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Posts posted by evandixon

  1. Which theory of time travel do you think is more accurate?

    -If you go back in time and do something, it wouldn't cause anything in the future to change because it had already happened. (eg. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and in Artemis Fowl and the Time Paradox)

    -If you go back in time and do something the future will change drasticly.

    I think the first theory is more accurate because if the second theory was correct and you kill your grandfather or something you wouldn't exist to go in time and kill your grandpa.

    "All the important changes are made before the things that the are meant to change, and it all works out in the end."

  2. Ahhhh another HM aka "Pain in the rear" I hate Hm's enough already

    Currently, I just ignore H's and use ARDS to walk through obstcles that require one (with the exception of fly and defog).

  3. so we have information about .duc.

    Keep in mind that ARDS Media Edition *.duc is not the same format as ARMAX *.duc.

    I remember seeing that ARMAX has a larger header.

    If I have time later, I will try to coninue making save conversion apps, while also modifying the updatable GUI, so it converts to RAW, THEN, to the format the user specified.

  4. OK, I have a rom of PMD explorers of sky. Since I can't read Japanese, I used an english patch, but it trimmed the rom, cutting out part of the storyline. Is there any way I can get the English text to an untrimmed rom? If so, please tell me!:smile:

    It's comming out in english soon, so just wait. I tried using a patch, but it didn't have enough translation.

    It should be released in english US between September and December 2009.

    ---------- Post added at 09:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 AM ----------

    Also, shouldn't this go in the ROM editing forum?

  5. In case not, a torrent is a way of downloading from people who have already downloaded it.

    It saves web-space for the host (because one just uploades it to a free website), and is very in-secure, because normally, one has no clue if the source is reliable, or legal.

    NEVER download applications from one.

  6. Before i used to name the boxes corresponding to the Pokemon 1st typing for example:

    Fire - "Inferno"

    Ice - "Frostbite"

    Dark - "Rebellion"

    Psychic - "Telepath"

    Flying - "Airborne"

    Normal - "Normality"

    Rock - "Boulder"

    Ground - "EarthCrush"

    Water - "Tsunami"

    Dragon - "Dragoon"

    Ghost - "Shadow" "Spectrum" "Phantom" (I couldn't pick which name to use so i cycle throughout them)

    I did something like that when I did orgaise them, but I just did simple names ("Fire", "Water", etc.)

  7. Do these codes work in my JAP Pokemon Pearl?

    'Cause if they're for JAP Diamond, i don't know if they'll work in JAP Pearl.

    These codes were for JAP Diamond (I blame GBAtemp for not having nearly as many codes for Pearl), and I do not know if they will work for JAP Pearl. If you try, and they work, then be sure to tell me.

  8. i wanted know if you planning to add no$gba, because if you are the only thing no$gba does to the .sav files is add 76 characters beginning of the file which is useless.

    i also think that your program should make a backup of the save files just in case, because people can start bitching once they files mess up.

    Thank you for requesting that, I now plan on adding that. Currently, I am trying to simplify the conversion procedure, and also provide R4 support.

    What I would like people to do is request support for different save file types, so I know they are needed.

    For all I know, no one has an M3 *.0 save file.

  9. It depends on how it's stored.

    If it is Unicode or ASCII, then it would appear as a string in a HEX Editor\

    If it is an integer, then it would probebly be two bytes long, needing to be converted with something like this:

       'Converts an array of Byte with a length of 2 into an integer
       Function ByteArToInt(ByVal input As Byte()) As Integer
           Dim returnval As Integer = (input(1) * 256) + input(0)
           Return returnval
       End Function
       'Converts an Integer into a byte array with a length of 2 
       Function ConvertIntToByteAr(ByVal input As Integer) As Byte()
           Dim s1 As Byte = (input / 256)
           Dim s2 As Byte = (input Mod 256)
           Dim returnval As Byte() = {s2, s1} 'Because of the needs I had when I wrote this, s1 and s2 were reversed.  If this failes, make it {s1, s2}
           Return returnval
       End Function

    First you will need to know how it is stored.

    Also, this might go in the Save R&D forum.

  10. I just get this general feeling that Nintendo completely ignores our demographic because they believe we don't exist in great numbers or something. I mean, how else do you explain stupid decisions like "friend codes" and the like?

    I think if Nintendo truly saw the potential of the older crowd, a Pokemon MMO would already exist.

    We have over 1000 members, do you not call that numbers?

    I wonder what they would do If I e-mailed them a link here (hypothetically), and the (hypothetically) payed attention to it and clicked the link (hypothetically speaking).

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