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Status Updates posted by Lorshinator


    <p><p><p><p><p><p>WELL YOU SEE</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>When you're a particular someone who is trying to do things differently from everyone else</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>And including every single type with it's own unique quirks</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>And questions which actually provoke thought</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It does take a little bit of time.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>But sorry for the slow progress. It's coming soon sir. *Salutes*</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Fair enough.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I'm not actually into many horror games myself.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I see.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>That's fine.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>They just like high quality stuff... I'm kinda picky. But I don't like to be relentless about it.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Personality Quiz is halfway complete at this point. Just about got all the types finally identified, now I must write down the questions, which I know what will be written for that.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I apologize if I ramble too much.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Just to say I think Yume Nikki is an interesting concept, but very... specific... to it's audience.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I submitted a video link by a funny man to give you an idea.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I see. That's always annoying. I don't care for too many movies right now... Only very specific ones.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The only movie I'm looking forward to is in Japan. Have you heard of Studio Ghibli?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>If not that's fine. I'll admit I can be a bit of a movie/game/whatever critic, so if you want to talk movies, COME AT ME BRO</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I'm not one of those people that go "OH THIS MOVIE DIDN'T HAVE THIS CHARACTER I HATED IT"</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>But... not that.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Are you talking to the right person?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Because, if that's the case, I have no idea what you're talking about.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I haven't seen Percy Jackson or whatever... But I will ask anyways, how was it?</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I want you to be very aware of the fact that I'm a very misleading advertiser.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>That image was actually fan-art. If it was an actual in-game shot it would be scary.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The game is called Yume Nikki. It's a free-to-download indie RPG maker psychological horror/adventure game. It's meant for a very particular audience. It's great for it's mystery and lack of plot for those who really like to ponder about stuff, and it's pretty creative. Those that've gone throughout the entire game have said it was an experience, but there are also those who say that it bothers them because there's no plot or little reasons to move on forward - as there's no plot or dialogue, despite there being many characters.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It's meant for people who like to think fancily n' such...</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="480" height="270" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/q_Sr7Z0cQ_0?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true"></iframe></div></div></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090918000502/yumenikki/images/thumb/4/42/MonoeFullscreen.png/250px-MonoeFullscreen.png" alt="250px-MonoeFullscreen.png" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>This is the original image.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Do you mean generic?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Not too many Pokemon songs blow me away, I'll admit, like other Nintendo works... But I will say that some tunes were quite nice. I liked Gen 5's soundtrack. </p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Particularly Reversal Mountain in Black 2.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I didn't expect much out of it but I did like that song. It's nice. Quite catchy.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Jazz is nice, but if it's possible, I don't like something too unpredictable. Like, slow and steady Jazz is what I like. If that makes sense.</p></p></p></p></p></p>





    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Here, let me help you with that.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I'm going to change the image. The last one could've been... Deemed inappropriate, for blood reasons.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>So you're walking down a black area with nothing to see. Then you notice this monochrome girl standing there. You approach her and:</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/134/0/e/monoe__you__re_silly_by_kowairoporoporo-d4zpw42.png" alt="monoe__you__re_silly_by_kowairoporoporo-d4zpw42.png" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>then she smiles at you, then vanishes. This character is also from the same game as my avvy.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>There we go.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>If there are changes I will be an ecstatic little child.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Well, it's up to you n' such.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>No, I was referring to Pokemon. Like, the Pokemon X/Y sound track. It's no longer MIDI. I HOPE IT HAS SOME MEMORABLE TUNES.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Fair enough. Why don't you take a look on Youtube?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Well if you never do... I guess I'll fill you in.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Also the soundtrack isn't MIDI anymore, so they're not as limited in the soundtrack. Furthermore they're releasing the soundtrack on Itunes, which, after reading someone's comment about it does sound a little odd...</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Wait, did it always have green eyes? Or did you make that change?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>In my opinion it makes it look even cooler, so nice work.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I await your PM, if I haven't said that already...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Haha, you probably would never have gotten it officially right, since the character actually has no name.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>But people call her Poniko, so yeah.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It's technically a psychological horror game where you explore a girls dreams, but there's no actual story or anything. Judging from this picture I doubt you would have gotten that.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Here's your daily does of weird.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsspoiler=""></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><div class="ipsSpoiler_header"><span></span></div></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p><img src="http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2012/001/6/e/monoe_looking_over_her_shoulder_by_daiyou_uonome-d4kxgmz.jpg" alt="monoe_looking_over_her_shoulder_by_daiyou_uonome-d4kxgmz.jpg" /></p></div></p></p></p></p></p>


