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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. my own i have no idea how i go to connect to yours

    either way, setting the dns is the same. start your game and go into the wireless settings. leave everything else alone, but there is one spot that says "automatically acquire dns server" or something like that. change that one from "yes" to "no" and the line below will become edit-able. chyange it from to ip) or to yours. then save the settings and start the game and enter the gts.

  2. make sure you grab the newest firmware and driver. i think the firmware update comes with the adaptor as an executable, but the driver you need to download.

    e: it's emslink 3.1.0 for the driver.

  3. I tried this and managed to get a message appear on HyperGTS - something about 'error: wrong connection, probably not a DS' (I don't remember exactly).

    This might be because my brother and sister are both using other computers on our home network that may be using the ports. I will try again later when no other computers are being used, like I did last time.

    that message doesn't mean what you think it means. it's just saying that the pc with the server installed on it has had some traffic to it, likely to one of those ports. trying without other pcs being in use won't change anything. it has to do with the pc the server is being hosted on. sounds like it's just a proxy if you're positive nothing is running on 80 or 53.

  4. i just tested it on both 32 and 64-bit systems(work PC(xp) and home PC(7)) and got junk from both. very weird.

    e: can someone who has used this and had it work say something? i just want to know if it's me or if it's the program.

    do you want me to post some of the pkms from the 32 and 64-bit systems?

    just to make sure i'm not doing anything wrong:

    1. double click on vrd-pkm.jar

    2. open save with vrd-pkm.jar

    3. program generates saved and native .vrd files

    4. start vrd-pkm.jar again

    5. open .vrd file with program

    6. program gives a list of pokes inside

    7. click save all or save the desired pokes.

    when i open the pokes in pokegen, they come up as junk, occasionally being the right species.

    e: maybe a certain version of java i should have installed?

  5. not true at all. the only way changing an attack will get you disqualified is if you add an egg move to a not-hatched poke, 4th gen tutor to 5th gen-bred poke, etc.


    i've fixed a few pokes for people over at gbatemp with problems just like this. it's the translation/people screwing up their pokes. likely the latter.

    probably cause it can't learn ice punch


    if you are using migrated pokemon do not forget moves that can be acquired from Colosseum/xd gale of darkness (some moves cant be combined with egg moves (not sure if it will be rejected if you don't))

    the random wifi servers are actually very smart about checking for proper combinations of moves.

  6. finally tested most things

    -3rd and 4th gen tutor moves, tms, and egg moves work.

    -moves must be from the same generation as the pokemon, egg or otherwise

    -pokewalker exclusive moves work

    -the game will accept almost any PID

    -catching a poke and changing nothing but it's IVs does not disqualify it. it will work on random wifi just fine. :)

    -random wifi doesn't care about catch location

    to quickly get a pokemon up and ready for battle: check off the "egg hatched" box and change the "level met" to 1. set the ball to a poke ball and change the IVs to whatever you want. don't change the PID. this has worked for me 100% of the time. this way you use egg moves, tutor moves, etc with no problem. i didn;t think i needed to say it, but yes, nature too. moves, whatever. anything learnable is fine.

    pokemon names- this is why a lot of people can't get on:

    -the english translation DOES work, but pokemon named from it(i.e. caught in it) will not right away. over 5 characters ARE allowed, but they must be done using japanese-english letters. this leaves a few options.

    -catch a poke in the translated game, edit it properly, and rename it with the name rater. that will fix it.

    -in pokegen use the character map and plug in letters 1 by 1. this works and i've gone up to 8 letters with no trouble battling on wifi

    -use the unicode japanese-english letter map and write in the characters yourself. get the unicode map here: http://www.unicodemap.org/range/87/Halfwid...ullwidth_Forms/

    -pokegen b15 has a working character map and is better than pokesav in every way. get it here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthrea...and-information

    -3rd/4th generation pokes of any language work on b/w(i.e. any unicode english works, not just japanese-english), but 5th gen MUST be japanese-english only.

    e: going to see how trainer name affects things tonight. i've heard both that it does and the poke won't be allowed on and that it doesn't and using english unicode doesn't affect anything.

    -i've gotten a few dream world pokes to work and a few that haven't. still looking into it.

    if you need to shift something, this can simulate it:


    it works great, but seems to set the ball as a dream ball often. just change it in pokegen.

  7. yes, they can.

    yeah, if you don't have the + version, you either need to grab one of those or wait for the sms4 to come out. the + version got updated firmware awhile back and works with most anything.

  8. Hi thanks for the reply, it seems that person is using the newer version of the adapter (the plus version) so I may buy that and try it out.

