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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. Hello.Is there a working seed check code for english versions cuz the one i have's not working:)
  2. Hey kaph do u happen to know what is the method for starter pokemon in platinum and hg/ss?I think i'll try rng my id/sid and then get a shiny one(Btw sorry for this bump but since this thread is about rng i thought there is no need for a new one)
  3. ok thnks a lot
  4. Sorry it's just that i read some rng guides(maybe in smogon maybe not) saying about roamers having their own method or something...So that applies for gen4 as well(A-B-C-D for everything,besides wondercards)?Btw thanks for answering
  5. hm is it sure that poketransfered pokemon should have egg/pal park....i tried kazowar's app and pokemon while in gen5 keep the value they had in gen4(i.e Tall grass/Darkrai and the rest)...unless there is a glitch in that program i'm not aware of EDIT:Also can someone explain how escape sequences work with trainer names???I've seen Trainer names with 5-6 letters and no sequences(i'm sure those were real names not someone writing it in pokesav/pokegen) EDIT2:Managed to find something about my 2nd question,there is a similar thread
  6. Talking about 4 gen can we use the standard A-B-C-D in all roamers and stationary legends?(from cresselia to latias/latios ans rayquaza) Also leaving the pid field blank in gen V works with all roamers and legendaries as well? Thanks in advance
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