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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. I compared the mew that I put before the I received in my original Spanish SS, and have the same HEX, if I look from Pokesav. I've even compared to the Japanese mew who gave last year, and is also the same. I'm looking at the HEX from the DP Pokesav 0.40c

    the mew one at that. pkm has all the IVS 31. Luck?

    RNG abuse. i'll add one that hasn't been abused later when i get home from work.

    e: wait a damn minute. your user title is "RNG user". the irony is both unsubtle and sweet.

  2. 1. provided it copies the entire pokemon and doesn't miss anything, no. this should be easy to check. make a copy with the AR code and extract the copy and original from the save. open both in a hex editor(i prefer HxD, but whatever) and compare them. byte for byte identical? no problems then.

    2. fast hatch affects the number of steps, insta-egg does funny things to the egg generation. it does something along the lines of advancing the RNG past the date the PID should be used on. what ends up happening is that the PID doesn't match the dates it is supposed to be able to appear. this is detectable. not that it matters really, but so you know. fast hatch supposedly is too for a similar reason, but i wouldn't worry about that. i do a fair amount of RNG-ing and while i wouldn't use insta-egg(because it would screw up the process) i do use fast hatch and have not observed any problems. honestly, if someone won't trade with me because i used fast hatch, i probably don't want to trade with this person anyway.

    3. changes the ball.

    4. who knows how an AR affects saves exactly. it might, i suppose.

    5. shouldn't touch anything else, but who knows exactly with AR.

    6. yes, you're fine.

  3. Delay*~60=Seconds .... *~60 = Minutes needed to wait from power on.

    ~83.7 minutes you'd have to leave your game on before ending the new game dialogue. No human would ever do that for non-novelty IDs, they wan't to play the game.

    If you want "legal" IDs, just use the PID search side, specify a range somewhere in 4500-10000 (50 delays is fine) and you get IDs that make it shiny that you can get normally.

    thanks, i can never remember exactly what delay is in terms of time.

  4. it's fine, you would just have had to leave your game on for a VERY long time to get that. normal ones are between 4500 and 10000, i think. it's definitely fine, though. just say you left the game on and walked away for awhile.

    e: just to make a little sense out of it, delay corresponds to time spent before a certain thing happens. when rng-ing it's choosing "continue". when doing a TID/SID, it's getting past the prof speech. so, the higher the delay, the more time you would have to have left the game on.

  5. what delay did you use to get that TID/SID pair? i tried 5000-2000 and i didn't hit it at all. you used the middle option, "trainer id" right? or did you look up the pid you used and take one of those TIDs? If you did, you need to use the trainer ID lookup too to make sure you can hit it.

  6. I downloaded it a while back, and I recently ran a scan of my computer. The computer told me that there was a Trojan horse on the .exe file for pokesav and deleted it. Is there some reason for this, or was it accidentally infected. As a side not, is there another place from where I can download the English version of pokesav?

    avast, kaspersky, and avg(so far, at least) all detect it as a false positive. if you have something else, say so so i can add it to the list.

  7. Going to sound like a major n00by here, but doesn't the 41h refer to locations in HG/SS PokeSav? I'm sure I'm way wrong, but that's all that comes up in my head when I see that.

    And also, say I get a Pokemon that isn't obtainable in HG/SS but can be obtained in say Pokemon Diamond version. If I trade my unique version Pokemon to HG or SS versions, and I do what Serebii says to find the Shiny Leaves, will it be able to find one? I don't see why not, so I'm sure it can, but I just want to make 100% on that. I only say this because if I was to say make a Pokemon that I can't obtain in HG/SS and put it in my HG/SS game and say it's from Diamond version, but it shows that it has 5 Shiny Leaves -- would this be legal? Can I pass this off as a legal Pokemon?

    Also, on a different note, is this why PokeGen is preferred over PokeSav? Because it has all these features that PokeSav doesn't have (and of course other reasons as well)?

    41h refers of position 0x41 in the pkm file open in pokesav. it isn't exclusve to any specific program or anything like that. 4th gen pkms are 236(or 136) bytes, so regardless of pkm, there will always be a 41h. 5th gen, the pkms are 220 bytes and 41h now determines nature. if you make a poke that can't originate from hgss and give it 5 shiny leaves and put it in hgss, you should be fine. anything can earn shiny leaves, i would think.

    for the last question: one of the reasons, yes.

  8. Aether, here is my understanding of your bolded words... kaphotics can correct me if I'm wrong (he's brilliant)

    ID Legality- Somewhere in the bowels of the game's program, something spits out your TID (Trainer ID that you see on your trainer card) and SID (Secret ID, which is invisible to the player and keeps to people with the same TID from being considered the "same" trainer). The odds of two players having the same TID and SID is something akin to being struck by lightning and winning the lottery on the same day. Personally, ID legality is something I don't know how you check yet.

