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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. Regular HTML is exactly what's supposed to go there. You can almost treat it like an HTML editor; JavaScript and CSS can be embedded. The variables that are given are just for processing purposes.
  2. Go to the GTS with a full party and let it go to your box. That's the easiest way to prevent any problems.
  3. It is, look at PokeGTS as an example.
  4. I would need a centralized location to display all of them...but it can be done.
  5. Might be referring to the Global Distribution System, which did have a chat and search function.
  6. Shiny² Developed by: Shiny Jirachi/formlesstree4 Shiny² is a brand new GTS system, recreated from the ground up in C# that is designed to be as efficient and reliable as possible. I'm not sure who all has used ShinyGTS or ShinyDTS, but those have their own fair share of problems that cannot really be avoided. However, Shiny² has been designed to remove their flaws, and introduce so many more features: Distribute/Receive to both Generations [simultaneously or not] Custom Filtering System to prevent GTS overload! Write Logs to File Save and Loading of Settings Custom Browser Messages - More on this later Verbose GTS output [Assist in debugging] And more! You'll have to use the program to discover the rest. Now, the biggest upgrade from ShinyGTS/DTS is the Browser Message feature. With it, you can create fully functioning and dynamic web pages. Shiny² has a built-in macros that allow it to inject data straight into your Browser Output. This feature is still in beta testing, but so far, has proven to be reliable. For now, here is the download link. I am short on time. When I have more free time, I shall post a more detailed How-To, as well as pictures of the program. The source code has been updated, and the latest version can be downloaded here or as an attachment at this post Download the Source Code Changelog: Final change for probably a long time (or ever), unless something crops up. 1.4 - Fixed DNS filter Download from the attachment below or from here. Source code also updated. v1.3 - Added "syachi2ds.available.gs.nintendowifi.net" to the allowed DNS list - Added more information to bad DNS requests - Fixed an issue where GTS actions failed to register - Changed the way Pokemon are saved so that the date/time they were saved is in the file name, no more accidental overwrites (for db33) - Changed the application's Icon to a higher resolution - Fixed an issue where certain 5th Gen connections failed to get a result - Added more information to the log when a user initially enters the GTS - Added more information to the log when a user receives a Pokemon, namely the user's game generation and Pokemon received - Changed the "Sent x bytes of data" message to only appear in Verbose mode - Fixed an issue where the app would crash on launch when loading data from a previous instance - Fixed an issue where the app would crash on exit when saving some data - Added the ability to minimize to system tray 1.2 - Fixed DNS bug that would filter out ALL URLs instead of specific ones. The filtering system is currently disabled and will be activated in the next release (hopefully). Download Now! 1.1 - Fixed a bug where when doing ordered distribution, the program would throw an IndexOutOfRangeException after the last Pokemon was sent. 1.0 - Initial Release Shiny2 v1.4..zip
  7. Well, you'll get to see it when I finally get done with it. Spent the last...7 hours working on this new version from scratch. you'll love it.
  8. That can work in some versions, however, I think it's HG/SS that disconnect with an error code. I don't know why or how to fix that, nor do I have the energy to devote to it. Some versions of the game don't crash out like that, and, if the server were to be coded a slight bit differently, it would work.
  9. Well, see, the issue is, how do I figure out if I should send or receive? The mode to do either is -there-, but it isn't really feasible to do...both without say, reservations or what not and if no reservation, then one can upload.
  10. Those are the proper ports. I don't know much else to say.
  11. Your Router is blocking the ports or a firewall is. That's all I can suggest, sorry.
  12. I don't have a 3DS to test out why it bugs up, nor do I have the time to keep working on this program at this moment.
  13. They are two different languages.
  14. ShinyGTS/DTS is written in C# & VB.net and the source files there are old and outdated. I can give you the source however.
  15. It is possible, but I'd have to modify the code. It was not designed to send & receive at the same time; there's a reason for that.
  16. Using an offline GTS system, it is possible to send an egg through the GTS, although it risks having some mistakes on the information screen.
  17. Did you make sure the Game Mode was right? I honestly don't know why that would happen.
  18. I don't know, don't have a 3DS to experiment with.
  19. CodeMonkey, do you even work on the library anymore?
  20. There is always the possibility that the timeout value is to low. I would need to do some further tests on that to figure out if that's the case. I'll crack open the source code this weekend if I get the chance and see what I can do. As for the event Pokemon, I understand completely. In reply to your edit, there's not much more you can provide. Just tell me what applications you have running at the same time (even explorer counts), who your ISP is, and what router you have. I don't think it's a hardware problem, more like that ShinyGTS is just impatient.
  21. Looks like a timeout is occurring; something might be closing the connection early. I honestly don't know how to help you sadly. I have the timeout set at a decent size; but I don't know what to say.
  22. Then something is blocking the connection; maybe router firewall, computer firewall, or another program. But something is blocking the connection.
  23. The IP you pointed to IS the IP you put into your DS. Make sure your router (if you have one) has port forwarding enabled to your PC.
  24. The DS's are temperamental in sending and receiving supplies. I've had transmissions be cut off completely, missing several bytes of data (corrupting the base64 encoding), and then it would suddenly work again.
  25. Those sound like glitches with the transmission on the DS's honestly; it really is a hit or miss situation with this type of emulation/hacking/tricking/whatever you want to call it, or so I've seen at least with applications.
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