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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. hmm. I'm not sure what to do then, I'm on a wireless router/modem combo. When using the ipconfig command I can see my routers IP as well as the computers IP, which is what I typed into the DS settings, as per Bond's instructions. That also doesn't explain why IR-GTS isn't recognizing the .pkm files for me. I must be missing a step. I would try the turbo GtS but if that is more complex, and I can't even get the simple stuff working I don't see that as an option. :\

    Try the simplest of tools,


  2. On IR-GTS when I drop a .pkm file in it tells me....

    Filename must end in .pkm or .3gpkm

    Returning to main menu

    Choose an option

    .... the files do end in .pkm I got them from the link in this forum to the page in this site. Anyone else have this problem?

    when I use them in sendpkm they seem to go thru but I get stuck where it says...


    Please set your DS's DNS server to

    ....I use my own IP aquired thru "ipconfig" but it does't prompt me to do any other steps, so I enter the GTS and I get an Unable to connect message and it just returns me to the front desk even though when I test connection in the connection settings it says connection succesful. so both programs are giving me different problems.

    That's your problem right there. So long as you are behind a router you should get a valid IP address (not

  3. Crosspost from a code I posted on Smogon.

    IV Frame Check Code, used in conjunction with the MTRNG Seed Check Code.

    Activate with UP at the Trainer case like the other codes. Has no side effect on the game.

    XXXXYYYY (Money, ID). Basically ID is the current frame since it only ranges from 0 to 624.


    94000130 FFBF0000
    DA000000 02215B94
    D7000000 022696A4
    A226969A 00000000
    1226969A 00000000
    DA000000 02215B94
    D6000000 0226969A
    D2000000 00000000


    94000130 FFBF0000
    DA000000 02215B74
    D7000000 02269684
    A226967A 00000000
    1226967A 00000000
    DA000000 02215B74
    D6000000 0226967A
    D2000000 00000000

  4. Thank you Bond697 and Sorrel for the distributions.

    The perfect IV Ditto and Darkrai are sure to cause some laughs. \m/

    Bond, would it be possible to create a Yellow Forest Surfing Pikachu (Female, Modest, 31 IV in Sp A, 255 EV in Def and Sp A)?

    Thanks once again and enjoy your "vacation".

    Nothing in this thread is created, it's RNG'd. Pokewalker RNG is so much more tedious compared to cart RNG, because he'd have to do hours of work for a certain PID after even catching a female Yellow Forest Surfing Pikachu.

    Pokewalker spreads are online, you can then create your own if you so direly desire!

  5. *Make sure you have a full party when you enter the GTS!*

    There are 2 different "sizes" of pokemon(.pkm) file. 236 byte .pkms are party pokemon, while 136 byte .pkms are boxed pokemon, You can send party pokemon to either your party or a box, but you can't send boxed pokemon to your party. The download will happen, but you'll get a badly messed up pokemon. Unless you're very, VERY clear on what you're doing, just always enter the GTS with a full party to make things simple.

    Intro post.

  6. I have not hacked Pokemon, or even played, in a while but I remember hearing something about being able to tell if a Pokemon was hacked based on the IV spread and the date it was caught. I paid too much attention to RNGing, only did it for a few shiny eggs, but apparently the date has an affect on what you encounter.

    Can't date check. Spreads are not exclusive to seeds, seeds are just starting points. Thus it can be far along or in the first few encounters depending on the seed. Some spreads are impossible due to the certain methods of generation, but there aren't many compared to all of the possible spreads.

    So, for hacked Pokemon that are listed as "bred" (or I suppose any Pokemon in general..), does the date matter? Will it be possible to tell a Pokemon is hacked when comparing the IV spread with when it captured/hatched/picked up?

    When the egg is generated, the PID is created and stored. You can change to a later date. Since it can be any date, you can use over 1 million seeds, and thus can get a good egg IV spread out of it. Captures, see above answer.

  7. PokeGen works with saves, and is better than PokeSav in terms of user interface and is correct on a few things in which PokeSav does not have (correct).

    Pokemon Mystery Gift Editor by Grovyle91 handles the Mystery Gift functions.

    And there are AR codes for everything else!

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