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About Mama_just_killed_a_man

  • Birthday 01/21/1994
  1. Hi, I'm new here. I've always loved pokemon but actually bought d/p because of the wifi capabilities, and SS because of nostalgia! I've been hacking for a while now and all my pokemon have come up legit on PBR until now so that's why I be joinin' lol :smile:
  2. Hello, I'm new here and need some help obviously. I've been hacking off and on on pokesav over the past year and everything's gone great. I use my pokemon on PBR frequently and they all worked after trial and error and getting all the details right, even with pal parked pokemon, ordinary and legendary. However recently I had to change computers, so I restarted hacking on this computer. I did everything (or so I think) the same as on the other computer, but now none of the pokemon I hack work on PBR. I decided to follow the legality guide here and yet the ambipom I created still didn't work, and I tried using legality checker. However, when I open it, it just tells me to exit (figured I need MS framework or something, so I downloaded but when trying to install it gives me "setup error") I basically just need some legality checks and then instructions on how to fix them. I take pokemon that I hack, then use one on pbr to see if it's legal, and then use that over and over again, modifying it to fit the next pokemon I want legally, so I don't have to enter basic stupid info like the SID and ID and OT name and other stoof like that. Therefore, if I can figure out what one problem is, I'll most likely be able to fix it all. One last thing, if PID's are messed up, it's because I thought that was the problem on my hatched pokemon, and tried to fix them, and it obviously still didn't work. Here's the ambipom I made following the legality guide (except for the PID is suppose), a dugtrio made on my own using my old methods, and a roaming latias from Sapphire. thanks in advance! dugtrior.pkm ambipom-fakeout.pkm latias-cm.pkm
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