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Posts posted by Kaarosu

  1. hey guy, from what i noticed with the pokedex entries, the max is 33rd word in the sentence, so its a toss up

    also hello kaarosu, how have you been :P

    edit: also kaar, needed testing on the event between N and you (first time) it frozed twice when i did this event, i thought it was the card i was using, tested with two different card still the same result

    im using the black version

    Really? I was just testing with what is in the git right now finally and the event went fine for me... I'll have to take a look at it in black though

  2. One odd problem - I downloaded the "Jp names, Black with exp patch" version patch, but it downloads one without the exp patch with English names instead (Black-OldStyle-English.zip). Probably just a link error... can you guys fix this please?

    It should be fixed now, not sure how I changed some of those links... anyways just went through them again and they should all be correct now unless I've gone horribly blind.

  3. Hey Kaarosu, I'm guessing the updated logo patches are v4 since I've seen lots of improvements in the translations since the last patch. :o

    The only difference between the logos is just that... the logos. People kept whining about like the second one better but were always outnumbered this way everyone is happy...for the most part

    so guys why is the Pokemon center only half English??? :(

    It was a last minute thing before i compiled. better than nothing.

    One odd problem - I downloaded the "Jp names, Black with exp patch" version patch, but it downloads one without the exp patch with English names instead (Black-OldStyle-English.zip). Probably just a link error... can you guys fix this please?

    I'll take a look at this thanks.

    hey guys, i registered because i still cant solve my problem,

    When i patch the game i get a white screen which leads to encrypting--> decrypting using endrypts.

    But when i use endrypts. and load it I get the load rom error-4

    am i doing something? or it changes the game id?

    Help me please.

    Flashcart info.

    r4isdhc happybox running on ysmenu ttmenu--> ysmenu.

    I got v2 beta to work.

    If you used endrypts you have to find the new game ids and fix yout extinfo... and infolib files I think they're called there is a post in the old thread about how to so if i remember right. I'd say check there.

  4. 0000/0347

    This is the pokemon center text; my ex translated it, but I'm not sure if he got it perfect because he's never played pokemon so didn't know the context, though it should be accurate at least seeing as he IS Japanese. Lol

    Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your Pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

    Goodmorning, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

    Hello, Welcome to the Pokemon Center, here at the Pokemon Center we heal your pokemon. Would you like to rest and heal your pokemon?

    Hello, welcome to the Pokemon center, correct me if I'm wrong but is it your birthday today?

    Happy Birthday! Thank you for using Pokemon center and i hope u stay and use our facility. Would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed.

    .....Is that a silver Card? I have seen a few Pokemon trainers but never seen a silver card so bright. it is such a honor to meet someone like your self, would you like to rest and heal your Pokemon? I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon have been healed.

    I'm sorry about the wait, all your Pokemon has been healed

    The Pokemon we have received to heal has pokerus, we don't know for sure what they are but they are parasites that live with in your pokemon with this, your pokemon will grow well and strong.

    ------------- from here down he translated but didn't understand the context so if someone could figure out the proper wording and where it all goes I'd appreciate it.-----------

    Welcome to the Pokemon wireless club Union Room, In this facility you can link up with your

    friends, trade and talk about your Pokemon. Would you like to enter this room?

    in this room you can see everyone that is linked to your system. you can battle

    with 2-4 players or trade pokemon, or even chat to everyone that is in your server.

    If you could *touch* with them, you can even search for your friends.

    We are activating your DS wireless.

    We hope you enjoy the time you have in the union room.

    *Enter Union Room*


    -Listen to instructions

    Im sorry to inform you but you can not enter the union room at this point yet,

    you carry a pokemon that can not be taken in to the room,

    You still have the pokemon written in your trainer book, you need to register the pokemon

    to the trainer book for easy use of this room (wtf it doesnt make sence r u sure its all of it?)

    First we need to change the image of the Trainer book, If you go through the setting in the trainerbook you

    can enable the image.

    *cant seems to change it just yet*

    Original text

    おつかれさまです!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは  ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの  ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか?

    おはようございます!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここで は ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなた の ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか?

    こんにちは!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは ポケ モンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの ポケ モンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか?

    いらっしゃいませ!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000……あら もしかして \xfffeおたんじょうび ですか?

    おたんじょうび\xfffeおめでとうございます!!\xf000븁\x0000これからも ポケモンセン ターを\xfffeごりように なってくださいね\xf000븁\x0000それでは あなたの ポケモン を\xfffeやすませて あげますか?

    ……あら かんちがい でしたか\xfffeもうしわけ ございません\xf000븁\x0000あなたの  ポケモンを\xfffeやすませて あげますか?

    それでは\xfffeおあずかり いたします!

    おまちどおさま!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeおあずかり した ポケモンは\xfffeみんな  げんきに なりましよ!\xf000븁\x0000

    またの\xfffeごりようを おまち してます!

