame once, as opposed to twice. Thanks in advance, hope to hear from somebody soon!
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