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About pokemonrulz

  • Birthday 08/07/1995

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  1. My sav filesize is: 512kb and i'm using a TTDS(Never had any problems with PPSEDS before on that.)
  2. The latest PPSEDS doesn't recognize my SS(U).sav file, is this normal?
  3. Black, because my friend already said that he's going to pick white. And we always take the opposite versions of each other for the version exclusives.
  4. Project pokémon was the first real forum I joined, and I keep checking this site/forum every day because I like it so much here!
  5. Ok, this week I'm finally going to start making RQ's again.(Probably monday)
  6. These games will be totally epic!! I want to see the games in action!
  7. If my pc keeps working like now, i'm not going to make RQ anymore. Probably the pc will be fixed today, so that means I can download Pokésav again.
  8. This is so amazing, can't wait untill the release!
  9. Ok, I use the pokéwalker for 3 days now, and never been anywhere else then yellow forest(that's going to change now). -Caught a Flying Pikachu yesterday -A Sufring Pikachu joined me when I was walking without a pokémon on the Pokéwalker. I did 52417 steps, and I have 1781 watts.
  10. I already played 4.02 hours on my HG that i bought today, but I just arrived at the union cave.
  11. Here's my Arceus from the Belgian Arceus event today, I suppose that it's the same Arceus like the other English/Dutch ones. Michina_Arceus_sassy.pkm
  12. Only 2 days and I can start walking with the pokéwalker. (finally!)
  13. The new release date is the 2nd of april.
  14. They pre-released some games, but in some of those games there was a bug. But what you say about that they would release it (again) next saterday, is a option.
  15. I thought that it was the same version like the UK one...
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