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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. Here's some developpers test Pokemon from FRLG and Emerald. I wanted to get E-reader test options to work in Proto Emerald like in German Ruby Debug but I forgot how to do, if anyone can help me. Pretty sure there are hidden secrets there! Source: https://tcrf.net/Proto:Pokémon_Emerald/Test_Menu 373 - ボーマンダ - BAEC4427D8AC.pk3 038 - キュウコン - 7669A886DD02.pk3 252 - キモリ - 0CA8A221D683.pk3 260 - ラグラージ - DC81D0684724.pk3 282 - サーナイト - C92C5C0772F6.pk3 test.wc3 001 - タマゴ - 81DD7911F572.pk3 019 - コラッタ - F78CE1A1E43A.pk3 172 - ピチュー - D90B0BB98FF4.pk3
  2. Here's my list for Gen8 before DLC: corviknight lv36 route 7* wailord lv39 route 9 vanilluxe route 10 lv45 jellicent lv39 route 9 drapion lv38 route 8 butterfree lv7 rolling fields ninjask rolling fields lv15* diggersby lv14 north lake miloch* nuzzleaf lv7 rolling fields* shield quagsire lv15 west lake axewell* lanturn bridge field lv26 hippodown lv26 giant's mirror* golurk lv40 watchtower ruins rhydon lv40 dusty bowl glalie lv40 watchtower ruins lombre dappled grove lv13 shield toxicroak lv28 stony wilderness shield Cannot be apparently obtained: gothorita giant cap lv29 sword DLC have some very interesting too: Palossand lv32 Toxapex lv20 Malamar lv26 Talonflame lv32 Volcarona lv42 Braviary lv26 Amoonguus lv26 Scrafty lv26 Crustle lv26 Drapion lv22 Drifblim lv26 Crawdaunt lv26 Whishcash lv13 Sharpedo lv16 Octilley lv13 Quagsire lv20 Kingler lv20 Alolan Marowak lv15 Magneton lv26 Poliwhirl lv20 Golduck lv26 Toxicroack lv26 Mandibuzz lv26 Dragalge lv40
  3. I forced myself to play SwSh regardless of Dexit but I realized I can't get any underleved of these games now Wild area Pokemon are all level 60. So yes I'm done with the franchise. I began a list of underleved in SwSh tell me if you want I release it or not. Also Nincada can't be obtained anymore in Go, yeah good job Niantics!
  4. @Starf Berry What a nice collection, too bad some are shiny locked (GSC Rapidash for example). Technically you can get shiny in-game trade from Japanese versions and transfer them. At least you should try. @Qaaz Actually I don't think it's a really interesting thing to do for underleved, maybe we should make a list of moves exclusive to Let's Go, it could be great. The reason is technically the moves don't disappear they are just not usable. That thing give me hope to be allowed to transfer purify Pokemon to Home (and maybe Go exclusive moves). I'd love we finally find an easiest way to get lv1 Ninjask, Luxio, Luxray, Klang, Klingklang from GO but I personnally gave up. Note that with the recent politics of GF I'm gonna leave the franchise soon, I can't tolerate what they have done. Really sad they destroyed our franchise like that. Sorry to let so much mysteries unsolved.
  5. I have updated the list with the recent changes: -Regigigas lost Avalanch, -New shadow mons (note that we still don't know if we'll be able to tranfer purified Pokemon to Home) -New moves for old Pokemon.
  6. On my side I gave up with the Shinx/Nincada families. I hoped too much for Nincada last week during the Montreal event. And now I even struggle to see any wild Litwick/Deino or Ferroseed. Not counting the Mime Jr case in 5km eggs in Europe and the recent cluster changes I'm gonna leave soon I think. Can't enjoy that mess anymore.
  7. I saw that, such a shame, I'm starting collecting gen5 lv1.
  8. I updated with all 7 upcoming new exclusive moves from Unova Pokemon I found + 4 "rare" others. Tell me if I forgot one. High chances they'll patch for most of them but for example Earthquake Bonsly is still a thing today.
  9. Not for the moment unless we found the cardriges used for. @BlackSharkfound in game text mentions about Hoenn Pokemon in hidden grotto which is a discovery but that's all we can do for now.
  10. I have to share you that huge discovery: a Japanese ad for Pokemon Colosseum showing it at a very early stage. We can see Wes without Rui, snatching a Typhlosion, battling a Blastoise with its Umbreon, having a Castform in its team (probably the shadow cut one), we can hear 2 exclusive and cut musics from the game. I'd love to get that version in hands one day.
  11. @Poke J I'm pretty sure we'll find other evidences like this in future. Just remember debug Emerald Relicanth. Thank you so much for your scan. Anyway I also asked ChickasaurusGL to investigate about Stadium 2 new debugger menu especially the legality checker inside it. So much secrets still hiding it's really exciting ^^
  12. Not at my knoweldge, Nintendo seems to be more concerned with the demo recently but not retroactively. I visited 2 months ago the french national video game conservatory and unfortunately they don't have any of them too. I should however ask them again for FireRed manuel guide if nobody have it now. Whereas I think we'll get one day RS/FRLG/BW demos because they were in cardriges and collectors will get them one day I'm not very confident for XY demo as it was a downloaded programm. But if you want to investigate you're welcome, I really miss time to do more sorry.
  13. @theSLAYERI think we won't speak about shiny Volcanion exclusive to TCG. Unless ...
  14. I come back for two news I recently got: -first the discovery of a new debug mode for Stadium 2 which includes a Pokemon editor with a legality check. The Odd Egg events failed. It could be interesting to see if it's the case for other gen2 event pokemon or even find the legality list somewhere in the ROM. -second I recently learned that in European FireRed manual guide there is a picture of a Charmander not from Pallet Town (probably used by the debuggers). Can anyone scan it here please?
  15. @Hello, it's me!You have to make a difference between the developper/beta test wondercards from the ones for everyone. What was found is a test for a public release but just think about the Azure Flute: It was planned and not released for Platinum but developper/beta test was found in Ranger demo! Another famous one is still mysterious: the Lock Capsule. Planned for BW but never released because of ??? they gave us a Zoroark instead and we still haven't find any developper/beta wondercard yet.
  16. I learned today that a proto-Pokemon Colosseum was planned for Nintendo 64DD in 1999 developped by GF itself called Pocket Monsters RPG. It was probably scrapped not only because of Masuda opinions about the franchise that should stay portable but also probably because of GS delay. I first thought it was about Pokemon Stadium but apparently Miyamoto stated they were 3 64 games planned during an interview (which I really want to find now). Edit: Found something( original and translated ) and it's way more interesting than all I was expecting! Edit 2: According to IGN Stadium was planned to have a 64DD update, probably the difference betwen the first Japanese release and the International one?
  17. I think the bad eggs issue is the same as the German Ruby Debug version. We have to find the correct PID in order to make them work. I have no idea on how to do it however as I didn't resolve the first issue. Edit: MysteryGiftEditor gives me a Zubat but with a lot of datas missing.
  18. As promised here's my results from my studies about unused held items: As you can see a lot of unused held items are just leftovers from their previous evolutions but few can catch our attention. I suggested theories for most of them but I'm open to add yours too! Plus I have no idea for few of them.
  19. Here's the link, apparently the note was from a certain SodaDog on July 9th 11:50
  20. In terms of investigations I noticed this mention in TCRF: "Pokémon: Let's Go! Pikachu & Let's Go! Eevee has unused data for held items and double wild battles." but also The Pokémon Stadium games have more debug features, or at least debug leftovers. Plus, I'll focus soon about XD shadow moves list but I want to investigate about the unused Dragonite (based upon its catch rate change) in Yellow and the Unused Pokémon Flight in Gold/Silver.
  21. NIce @SwagKey I tested SwSh demo recently in Japan Expo and noticed very interesting things, the fact that the Pokemon came from Route 1 first meaning they didn't want to reveal the start place or it's the place you receive your starter, the Fairy Dynamax that puts the Misty Terrain, the date put into the pokemon 1st June 2019 is very interesting too as it's surely the build date, apart that I have mixed feelings about it, lots of lags, cheap supporters, not very convincing water effects, awesome music, about the dynamax mechanic the strategy will be to temporize it with Detect, Protect or any bulky Pokemon, I easily beat the gym leader like that, hope they'll release the demo in the E-shop later in order to study it.
  22. So thanks to @theSLAYER I was able to correctly import Shadow Loudred however when I tried to purify it it lost all its move and the same occured for the shadow Carvanha found in the same box. Our theory is that there must be a shadow list somewhere in the ROM that gives the moves to the shadow Pokemon. Finding that list can teach us how does it work in XD and maybe finally find the original attacks of that Shadow Loudred and Carvanha (if they exist in that final list or if we find a beta list somewhere else; note that we could find other beta/cut shadow pokemon in the process). Any idea or any XD specialist?
  23. Version .


