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Everything posted by Scorpio

  1. i agree with everything except the bold part , it was the best checker in 5gen , and a great source for event pokemons
  2. Anyone? and its for Volt White 2 doesn't know if it matters
  3. Any code to erase battle subway pokemon restrictions?
  4. i tried this in the past with rom hacking and failed maybe someone can shed a light on this
  5. thank you testing it wen i can
  6. i like some of the sounds you put nice work
  7. any plans to update this bw2?
  8. Nice thanks for the info if you make progress bypassing that please tell me how
  9. if you have the time perhaps one day you can post how to
  10. Nice , wonder if there is a way to add pokemon instead of just replacing existing ones like in fire red
  11. Volt takle and Extreme speed are not legal at the same time
  12. hydro pump also got nerfed
  13. update the moves to 6 gen values ( defog cant be done unless i am fucking something up on BW2 because it crashes wen i change it )
  14. add the pokes from create a pokemon project on smogon if possible
  15. nice will keep an eye on this
  16. they didnt do it all previous gen doubt they would do it now
  17. So is logic is not to ruin online but , he will use then what a load of bullshit
  18. still nothing has been done to end this spambot mess
  19. Nervermind upon reading the tread i had to change the rom header any idea how to mimick the hidden power change in gen 6? Also the physical attacks are being identified has special and vice versa Edit FFS now the rom export is not working NameError: global name 'exit' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "ppre.py", line 241, in exportRomAs NameError: global name 'exportRomTo' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "ppre.py", line 235, in exportRom File "ppre.py", line 247, in exportRomTo File "ndstool.pyc", line 18, in build File "subprocess.pyc", line 493, in call File "subprocess.pyc", line 679, in __init__ File "subprocess.pyc", line 855, in _execute_child File "subprocess.pyc", line 615, in list2cmdline TypeError: sequence item 20: expected string, QString found Traceback (most recent call last): File "ppre.py", line 241, in exportRomAs NameError: global name 'exportRomTo' is not defined
  20. I am getting this , also none of the tools open
  21. there is no problem i use desmune and pokegen normaly , you are doing something wrong
  22. Meloettas are clearly hacked And Metragross is perfectly fine it can be caught like that
  23. its possible to add lets say further questions has i have seen in other forums to improve protection against bots
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