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Everything posted by Gowon

  1. Did you edit the 44h,45h,46h,47h,85h, and 86h? Try that or use PokeGen.
  2. You can use PokeGen. The PID Generator in it is pretty good.
  3. This code doesn't seem to work. Shiny Hatch/Instant Egg/Fast Hatching V2 [Hold L and take a step for Instant Egg]/[Press Select to activate the Shiny Hatch]/[Run for awhile to make your Egg hatch faster]
  4. This might not belong here, but is it possible to change event pokemon's (ie. 10ANIV Celebi) PID? Or were the PID's static before DPP came? And if I do change it, would it still have the right type (ie. Common Event (restricted))?
  5. That 70 is usually the base happiness of most pokemon.
  6. That's UK... I believe US and UK are different countries...
  7. Could you post the file? I'd like to see.
  8. You could trying putting the file into TrashBytes.exe.
  9. 024 English Summer Jirachi (US/CAN) Card Title: Make a Wish with JIRACHI! Card Comment: This JIRACHI has a special Pokéwalker surprise to share in Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver Versions. Be sure to save the game once you pick up JIRACHI at a Poké Mart. Pokemon Icon 2: 385 Date Card Received: 2010/6/26 Distribution Value & Game: 801D (D/P/PT/HG/SS) SMR2010 Jirachi (US).rar
  10. When I use it I usually pick Common NDS. This is when I choose option 5 and type in a PID to get the IV's.
  11. Yea I was suprised to see 18 too. I opened up PPSE-DS and checked my 85h value. Then I opened up Pokesav and PokeGen to double check and it's 18 alright.
  12. I think I'd be in a CAVE. 85h:05 Edit: Just checked mine and its 18
  13. Then again try the PokeGen program. It's more HEX friendly and all you got to do is click buttons, which is nice.
  14. You have to edit the Hex Values in HGSS and set the place to 3002 (Farawayplace)
  15. Is it neccesary to load both PCD and PGT files to the save to make the pokemon legal? Sometimes I've only been loading the PGT files and editting the date met to when the WC was received.
  16. Have you tried downloading the Pokesav for HeartGold?
  17. Does anyone have a recipe for an aprishake that boost all stats and not decrease any? I've been try many different combinations and none of them work... Is there a formula for this?
  18. Do all the event pokemon have dynamic PID's? Or is it only the HG/SS event pokemon that are dynamic?
  19. Is there a way to change the PID of event pokemon? So that at the end they still have the same type ie. Common Event (Restricted)?
  20. How would you breed Mime Jr.? I have a Ditto and a female Mr. Mime holding an Odd Incense will that work? Or is the only way to breed on is doing the pokewalker method?
  21. I'm fairly new to this kind of editing and trying to figure some things out. I've found out that in Block 2 00-40 is the gender value, but when I change it from female (02) to male (00); its gender doesn't change when I go in-game. Also, when I saved a .pkm file of the edited pokemon and checked if it's legal, but it comes out to have an invalid gender. So do I have to edit other things with the gender for it to be "clean", like nature, and PID value? Plus, I did a little research about gender values and came by something about gender ratios of 1-127(female) and 128-255 (male), are these the values I have to exchange in Block 2 00-40?
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