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Posts posted by Kaarosu

  1. its just the Game ID Kaarosu thats the problem for DSTT users, as ddc1's guide actually fixed it and worked properly, we will just have to do that guide for each patch that comes out.

    Also a question when a newer version comes out will i patch over the patched rom or patch a clean one again?

    like i have beta v2 patch on now would i just put v3 patch over the current patched rom i have or is it best to use a clean one?

    I always start with a clean copy as to avoid conflicts so everyone should as well. Every patch start over with a clean version of the game.

  2. These might have been posted already, but it's a huge ass thread, so....

    I've noticed a couple of errors, my Victini learned the move Headbutt, and the description says you can use headbutt to find pokémon in trees, a feature from HG/SS, but not in B/W.

    In a double battle, my Moguryuu hit everyone with earthquake, including Charen's Yanappu. It said "Yanappu <br> is not very effective...", or something weird looking to that effect.

    Thanks, I'll look for it but it seems everything shifted down or up? in the 16.txt at some point that's why some moves show the right text and others don't.

  3. alright just went through the pages I missed and been taking note of what you guys have found so far and i'll see if i can address them today. As for the DSST users I don't own one myself(I use a ak2i) with Beta v3 when I get to it i'll make a 'no exp' patch and see if that can address your errors, or like I've read some of you saying that it's something about the Game ID... I put what the Beta v2 Game IDs changed to in the first post if there is a way to use that for a possible fix. Anyways I'm going to try an address these errors now, thanks for the feedback so far.

  4. Patch is working great and is a lot more complete than I was expecting so early into the game.

    Definitely noticing a lot of attack descriptions being cut off.

    Also wondering, why exactly are some of the attack names in Romanized Japanese? For example, the attack Grass Mixer, right now, is labeled Gurasumikisaa. Is this intentional, and if so is it just temporary?

    I might go through this a little more thoroughly tomorrow and add some things I've noticed here to help out.

    Keep up the good work, I'm glad to see this project is taking of so quickly. :)

    When Kazo did them there were no english names set but it's ok I'm on top of it. Now to knock myself out. Later.

  5. @Kaarosu

    I have heard from a couple people that the game freezes when you try to enter the Union Room. Hope you can fix it!

    I'll have to look into this asap but probably won't make it tonight, I only have on class tomorrow so i'll make a note of this and see whats up tomorrow

    Ok, I don't mean to annoy by bringing up SAV files again but I've done the following:

    •Make sure the .save file name is the same as the .nds

    •If it's still in Japanese, in-game go to Options and change 'Button Mode(5th option down)' (made sure to save the .sav and the .dst after I changed the Button Mode to the First option)

    and when I try to load my save file after importing the backup data .sav, and loading my save file (the dst file) the game loads, but if I try to press any buttons, besides moving my character, the game freezes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Just wanna say that I appreciate everyone's hard work on this project!

    Not sure I've ever encountered something similar if someone has i'm sure they'll help you out.

  6. 1065 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000\xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1066 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000the wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1067 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000the foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1068 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000\xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1069 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000the wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1070 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000\xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1071 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffecut its own HP and laid a curse on\xf000븀\x0000the foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0001!

    1072 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeis afflicted by the curse!

    1073 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeis afflicted by the curse!

    1074 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeis afflicted by the curse!

    1075 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeforesaw an attack!

    1076 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeforesaw an attack!

    1077 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffeforesaw an attack!

    1078 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffechose Doom Desire as its destiny!

    1079 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffechose Doom Desire as its destiny!

    1080 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffechose Doom Desire as its destiny!

    1081 \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffetook the\xf000ć\x0001\x0001attack!

    1082 The wild \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffetook the\xf000ć\x0001\x0001attack!

    1083 The foe's \xf000Ă\x0001\x0000 \xfffetook the\xf000ć\x0001\x0001attack!

    here's my contribution!

    1084 is the HOOTHOOT couldn't stay airborne because of gravity! thing... yep!

    I'll get to this asap thanks for the contribution

  7. Got the ROM, but whatds emulator? i've tried a few before and they failed, and i know a majority arent guarenteed success through out a full ROM. And, i don't really feel like making my way through out the game then freezing towards the end..

    As a general advice/warning? to everyone please try to keep the talk of ROMs down, especially the part of how to obtain them and what not. As for your question the only emulator that i know of that works with the games is Desmume google and you'll find it.

  8. you're my hero! also, is anyone started work on the storyline yet? I translated the first conversation with n, cos I wanted to know what was happening while I played. it's in a notepad on my desktop, and was just wondeing cos if no one was, I'd help out with that.

    there is a git for the story not sure how many people have started working on yet since I haven't poked in to check

  9. Been using it for about 10-20 minutes, went through the whole of Hiun's Gym without any real problems.

    A few things, though. There seem to be some random lines of Japanese during battle. One of them was after I was hit with Poison Tail, though it only happened once, even though I was hit by it a few times. I'm guessing it's "A critical hit!"? Also, the Protect or Detect (not sure which one) move still gives a line of Japanese (whenI'm guessing it's saying ___ protected itself!"). Minor issue, but it's worth nothing. The text that you get when you're trying to learn a new move is also in Japanese, as are the descriptions for a few of the new items.

    Yeah you'll see random japanese messages in battles since all of those come from 16.txt and it's not fully translated though. Remember this is still a Beta patch not a 'real' v1 so that we can find bugs early on and not have to worry about them all at once. Looking into the evolution problem right now thanks!

  10. Posting to confirm that the patch/translation thus far works on the Acekard 2i running Akio 1.7.1

    For those (I think I saw one) asking about how to transfer your save file, just make sure that the name of your Sav and the name of the NDS patch match, and from there - in game, ensure that your Language is set to Kana (which you can change with the second to last option in the menu - first setting).

    EDIT: One thing I am noticing however, is that in the description panel for each pokemon when looking at the descriptions for each attack, some are too long for the display field and don't wrap to the next line. I'm assuming this is the way that the files are written? (initially for one line)

    Yeah this is what I meant about line breaks being a pain in the ass, can you write down the name of the attack so that it can be formatted better. thanks

    Problem with evolution, recorded it and uploaded it to youtube. Skip to 8:50


    That is weird... i'll look into it thanks for the feed back

    With the black patch, the game goes to a black screen and freezes in Desmume when attempting to do anything at all like turn off C-gear or enter a building

    Hopefully with the white patch I'll have better luck

    Can anyone else confirm this?

  11. Just pulled what we have in the git and compiled a patch, cause I like feeling lurkers/can't verify the accuracy of all the changes being made by myself. It's by no means anywhere near being complete but this is what the community has put together so far, enjoy!


    Don't forget the feedback, try to group them up and avoid replying with *just one* report of what needs to be fixed.

  12. Yup that is the git we put up for those who wish to translate the story.

    Sorry I've been busy going back doing quality check on the stuff that has been submitted to the git, fixing/fixed up some stuff. Working on 80(mystery gift) right now and then i'll push that up with the other things from 16 that i've done since then.

  13. once the patch is done is it all ready in the game or do we have to dowload the game and the patch

    Yeah a patch will be out when 16 and 17 are ready, I've been working on 16 as much as I can but going back and fixing other files and making sure that they reflect well in the game, as for your question we don't host roms or anything all we will release is a patch.

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