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Everything posted by ayumifan

  1. actually, ive tried this yesterday. The hall of origin Arceus didnt work for me the 2nd time around. so im guessing you can only do it once. idk. oh yea. its not shinto its Sinjoh, but its ok. most of my friends say shinto.
  2. true true. how many legends have been shown? ive only seen victini, and the black and white pkmn. and for the common pkmn, the sarcophagi and drill one look the most interesting.
  3. its been confirmed that its fire/psychic type. go to serebii or another pokemon news site.
  4. Well, ty has eruption,flamethrower double edge and def curl. Tyrant has rock climb, scary face, stone edge and crunch. Fearow has drill peck fly agility and roost. Gengar has hypnosis, dream eater, shadow ball and explosion. Nido has toxic spikes, mega horn, strength and double kick. And dragonite has extreme speed, dragon dance, dragon rush and surf. And they hold berries that reduce s.e. hits. Sorry I'm using my phone to post this. And its a virtual keyboard.:creep:
  5. At lucario yea. But I new gamed already. So Ima do the event again
  6. I used master ball on the level 70 mewtwo. mostly because it keep beating my ass with its guard and power swap. so i said f it and threw the master ball lol
  7. the spiky eared pichu. it so cute lol.
  8. hmm. ok thx! im sorry another follow up question. excuse me if its similar to my other question lol. if i delete my file with the event pichus, and start a newgame can i still activate the event? sorry im asking questions even though i played pokemon games since they came out lol.
  9. i used my all lvl 75 teamL typhlosion : eruption flamethrower, double edge and def curl. tyranitar : stone edge, crunch, scary face and rock climb. dragonite : extremespeed, D Dance, dragon rush and surf gengar : hypnosis, dream eater , explosion and shadow ball kenya (mail mans fearow lol) roost, drill peck, fly, and agility nidoking: strength, megahorn, toxic spikes, and shadow claw.
  10. i have a question.(questions actually) Ive beaten the game and defeated red, and i havent caught suicune. i did the event where suicune runs toward cianwood, i seen it at cianwood, it ran off. and ive been looking for it ever since. it wasnt @ mt mortar, or vermillion. what do i do? and 2: i got the legit event pichu via AR, and did the event, and i was wondering, if i delete my gamefile to start a new game and activate the event, will i still be bale to do the event with the pichu?
  11. Heres my team: theyre now lvl 75. so what do ya guys think?
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