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Everything posted by mulhollinman

  2. im gonna be lazy so im just gonna do GAME
  3. iron man transformers and harry potter
  4. the deoxys one the entiei and unknon 1 and the darkrai and mewtow 1s
  5. you can also try neoseeker i like the codes they have there
  6. probably wont find one since you cant really find them in the game ( correct me if im wrong on that 1) but yea your best bet would be a modifier anyway or find a trade if u really want a legit 1.
  7. in adition to pokemon i also am a dbz and green lantern nerd lolz
  8. <p><p><p><p><p><p>mayb</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  9. i didnt notice that till now but probably nothing significant.
  10. i knew pokemon would pay eventually off ha ha a pun i so funny
  11. i have never belived in judging a person not just by what group they are in or race or whatever but what they have done. Sometimes some people are just weird and you dont know what they are like and theyre backround.Most of the people who give islams a bad rap are just crazy people that HAPPEN to be islam nuff said.
  12. ratat is a common one but my two for gen 5 is stunk fish and grubish a trash bag really? what next a toilet paper pokemon? and i wonder how many people did magikarp im just 2 lazy 2 read
  13. <p><p><p><p><p><p>lolz lolz lozl</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  14. mewtwo because of the two movies and his cool story.
  15. ok this is my first thread so it counts as an intro and the cat i wanted to post in is full so. This is a thread for discussion about the history of the pokemon world. How you think places, pokemon, legends, came to be anything. completly open to ideas for the future of gen v and of pokemon in general.
  16. i agree with alot of the ideas posted on this thread but i have a new idea: it has not been mentioned yet of the possiblity of a new type? my theroy is once zekrom and reshiram fuse into kyurem again(or however the true dragon will be formed) insted of changing kyurems types between combinations of dragon ice and fire a whole new type will be created! a type that only the true dragon will have think about it theres only 17 types ( not including ???) and that seems like a pretty weird number. This new type will be superior to all other types in defensses and strengths and will make dragon typing look weak. Just a thought i have more theroys mayb ill post later but anyway thats my peice and again i love this thread.... really interesting to think about.
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