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Everything posted by DannyB01

  1. Ah I guess I missed your point, in fact i understand a bit better now. I think either the 61035 ralts has either been edited for ID/SID/OT in gen 3 and then pal parked or it's just been modified and run through trash.exe or something. I do, however, believe that there are legit 56452 sets as i've got pokebox/pcjp/pokepark sets and they all look good to me and are from a reliable source. I am currently trying to get my friend to pal park some wish from his gba sav just for the purposes of working out what the PID type is, I haven't ever seen BACD which people consider legit and I'm sceptical of it. The most reliable Wish I've ever seen have been ABDE, but I guess you can't just take my word for it. Unfortunately the person I know with the most legit WISH gba saves is away right now, however I'm trying to contact him anyway. We'd already discussed the PID type of wish before and some things he said made me think they can't even be ABCD which is what many people think is possible right now, and i know it's still considered a possibility. Hopefully more people who know lots more will start speaking up soon!
  2. Cool I'm back, I think that your post with the two legal shots actually is wrong. If you look at the 56452 Ralts, it has invalid trash is because it is HGSS pal park (check 86h HH = 04) - I'm pretty sure there's no reason to think it's hacked from the screenshot you've uploaded. I'm not sure where you got the other ralts from, but it looks like it must be an edit. I'm pretty confident the 56452 set is legit because I know the source. Unfortunately it's somehow been spread around so only the pokepark05 56452s are rare any more. I'll ask the people i know about their PCNY Wish for you, though all the ones I've heard of are ABDE and definitely not BACD - and that's not from judging any of the ones in circulation right now. I'm not sure how to send events to you, as I can send you a PCJP04 batch of files I'd rather was only used for research purposes if that's ok. With a little luck I can get my friend to extract a bunch of pokebox from her actual pokebox game in time for this for research, but I'm not sure if she's still playing it. Otherwise I have a bunch of pokebox that appear legit and are shiny which sound like they could be of some use.
  3. Awesome .sav support would be very interesting indeed, I guess people who do a lot of wifi trading will find it really useful. I've said it somewhere else but let us know if you need pkm contributions for this. eg 12160 Korean beasts etc. that people'd rather not put on the contributions thread.
  4. By the way I'm pretty sure PCNY Wish egg's were not B-A-C-D, that was PCJP Wish eggs. I'm probably missing something here but I'll pm you just in case. Edit: @Clear - only PCJP03 is CGU, not PCJP04 or pokepark05. I think this PCNY Wish thing is up for debate, but they're not CGR/U.
  5. Without wanting to make any obvious info public, I actually tend to agree with what you say about secure's pcny being possible hacks - i certainly find the idea of anyone having the OT Secure back in 2004 more than a little off putting, as well as EVNTRDR. Then again, I know the Mets Farfetch'd (PCNY Wish) is GoldUrsaring's own which was leaked and i'd say that's pretty credible. I don't know too many people who went to the event, but those I do could say that the current info we have isn't too inaccurate. I'm sure Sabre has better sources though and there was good reason for how they used to turn out in legal.exe. I'm not sure what I think about Adnan's though, judging from his GBA sav he certainly had a lot of hacks, I doubt those pokepark/pcjp wish pokes of his are legit at all.
  6. Thanks very much for this Sabresite, those of us still collecting GBA events really appreciate it. By the looks of the post, I'm guessing you've already been given the resources you need for this, but I'll be happy to help if i can - I'll keep an eye out for posts asking for stuff. Thanks again.
  7. Thanks very much for these like others have said. So the distribution cart was full up to box 18 of mews? That's a lot! As i've already seen said, it would be amazing if you could upload the .sav file of it, but if not that's totally understandable. I'm interested in it though, what's the trainer name/ID/gametime etc.? I just want to know if the distro carts are just like normal games or if they've been edited subtley.
  8. Pretty much. The reason JEREMY are fixed IVs is cos they were all the same given out, cos of the way the carts sent to each Toys r us were with the pokes on file. Unknown GBA Type might as well have an unrelated PID/IV, but if there's one it's not known so basically worth dismissing. Not sure what Wish you mean, as PCNY Wish are the only PCNY Wish that actually aren't unknown and PCJP03 wish are CGBAU. Oh and I forgot about Gen 5, my bad. Sounds like you know more than me on them though
  9. Kinda bumping an old thread but it's on the first page... obviously they wouldn't be downloadable, it's only really here and PD that .pkms readily are. People put a lot of effort into completing the set. @ Sunain - This info is all available on serebii you know, some searching you did!
