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Everything posted by LEGOanimal22

  1. Gen VI will probably be heavily encrypted and hard to crack at. To theSLAYER, how will your W2 game know VI moves when it doesn't even know X or Y actually exist?
  2. Got it, now just got to figure out how to use it
  3. i see a github link but no dropbox. Edit: was in QT thread
  4. How do I download these files?
  5. Would this be it? https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B7Jy1hkXtr1mS0w5NWhST2xqb2s/edit?pli=1
  6. Does anyone have VB code for making checksums and PIDs. Any thing helps.
  7. the OT should stay the same
  8. Does anybody have access to any G6 data?
  9. If you did use PokeGen, then you would just have to send the Pokemon to your G5 game then transfer to G6
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