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Posts posted by evandixon

  1. which one do you have the one that u take out or the one that has the slot at the top.

    Taking out the cart does the same thing for both. There is no difference between the two, except that the one with a "pass-through" slot can have a gtame in it. If you take the cart for it out, and insert the game, it will work.

  2. Code lyoko is awesome! I loved that show...your avatar is like the Xana symbol right evandixon...


    Yes, it is.

    ---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------

    Oh, and some little demon tried to pull a kid into some dark dimension, and was only saved by Dusknoir.

    They keep on and on saying that was another world, but it was just a cave as far as any of us are concerned.

    I.D.A.S. did [classified] tests on it, and it concluded that the entire thing was just mirrage.

  3. Just to let you guys know, I bought a Nintendo DSi for about $87 USD. Got a 50% discount. :D My friend hooked me up. Brand new and black. It's pretty sweet. I'm deciding whether I should buy a DSTTi or a AK2i. Opinions? Any other good DSi flash carts out there?

    I hear the AK2i is the best available, but some say that it bricks out after a while, and because the DSi's firmware is updateable, Nintendo can just release a mandandory update blocking it.

  4. I have mixed feelings about Ed, Edd, and Eddy.. I used to like it a lot, but then it got kinda... old. Kinda the same with Spongebob, but at least it provides mindless humor once in a while.xP

    I've also noticed that most cartoons airing now are rather...Dumbed down or something.

    I must be a kidult too.xD Animal Planet, Discovery, Science Channel... Nom.<3

    I just don't tend to like actual TV series with live people in it.

    ...Dangit, now I need to find a conveniently overly dark picture for this post so that it doesn't seem like off topic spam.

    Try taking the picture in a closet, with the door closed. If your camra has a backlight, that should provide enough light to be like mine:

    I should try that.


    ---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------


  5. Alright, guess I could post myself...


    I scared little children c:

    You even scared the camra by making it go to black-and-white :biggrin:.

    As for mine, I'll show everyone again:

    I should try that.


    ---------- Post added at 06:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:31 PM ----------


    [Edit]: I used a DSi in a pitch-black closet to take it. I had to lower the Brightness, so it wouldn't be as clear.

  6. We don't have any illegal or copyrighted material on this site beyond what we can justify with fair use, just like Bulbapedia, Serebii, or any other Pokemon fansite does. Our ROM editors, Pokesav, etc. don't originate from Nintendo but we will remove them if Nintendo asks us to. Most of it is code written by us. Fair use goes for the events, which we believe are insubstantial enough to distribute freely - which we will also remove if Nintendo asks us to.

    It's a good thing that Nintendo dosen't know about this place (becuase if they did, they would most likely request that all of this is removed. If by the un-likely off-chance they do know about it, then it is odd that they haven't requested its removal already.

  7. GUI=Graphical User Interface. It beats having to deal with a console :kikkoman:

    I can't really help you with ROM hacking, but I can help you with DS Lazy.

    1. Open a ROM by pressing the "..." button

    2. Press "NDS Unpack"

    3. Wait for it to finish, don't pannic if DS Lazy stops responding, there is a command-line tool in the background, wait for that to finish. the folder "NDS_UNPACK" will pop up.

    4. Do whatever you want to do with the data

    5. When you're finished, press "NDS PACK", and it will assemble a ROM.

    If you need help with ROM hacking, I not your man. I think SCV can help, but I'm not sure.

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