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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. Try this 94000130 FFFB0000 B2000024 00000000 D5000000 03840011 C0000000 00000025 D6000000 00019494 D4000000 00000001 D1000000 00000000 D5000000 03840235 C0000000 00000005 D6000000 00019494 D4000000 00000001 D1000000 00000000 00019494 03840086 D2000000 00000000 Activator==Select
  2. It is stated in the OP that the latest version has a bug with previous gen files,use the previous version of PMGE
  3. I always tell them if the poke comes from an injected wondercard
  4. No i wouldn't if they were for personal use but I'm actually trading those with people,so i wouldn't like someone using this program and then telling me i am a hacker or something,so i thought I'd point that out
  5. Hey Bond that looks pretty cool,but can i ask a question?I tried 3 wondercards i rng'd myself.A movie hydreigon,a snarl zoroark from the greek wondercard and a sing pikachu(the one i contributed about a month ago).While hydreigon yielded instant results(as a shiny wondercard)the other two won't show up even after 30 minutes i pressed Go.I hope I'm not overlooking sth.If you want to look into it i can pm you the parametes(for zoroark i can even find the seed if needed)
  6. In order to use the english version of PokeCGear i must have the latest POKEMAIN file(2.4) and replace the txt in the folder with those in the first post?Everytime i try to use the english version either the drop-down lists show nothing or PokeCGear crashes(if i replace the existing txt files)
  7. He probably edited it with the hex editor and forgot to fix the checksum(i think that's when bad eggs are generated,someone who knows more may want to correct me or elaborate on that)
  8. Both can be shiny and flawless(shaymin only in flower paradise or how it's called)
  9. Not sure on pokesav but you will have no problems with pokegen.The only <<negative>>thing about rare candies is that they do not give EVs.If you have a pokemon with 510 evs already you can either train it or feed it rc it will have the exact same stats at lvl 100
  10. ^^Thank you both very much,way more info than i was expecting to get lol.Looks like i was late in buying that guide>
  11. So the password is in the book,not given separately?Can you remember which page it was in,just to check for the last time?Although i didn't know that the guide was reissued,you are probably right.Here's a link in case someone wants to check,it's what i actually bought
  12. Hey guys is there anyone who has obtained a hoenn starter from dw?If so do you remember how you got the password?About a week ago i bought the guide that's supposed to have it but i didn't see any dw pic in it and i don;t understand japanese at all.Any help?
  13. Hello,all.I'd like to ask the following about pokemon legality. Changing a pokemon's hex to make it come from a different game (or a different location within the same game) makes it legal from legit? What about ev training through pokegen/pokesav? Or loading a pkm file in a different save? Also are those changes detectable? Thanks in advance
  14. Just posting to say that i did get it to work and in case someone has the same problem(cuz i used WinRaR) you can rename the french and spanish language files by using alt special characters(those were the problematic for me).Also thank you Codr for your help
  15. Hm but i didn't mess with the language files and after you unzip the downloaded file the exe is already in the same file with the language ones,no? Pic in case it helps
  16. It's kinda weird lol.Anyway thanks,i'll keep checking this thread in case more people encounter the same problem.
  17. I downloaded the newest beta but as soon as i open it,it crashes.I'm running XP Professional,SP2 and didn't have the slightest problem with 3.0b24,in fact right before attempting b25 i had used b24 successfully.Any ideas/help?
  18. Naive 30-31-30-31-31-31(HP Ice 70) if anyone's interested.From Nigoli's WonderCard naive sing pikach.pkm
  19. If you mean setting this value to 1 yeah i think you only use it with dw abilities but im not sure:)
  20. Ur welcome.Did u evolve it to verify it keeps contrary?
  21. Open it again in pokegen go to the OT/Misc Tab and you will see a value 0x42(Under Extra Bytes).It will be 0.Set it 1 and save your pokemon
  22. Did you pokegen it?I think this happens cuz the DW ability flag isn't checked
  23. @Bond,Evandixon:Really sorry guys,for some weird reason i was trying to activate the code while clicking pokemon on the start menu but then i realised that it porobably had to be like the ivrng code lol.thanks for guiding me.Btw Bond do you mind if i pm you a question?It's about some 4gen events you had rng'd
  24. thanks although my game(white) froze again.Maybe cuz im using it on a rom??
  25. Wow that was fast lol.I was going to edit it i actually meant frame check code...and here's the code 94000130 FFF70000 DA000000 02215D34 D7000000 02269842 D2000000 00000000
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