    In Pokémon Red & Blue, a strange glitch was discovered by the GlitchCity old forums. (Less loud and more readable version here) According to the report, it appears that after performing a variant of having the Safari Step counter time out when the boy in Pewter City take the first steps to bring you the the museum, talking to the boy again afterwards will result in a "hooked" Dragonite appearing, before freezing your game. Jojo12100 was able to dump its info and replicate it, much like the process done for the Gen 1 Ghost Marowak. Do note that in the data, it's level is 0. (PKHeX views any species with 0 EXP as Lv 1) Besides Dragonite, other possible "hooked" encounters includes Metapod and Missingno. Those encounter are triggered by different conditions. This page has an explanation of how Hooked Pokémon glitches work.
  24. Version .


    In June 2019, a Japanese copy of a Debugging variant of Pokémon Diamond Version was found and subsequently dumped. When pressing down Select on the start screen, a debug menu appears. If the player opts to proceed with the debug start, instead of the standard way to start a fresh game, the player will end up having 3 Pokémon in their party, namely: Infernape, Piplup and Finneon, all at Level 99. It appears that it may be possible to shiny hunt these entries. Special thanks to the @TheShadyRelapse for the speedy retrieval of these Pokémon. As usual, these files would be illegal and should not be transferred. Use at your own risk. [We will not distribute the Debug ROM, and it is against our rules to ask for it]
  25. Version .


    Back in the day there was a strange post in the glitchcity forum, claiming that a unobtainable Shadow Loudred briefly appears during the purification demo. It took us a year but we finally got in our hands. Other shadow entries (presumably from the same Purification Demo) has also been included.
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