    おつかれさまです!\xfffeポケモン センター です\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeここでは  ポケモンの\xfffeたいりょく かいふくを します\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeあなたの  ポケモンを……\xf000븁\x0000

    そ その カードは!?\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeその いろ!!\xfffeその かがやき !!\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeわたしも これまでに\xfffeシルバーカードの トレーナ ーさんなら\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeなんにんか みてきましたが\xf000븁\x0000 \xfffeそれより すごい\xfffeトレーナーカードを おもちの かたは\xf000븀\x000 0\xfffe\xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さんが はじめて です!\xf000븁\x000 0\xfffeさあ \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さんの\xfffeポケモンを やすませて  あげましょう!

    \xf000Ā\x0001\x0000さん おつかれさまです!\xfffeいつもので よろしい です ね!

    おあずかりした ポケモンに\xfffeポケルスが ついて いるようです\xf000븁\x0000\x fffeくわしいことは わかって いませんが\xfffeポケルスと いうのは\xf000븀\x000 0\xfffeポケモンに くっつく\xf000븀\x0000\xfffeちいさな せいめいたい だそ うです\xf000븁\x0000\xfffeこれが ついている あいだ\xfffeポケモンが よく  そだつ みたいです

    ポケモン ワイヤレス クラブ\xfffeユニオンルームに ようこそ!\xf000븁\x0000こちら では おおくの ともだちと\xfffeやりとり できます\xf000븁\x0000へやに はいります か?

    ユニオンルームは あなたの\xfffeちかくで ユニオンルームに\xf000븀\x0000はいってい る ひとが あらわれます\xf000븁\x0000ふたりや 4にんで たいせんしたり\xfffeポケ モンを こうかん できます\xf000븁\x0000また みんなで\xfffeタマゴを こうかんした り\xf000븀\x0000おえかきで たのしめます\xf000븁\x0000チャットを つかって  へやにいる\xfffeみんなと おはなしが できますし\xf000븁\x0000おはなしした ことば を タッチすれば\xfffeともだちを さがすことも できます\xf000븁\x0000へやに はい りますか?

    DSワイヤレスつうしんを\xfffeかいし します

    それでは ユニオンルームで\xfffeおたのしみ ください\xf000븁\x0000

    それでは また おこしください

    ユニオンルームへ いく


    せつめいを きく

    もうしわけ ございませんが\xfffeおきゃくさまは まだ\xf000븀\x0000ユニオンルームに  はいれません\xf000븁\x0000

    てもちに つれていけない\xfffeポケモンが います\xf000븁\x0000

    そういえば おきゃくさま\xf000븁\x0000トレーナーカードに かいてある\xfffeごじぶん の かたがきが\xf000븀\x0000ポケモントレーナーの ままですね?\xf000븁\x0000 かたがきを かえておくと\xfffeユニオンルームで あいさつを\xf000븀\x0000するときに  イメージが\xf000븀\x0000つたわりやすくて べんりですよ\xf000븁\x0000そうで すねー\xf000븁\x0000たとえば \xf000Ď\x0001\x0000\xfffeなど い かがでしょうか?\xf000븁\x0000わたしから みた いんしょう ですが\xfffeまずは か たがきを かえてみましょう\xf000븁\x0000おきに めさない ようでしたら\xfffeトレー ナーカードで かたがきを\xf000븀\x0000タッチすれば へんこうできますよ\xf000븁\x 0000

    いまは まだ つかえないみたい

    I didn't add all the Pokecenter text just yet but the gist of it, and as for the Italian translation they sent me what they had so far but something is wrong somewhere and the tool is failing at importing their changes, more than likely there are missing lines (SCV pointed this out to me as I was running to some issues a couple of minutes ago trying to repack the story files)

  5. All in my Fork :D

    Please remember: I have a new fork with the name "Rykin122".

    Also, I have posted a note on a commit.

    It is about file 0168. Please read this one not the old one.

    Be sure to remove [2] and [9] before the actual lines.

    Yes I plan on making these changes as well thanks!

    Also going to go out for a late lunch soon and then later tonight I'll grab both gits and push out v1

  6. I posted this in the old thread but I think it might have gone unnoticed. I'm gonna post it again here because I think it's an issue must people haven't noticed:

    Thanks for all the work you've done! You people are amazing!

    The updated patch works great, I tested evolution and its fine.

    The only issues I've found were very minor. First is the one others have stated about the male rival referred to as "her"

    Another issue I noticed was in the pokedex.

    In my pokedex, Dageki is classified as the "Judo Pokemon" and Kurumiru Is Classified as the "Karate Pokemon". I Haven't captured a Nageki yet but I assume it's classification might be of the pokemon before it.

    So it seems like the Classifications are pushed forward by one slot at some point or something like that.

    Just for reference, the way it's supposed to be is #538 Nageki: Judo Pokemon, #539 Dageki: Judo Pokemon, and #540 Kurumiru: Sewing Pokemon

    Thanks! I must've missed it with so many pages I'll go look into that right now.


    I just pushed my changes on both the normal git and the story git

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