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About Supreme

  • Birthday 07/17/1990
  1. But if you do this than I don't think you can be able to make your Pokemon shiny..
  2. Wow, this is a great program. I just want to know if someone could be kind enough to make a list of the numbered moves so I can know which one is which. Thanks in advance. Also, I need to figure out which number is the ability illusion (zoroark's ability). Thanks again!
  3. If you want the Event Pichu to obtain the Spiky-Eared Pichu find my FC in this video and post a comment of your FC. Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td4cw8SIX1M + Illex Forest =
  4. Whenever I choose a different language at the top right of pokesav, the pokemon always comes out to be English still. How do you change the language of a pokemon and the language of the OT?
  5. Whenever I choose a different language at the top right of pokesav, the pokemon always comes out to be English still. How do you change the language of a pokemon and the language of the OT?
  6. Supreme

    Epic Win

    link removed.
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