    PID/IV relevance- Anyone with AR can overwrite IVs, EVs, Shiny status, etc. Just because you overwrite the values doesn't mean it will be legal in game from a checker's standpoint. Specific IVs, natures, and genders are all tied into a pokemon's PID (Personal ID that you will never see ingame). When you overwrite with an AR, versus actually taking the time and using the programs to find out which PID will generate the nature/IV/gender you want, you will appear hacked very quickly. This is why a lot of people who traffic in "hacked" pokemon raise flags... they just change a few numbers, but nothing with the PID. As kaphotics said, when it comes to non-shiny eggs-based hacks, IV is not related to the PID. All you have to do is find a PID with the nature/ability/gender that matches using a program called RNGreporter. Finding the right PID for shinies or wild pokemon is a little more difficult. I believe Pokegen has a built-in feature that will find an applicable PID if one exists.

    Sync checks and encounter slots, someone else will have to answer.

    you can look up TID/SID combos in pandora's box in rng reporter. it's possible to find out if TID and SID are a matched pair and also what PIDs can be shiny for a given TID/SID. also, looking up shiny vs. non-shiny eggs is the exact same process in rng reporter's time finder. the only difference is that for shiny eggs you plug in your TID/SID. as for pid, it determines most everything about a caught poke and just about everything fro a hatched poke. for example, look at your PID.(in decimal) if the last digit is even, your have ability 1. if the last digit is odd, you have ability 2. IVs and their link to PID are determined on a method 1 poke due to this: 4 rng calls are made for a method 1 poke. the first 2 calls determine the PID, the second 2 determine its IVs. if the first 2 calls are the same(in that you're getting the same PID more than once), the second 2 calls have to be the same. so, if call wwww and xxxx happen, each time they happen the last 2 calls, yyyy and zzzz, will always be the same. AR changes certain chosen values, but not all of the other values linked to the changed ones.

    hatched stuff is different becasue the PID/nature/ability, etc is determined by one RNG(IRNG - mersenne twister variant) when the egg is spawned with the daycare man and the IVs are determined by a different rng(LCRNG - linear congruential RNG - the "normal" rng for this game- used by most things) when you pick the egg up from the daycare man. different rngs determine each part of the hatched poke at different times.

    sync checks are done because in dppt/hgss some legitimate pid/iv combos are skipped and not used at all. pokemon you encounter due to in-game events(sinjoh, eevee, roaming pokes, etc) can use any of the 4.2 billion possible PID-IV sets available. (PIDs are 32-bit, so no more than 4.2 billion- 26 billion are possible, though not usable without longer PIDs) standing legenardies and caught stuff don't have all of those available to them. some are skipped when those pokes are generated, so it isn't possibnle to find them on wild stuff. something would be hacked if, for example, one of the skipped PID-IV sets appeared on a wild poke.

  9. This is what I was kinda worried about, but from your wording it seems like it's not a huge deal.

    Just wondering, how can you tell that the IDs aren't possible. Is there some sort of formula to it?

    you can find out in one of rng reporter's add-on programs. the TID/SID are generated from the initial seed in between the end of the professor's speech and you "shrinking down".

    if you're just battling against friends or whoever with it, i wouldn't worry much. you can look it up using pandora's box, though, if you want.

  10. Cool, this thread got stickied. I'll post some more Pokes tomorrow.

    My Pokemon are redistributable; however, if you're going to trade them, you have to clearly state that they're mine. Future Pokes will be redistributable as long as people contribute to the thread.

    Also, the 10th Anniversary Mew event is coming up for the English games, so I think it would be nice if people RNGed for different natures and posted the Mews here. It might be a hassle, though; Pokemon with a Premier Ribbon can't be uploaded to HyperGTS (though downloading is fine), so the Mews would have to be traded to someone with an AR who could extract the .pkm files. Still, it's a nice idea.

    beta: I have a 31/29/31/31/31/30 shiny Adamant Groudon in a Luxury Ball. No shiny Rayquaza, though.

    By the way, does anyone have a good Azelf or Heatran?

    heatran will be up soon, and i'll be rng-ing all the mew natures like i did for most other wondercards. i also have the shiny rayquaza if you want to put up the shiny groudon.

    also, i assume you don't mind if i put your stuff up on the gts, right? obviously it will be noted on both sites that it belongs to you.

    Awesome, my connection is crappy otherwise I was also planning to do the same, but still thanks for sharing your hard work with us, I really appreciate all this, so once again thank you. And I alsways wanted a flawless extreme speed dratini so can I expect it lmao, otherwise your still doing great!

    already got one, yes.

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