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Posts posted by Kaarosu

  1. If this would happen to any country IMO it would be Russia or China ;p.

    But really I don't think there would be a plan to be able to live the rest of your life isolated away from Zombies, so one simple answer, suicide.

    All the silly plans my friend and I came up with assume that either a) we'll hold out until we die of old age / b) hold out long enough for the zombies to fully decompose and disappear

  2. Copy your .sav file from your CycloDS and open it with pokesav. when you're done just save and move back your .sav to your CycloDS. (Before you make any changes with pokesav make a back up of your save first in the rare case that something goes wrong)

  3. Question;

    Magnius got more images swapped in pokedex and more dialog, but could you first apply his patch then apply this patch over it for the rest of the stuff, would it "merge" properly?

    I tried but failed, wonder if it's possible to get the pokedex and poketech translated and it seems Magnius got that but I am not sure that he got the rest of the features this patch has sadly, it would be cool with a comparison chart but, I am getting "off question" now!

    The way it works is each of them are patching the game script(text) on their own and then put it back into the game. So you can't merge both translations cause the last one you put in overwrites all the text.


    Attached my script file so that you can look through it maybe compare/merge into yours Poketch names/Poffins and other stuff I can't remember and the dialog parts you can ignore since I chose Magnius's wording over mine at parts. If you use it, awesome if not oh well.

  4. sounds like you're opening applocale with some other language instead of Japanese. You can either use the character map/google translate or w/e for Japanese text and then just copy and paste it into the pokesav that's running with applocale

  5. I've been away for a while but since i'm back, figured I'd do my own half assed translation probably into spanish instead of english since kazo and others seem to have that well covered but anyways back to the topic.

    The "Fix":

    1) Run thenewpoketext and follow the instructions to the point of creating the tmp folder and you get the error that says something along the lines of msg.narc not found.

    2) As Kazo pointed out, you now have to copy the file "7" from "a/0/2/" to "msgdata/" and RENAME it "msg.narc"

    After that you'll be able to create your .xml file and then do whatever you want with it.

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