  10. This is such a general question. There's no such thing as an event with set IVs, except for all the JEREMY Pokemon. Otherwise, there's a load of events with set/static PIDs, this goes for all shiny DS events and quite a lot of others. However, there are no other events except JEREMY that have set IVs. Having a static PID does not set the IVs, just the nature, ability and gender. I don't think I'm missing anything there, but i didn't think much about what i could have missed
  11. No, static PIDs are anything but rare...still you're right about the gender being random on these at least. As for the entei, why's kadmoth trying to upload only a .pcd anyway - surely then it can't have been extracted from a trustworthy save file. I'd be cautious...
  12. My question is about event pokemon. I've received a TON recently whose hometown is Diamond yet 46h = F4 and 47h = 0B. I've received about 30 different ones, and it's starting to freak me out as before i'd immediately say they were hacked, are these just from some hacker who doesn't understand hex values? Cos everything else looks legit.
  13. Hi there, i've been checking for quite some time now, but I really need some helping checking logarithms for event checking. Any help someone could give me at all would be very much appreciated Edit: Never mind, I used to be such a noob!
  14. legal.exe doesn't check abilities, however when a pokemon is checked it may get noticed. For example a machamp with no guard shouldn't be ability 1 - that's my take on that anyway. It should keep levitate when it evolves too
  15. Yeah, it would be hacked if it DIDN'T say unknown gba type if they were hatched in the 3rd gen, so you're pokemon are fine
  16. That's pretty much perfect, but you've got ability 1 assigned when it should be ability 2. Change that and you should be ok
  17. I hope i'm not posting in the wrong forum, but I recently received Italian, German and French SPR2010 Pichus off someone and am trying to check their legality. The ID number is the same for each, but i'm wondering if they're supposed to have different SIDs or not depending on the country they're from (obviously the OT name is different so i see it as a possibility). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  18. Hmmm, well the problem shared across all three is that they don't have a valid country of origin, i'm not sure how that arises but i've seen it a few times before. Just open up the pokemon in pokesav and that is INCREDIBLY easy to fix (I've done that for you). That was the only problem with ambipom, everything else was fine (including PID matching the IVs/nature). The latias had an invalid country of origin, invalid trash bytes and its PID/IV combination didn't match. The first two are very easy to fix (use the trash byte normalizer as well as changing the country of origin). To make the PID match, you could either generate IVs and a nature corresponding to the PID you already have (with SCVs PID/IV generator) or what I'd recommend is to choose the minumum IVs you want and the nature you want and find a PID that matches and just put that in. (Plus the moves and PP of the latias were just silly). Same exactly applies to the dugtrio, but without you needing to normalize the trash bytes. Possibly I'm just missing something on the PIDs, cos they pass the legality checker at least as long as you make the country of origin valid and normalise the trash bytes. Ambipom Fixed.pkm
  19. Guys if it was an EV problem it would say EVs: Invalid in the checker, so don't suggest that Sounds like an incorrect nature/IV/PID combination, how about you try just using SCVs PID/IV generator or PokeGen, you'd probably get it right then. Also, if you could upload the smeargle you've made so far, i can probably tell you what's wrong with it
  20. No i don't think that's true. You can get 3 31 IVs from inheriting from parents, 2 which you are told by RNG generator will be 31, and the last ones luck, so 1/32 times it'll be 31. I have a couple of flawless shinies myself, although generally it's not that useful cos you don't really need 31IVs in both attack and special attack except occasionally. Nice riolu banana man!
  21. Could you tell me how to use that properly then? I downloaded it already (said in my post) and all i get is the same (although admittedly it's a lot more friendly process). How do i get pokes made from pokegen as pkm files then? Or more importantly, how do i get them onto my game? Sorry for being such a fail at this Edit: Never mind i figured it, was being an idiot and didn't select the PID and then press ok, knew i was being a noob. And that PokeGen program is absolutely amazing, I'm never going back!
  22. Hey, I've had a fair bit of experience with making legal pokemon, but i'm still in no way an expert I feel there's a very basic mistake i'm making, because whenever i generate shiny PIDs and enter the corresponding PID/IV/nature etc into pokesav I make the pokemon shiny and then manually put the pid in. Of course doing this means that pokesav's shiny box is no longer ticked, so i'm wondering how to keep the pokemon shiny. I'm sure the PID is right, i've tried multiple times, and i've tried generating the pid with both PokeGen and SCV's PID/IV generator (great programs i must say), but i can't seem to work around it. Thanks very much for the help
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