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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. Don't fight us for predictions just wait 7 days and we'll know. But I think about the real bad buzz they'll have if restrictions are tough. And they don't want another bad buzz for Pokemon Bank, that can explain the delay of the release too, they want solid servers. Edit: Because bad buzz is bad for business and remember money rules the Pokemon world ^^
  2. Don't think OT and Nickname will play during transfer. Think about previous Poketransfer: it checks the moves, the 'legality', the game it was obtained, if it's an event or not. But the system is not very restrictive, except for Illegal moveset. Yes, I know the mew contributed is the only official but except in Japan where it was easy to find, the only way to get it in Europe and USA was a very very restrictive event at the launch of Pokemon Sun/Moon in England. It's much too restrictive!
  3. Can glitch Mew be transfer? In my opinion yes they will because there is no way to see differences with official one except yes the perfect IV, but if they do so they have to make it more commun. Can these Mew be shiny? It's not impossible if IV are random. Will shiny Pokemon stay shiny? Hum, I don't think so but maybe? @Sabresite PkHex will be updated for sure to support this and will at the end do the conversion itself.
  4. Restrictions about trading past gen mons were updated. Pokemon Bank update coming ^^ Source: SciresM Twitter
  5. For me, according your picture and SciresM picture it's a G inside of an O.
  6. Yeah you're right, money rules in Pokemon World ^^ But sometimes delays are really caused by technical problems (think about QR Rental teams in Sun/Moon). Wait and see. Just have to wait 7 days for Pokemon Bank update if not delayed. And then we'll know.
  7. Maybe the project was delayed in order to implant an equivalent of Mobile Connection, using Wi-Fi? It'll be awesome !!!
  8. Lol quite not easy to understand face value when you're not English native. In order to know for GenII VC we'll just have to wait the Bank update release. For Go cross Sun/Moon/Star I really think they are working on. Maybe an event, maybe something else. Note that for Switch Nintendo is working on mobile app to controle the console so if Star comes to Switch it'll be easy for them. @ajxpk Remember Pokemon Dream Radar event you got when you have a cardrige inserted (HeartGold gives Ho-oh ...)? It works the same way when you transfer from gen4 to gen5. It only reads the versions the Pokemon was caught not the region.
  9. If ID 39 corresponds to old XD/Colosseum, what about ID40 and 41?
  10. Yep, I think so. They are working on ^^ for Stars maybe who knows?
  11. I was in Masuda Masterclass this year and he explains us that the main idea behind and the code name project of Go was Walking. He made a funny joke about french walking so fast and shows us how the music corresponds to a walk.
  12. Yep, read my first post, look at the sources, it shows not only the icon but also its meaning in Japanese.
  13. 34 is Pokemon GO. Yep you're right @theSLAYER Cosplay Pikachu can't be transfered too. So much people will be frustrated by that. But Gizamimi Pichu and Cosplay Pikachu can be "illegally transfered" just they don't have their forms whereas AZ Floette was not distributed at all. Hope so much Pokemon Bank update release in order to tell you more about.
  14. All I remember about it was something like Stop Hacking (speaking of Sun/Moon), gen 4 remakes cancelled. Something like that but the tweet was deleted. It was on November 7th.
  15. That's will be easy if we can extract the Pokemon Bank new version app. Just have to search the missing Game ID and it's done. Note about AZ Floette that it still exists in Gen7 so maybe the event will be distributed one day. Unlike Gizamimi Pichu its data was not erased at all
  16. Yes, you're right they can unrelease it but it exists in the code and for that it shows that it was programmed. I'd love your theory about GO/SUN-MOON connection. For GenII VC when the Pokemon BANK Update will be out I'll tell you because I transfer GSC Pokemon to my RED versions and I'll check the game ID (hope I'll work).
  17. So Here for Gen II VC and for Miyamoto it was a tweet he did I'm trying to find it but it's not really easy.
  18. Hi, 2 incredible discoveries were made today thanks to SciresM and ReiKeima. First, the compatibilty Pokemon Go-Sun/Moon is confirmed by Game ID 34 which gives a mystery icon called "Icon_Sedai_Horohoro" (which can be translated by Walking around). Then Gen II VC are confirmed too by the fact Gameboy icon is valid for 7 games (Blue/Red/Green/Yellow/Gold/Silver/Crystal) from games ID 35to 41 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Source: Here and Here
  19. But if nor IV nor EV are retained the interest of transfer is highly reduced (exclusive moves such as Fissure Machamp, event Mew, maybe high stats). I'm not very confident for Gen II VC since Masuda's declarations about it "We have no plan for it" whereas DP Remake was leaked by Miyamoto undirectly in November. Edit: Please not just Box1 for Poketransporter, it'll be annoying to move Pokemon in Gen1 Boxes !!!! Edit2: Gen II VGC confirmed today, my bad. See my other thread.
  20. Well a good news for me will be: 1 Possibility of shiny confirmed (can always be possible), 2 Date of the release annonced (can always be possible), 3 IV set in order to preserve the stats (dead, so bad).
  21. Hi, so today thanks to Nintendo HK we got the first informations about Pokemon Bank update and you know what? News are bad, really. Our Gen1 Pokemon when transfer will get their Nature randomized, IV too apparently, but they can have Hidden Ability (if Machamp is just HA players will cry) and got a Gameboy Mark. There is also a lot of improvements for the Pokedex and that's a good but useless news. Sources: NintendoHK, Serebii.
  22. For the others Pokemon you spoke I try to search in the main versions rom but there's a few chance (except if we discover a clue). They were probably in the servers.
  23. Found a Words11 Scrafty pgf inside of Zoroark distrib card. That's exciting!
  24. It'll be easy if they are in the game but if they are in Wi-Fi server well...we won't have any chance to get them unfortunately (except a Nintendo employee miracle)
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