    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Also next month will reveal more mega Pokemon and the type chart, including Fairy. I wonder if there'll be any other changes?</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION RAAAAAAA-</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Okay. I will see it then.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Mhm, I know. But it's a good game, and to further emphasize my point it has gotten very high reviews for all three games. Plus it's not that complicated at all... But it's still hard.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Yeah... Even for a 3Ds game it doesn't look to great. But it's a throwaback that some may have wanted, so there it is. It may be good.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I just dislike it for its art style, mostly, but I'm not judging the gameplay.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>There will be more mega-evolutions. Next month of CoroCoro will feature more Mega-Evolutions, more Pokemon, and will also feature a <strong>type chart featuring the Fairy type.</strong> I wonder if other types have changed? <strong>THEY BETTER, I want Ice to have more resists!</strong></p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>You're missing out. Pikmin is awesome.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I'm a tad bit surprised you don't like Fire Emblem... But eh.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I can wait that long. They're making a Zelda game for the 3Ds, but I don't like it's art nearly as much...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>What do you think of Mega Evolutions?</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It looksh quite shparkly</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Although Gengar's Shiny is cool, I do wish it was a little different.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Nice spritework, it looks quite... GOLDEN.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>AHAHAHAHAHAHHA *gets shot and stabbed*</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><strong>You still owe me your Friend Code.</strong></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Also... <em>OOPS I DID IT AGAIN</em></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Different character from the same game. TRIVIA. Know who it is?</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The Wii U has Pikmin 3 on it.</p></p></p></p></p></p>




    <p><p><p><p><p><p><em>oinfoaiwnfoianfoinoiwfnoinowaofinoianfionaoifnaoiwnfoif</em> *fanboyism*</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I like Pikmin, if you haven't heard.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I also heard there would be a new Zelda on the Wii U (of course) but that it would be the longest one yet. Count me in!</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>If you haven't gathered it's the same character from the same game from the same creator from-</p></p></p></p></p></p>


    <p><p><p><p><p><p>How about Yellow Gengar?</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Did a certain someone have a problem with my previous avatar??? (Makes outrageous angry faces)</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I've seen a few of those, but I think I will look into it.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Yeah, but you see, I nitpick word usage.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I actually reflected on that for a few minutes, but then I realized I don't have a wii U.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>*goes to a corner and cries*</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I've seen this piece before. I actually watch the person on DA who drew this picture.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>You didn't really "make it" you just added text to it.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Least the watermark is still there...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>But I know what you mean.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I didn't intend there to be any underlying meaning behind it.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It just means I'm an idealist, but I'm rational and I don't like to be unreasonable. So, for instance, while I wish there to be peace, I understand that it's pretty much never going to happen, but that doesn't mean that I don't want pointless wars to stop. Simple stuff like that.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The post regarding the Mega Evolutions? I think they're kinda lame. They're not necessary by any means and they're just very generic and simple, whereas Pokemon has been very creative with many other things.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>However, I do like MegaMawile (stupid, stupid, stupid name), even despite it's lack of creativity.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>So now there are "mega evolutions"</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://www.serebii.net/xy/megablaziken.jpg" alt="megablaziken.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://www.serebii.net/xy/megalucario.jpg" alt="megalucario.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://www.serebii.net/xy/megamawile.jpg" alt="megamawile.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://www.serebii.net/xy/megaabsol.jpg" alt="megaabsol.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://www.serebii.net/xy/megaampharos.jpg" alt="megaampharos.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I don't know about you but i actually find this silly.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Blaziken gets one, which is silly, and it gets speed boost, so wtf</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Mawile gets one and has huge power, and it looks cool to me. </p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Lucario gets one and has adaptability.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Mewtwo is seen having one.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Absol gets one and has magic bounce.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>And Ampharos gets one and has Electric/Dragon now. Also mold breaker. WHAT</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>The only one I'm excited for is Mawile because it certainly needed it, and it's fairy/steel now.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>THIS BETTER NOT BE BALANCE BREAKING.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I mean, let's add a new evolution line, AND GIVE IT TO THINGS THAT MOSTLY DON'T NEED IT</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Oh I see. So you can diffuse them? I didn't know that was possible.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Yeah. I personally love Hydreigon. It's got a cool design and I love it's theme and it's origins.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Haxorus... Shouldn't had at least 140 base attack, at least. And it shouldn't have mold breaker... but probably just Rivalry. That'd balance it out.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Sorry for slow response. how are things? I just restarted Emerald... And I'm mad because my sister encountered a shiny Bellsprout.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>So I trolled her game and went to the name re-maker and named it "TRAIN ME!" <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Same here. I always want to add certain Pokemon like Yanmega, Crawdaunt, or Rampardos or whatnot, but it doesn't work that way.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Also why do I always choose the hardest to use creatures?!?!?! X(</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I remember making one team that was actually pretty good, and I won a lot with it, but I forget what I did to construct a genuine good team...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Oh yeah, one is taking threats into account, or at least very generic ones, like Suicune, Victini and such in UU, which I normally play.</p></p></p></p></p></p>



    <p><p><p><p><p><p>In first Gen Psychics got that treatment. I am not sure why... I really don't.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>I personally really like it's design, but I feel like such a noob for using it. It makes me sad...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Hydreigon, despite being brutally powerful and versatile, isn't even as powerful as this guy. Aure, he can break down walls like no tomorrow, but jeez. It could very well be... Or GF just found out how popular it was online and gave it a throne of treats.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Hydreigon should've been a lot more threatening in game, and I still detest it's atrocious evolution requirements, but what can you do. </p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>On a side note, I was speaking to one of my friends and he told me his girlfriend had an all-ghost team that was apparently really powerful, although it kept losing to his Tyranitar. I'm like... It's a Tyranitar. DARK. Sand Stream. </p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It makes me want my planend Hydreigon.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


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