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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. there was a relation in that pid and nature were related and not all natures can have all the different IVs spreads. for example, 31/31/31/31/31/31 can only be modest, calm, docile, and timid. and it's not a hex value, it's pair of rng calls that return a pair of values that are used to create the IVs. they do correspond. if you want simple proof, go play around with SCV's generator. it can take a PID and output possible IV spreads for it.

    it's really obvious why not all natures can have all the different IV spread, not a "PID reset" or anything like that. all the natures, abilities, IVs, genders, everything would call for something like 26 billion combos. the 4th gen rng is only 32-bit. see where i'm going? 2^32 = 4294967296 different combos. nowhere close to 26 billion.

    e: for DW breeding, if the female has the ability it will be passed to the bred poke 50% of the time.

    e2: there's finally NOT a relation between PID/IVs in 5th gen, though. you can catch a poke and change its IVs to literally anything you want and it will still function on random wifi and everywhere else.

    e3: no, 4th gen pokes do not have modded PIDs. their 0x41 offset changes to reflect their nature, along with a few other things, but that's about it. the game knows which gen it's from by it's hometown, etc.

  2. That's what i said, mentioning you.

    We don't know yet if the pid relation with gender/nature is still the same than in 4th gen.

    And we don't know either if IV are still limited by some natures, just said it was the case with 4th gen.

    For sure the relation PID/ability changed because some have a 3rd ability now. The binary way to show ability for a PID in 5th gen is good to be thrown away.

    About the legit thing : personnaly i concider an event i got myself legit, file or not.

    Legal are the pokemon i get from someone else witch are looking good.

    no, it still works the same for non-DW abilities. That has nothing to do with it. even PID for abil 0, odd PID for abil 1. offset 0x42 in the pkm indicates DW ability. and there is no correlation anymore between IVs and PID. Likely nature either, since it doesn't seem to be PID-based anymore.

  3. e: what kaph said /\/\/\/\

    Ah cool thanks for clarifing- by obsessed hack-checkers you mean people entering in competitions and not wifi-battles right? And last question is my friend was doing this and you know when you get the pokemon and a blue screen saying error has occurred well he doesn't seem to get it, he gets the usual deposit, seek pokemon and exit screen, is that also okay bond?

    there are plenty of fingers to point here, but let's leave it at that i don't mean official channels like nintendo. the same thing you're saying, i think.

    what happens to your friend is the same thing that happens to me. i never, ever error out of anyone's GTS distro for whatever reason, and i'm yet to have any issues.

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