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About Palamon

  • Birthday 12/26/1996


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  1. How are you guys celebrating?
  2. I still watch the anime when it airs, but what almost made me stop? It's on too early. 8:00 in the morning for a new Pokemon episode? Ridiculous! Who would get up that early for Pokemon? (Well, I would, but I always miss it.) But that's way too early for Pokemon. So that's what usually makes me want to stop watching.
  3. There is another Pokemon Spinoff I would like to see: Pokemon Trading Card Game 3 for the Nintendo 3DS.
  4. That's simple. In Heartgold: my level 100 Rapidash. In Soulsilver: My Beedrill.
  5. You need to explain the the 5 is. What is the 5? Tell us.
  6. My first shiny Pokemon was a Shiny Ponyta. It was very unexpected. I caught it without question.
  7. Firefox...but my Firefox isn't working, so I'm using IE right now.
  8. I'm hoping the people that surived are alright...a tsunami and an eartquake together is the worst combination ever... And 8.9...that's stronger than Haiti's earthquake was!
  9. Pokemon Breeder games. And another Mystery Dungeon game.
  10. Yes. I decided I liked it more than Sinnoh. Ash is being called a child. Which means: he won't have as many outbursts as he did in Sinnoh. But I hate the fact that he already has like...seven Pokemon. I give it a rating of 7/10.
  11. <p><p><p><p><p><span>Why do you want Ememrald? You can't connect by wi-fi with it? So why bother?</span></p></p></p></p></p>

  12. <p><p><p><p><p><span style="color:#FFFFFF;">Random hidden answer #1</span></p></p></p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p><p><p>Hello. Nice user title.</p></p></p></p></p>

  14. Review in my POV: 8/10. It's so 3D..and the cities actually look real. The Pokemon: Too un-Pokemonish. 6/10. The main charaters you play as: Quite too much like D/P. But a tad bit better. 7/10. The rivals: cute (and the boy is sexy as always.) 9.5/10. The evil team: knights=awesome. 8/10. But N is weird. Best Pokemon: Dewott. Litwick, Tranquill and Herdier. Everything Else:7.5/10.
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