    After looking into it a bit further there's another adapter that was released just last month that i'm looking for to buy, it's called the SMS4, if anyone can find anywhere for me to buy one that delivers to the UK I'll buy it and try the produced save with Pokegen.

    Also for anyone interested in trying any of this out, there's also some software called the NEO2 Pro Manager that works with USB game readers (i've not found which ones yet though, it doesn't work with my EMS) so this could also produce a working save from an SMS reader.

    the sms4 isn't out yet. the one you're looking at is an imitation. don't buy it. the sms2 doesn't work with b/w or hgss,(i have one and can confirm) so wait for the real sms4 to come out.

    you sure you have the nds adaptor+ updated with the newest firmware? it's been tested and it does work with b/w.

    the software you're talking abpout works just with that "brand" of hardware- sms, sms2, sms4 once it's out and other NEO things. e: i just tried my sms2, and it didn't work that software.

    e: wait, do you have the nds adaptor or nds adaptor+? the former doesn't work with b/w, i don't think.

  9. Well I don't know anything about proxies so you're probably right.

    I just wish it was as easy as connecting internally...

    Thanks for your input, though.

    go into ms config and go to the "startup" tab. uncheck everything that is checked(but note what you're unchecking so you can re-check the right ones later) and restart. does it work now? if so, go one by one through re-checking things and restarting your pc. if not, go to a command prompt and type:

    netstat -a -o

    without having hypergts running. note whether or not anything is listening on port 80 or 53. there likely won;t be and it's just a transparent proxy, but if something is listening, you can figure out what it is via process ID and disable it while you use hypergts.

  10. e: this. /\/\/\

    Did you download the folder? http://gts.thundaga.com/PKMs.rar

    It has a PKM file for a Gamestop Deoxys.

    Anyways, very nice I love this, I'm using HyperGTS with absolutely no problems at all, I found it pretty simple to use o-o maybe that's just me? I dunno. Anyways you are my hero for posting this up =D lookin' forward to the other pokemon to come.

    Oh and I was just wondering, in the folder with the PKM files does it mean that the pokemon is shiny if it has RNG after the nature? It seems like it.

    That's just my marking for my own reference. you can ignore it for the most part, as i forgot to mark some correctly and have since fixed them on my side. it just means that i rng-ed that one poke for some combo of ivs and shininess.

  11. Er, I don't get an error number :( The game just tells me "Unable to connect to the GTS, returning to the reception counter"...

    I'm using linksys, and the port forwards are ranges, so I just set it to 53 to 80 BOTH (TCP/UDP).

    if you're doing it on your internal network, you don't have to forward anything- you're already behind the NAT. just make sure the pc isn't using those(53 and 80) ports. also, if you aren't getting an error, you aren't getting far enough for hypergts to be having a problem. it's likely something interfering with the ports. if you have skype, steam, and IIS closed, restart the PC. someone on another site said they had problems connecting with a japanese dsi but their ds lite worked fine. it's the only time i've ever heard anything like that, but do you have a japanese dsi?

  12. These actually are the Japanese-English characters. I don't know what I was thinking. Until I add the character map, you can just go to a site like www.unicodemap.org to copy the necessary Japanese-English characters. (http://www.unicodemap.org/range/87/Halfwidth_and_Fullwidth_Forms/)

    if you do end up fixing this for the next beta, renamed pokes in pokegen will work on random wifi instead of having to copy and paste japanese-english values. definitely something to look forward to. thanks!

  13. I've got an issue using HyperGTS. I've figured pretty much everything out, but when I try to connect from my Platinum game it slaps me with an error (52000 or 52100, doesn't seem to be a pattern) And on Hyper GTS, I see the error message, "Got wrong request, probably not from a DS. Error was: Length cannot be less than zero.Parameter name: length"

    What's going on here?

    you sure both ports 80 and 53 are open on your pc? you're setting the ip on your ds to the ip of the pc you're running the server from, right? it sounds loike someone this using one of the ports. if you have steam, skype, or IIS running close them and try again. if that doesn't work, restart the pc and try again.

    I'm trying to use IR-GTS, but whenever I try to connect to the GTS, the game tells me it's unable to connect to the GTS.

    same as above. also need to list the error number.

  14. i've been testing random wifi to see what works and what doesn't. the english version works fine, the pokes just need to be named in japanese.they can also be named in english, but you need to actually fill in the character values (i.e. \FF34 =T) yourself. The name can go over 5 in english, you just need to do it that way.

    [14:12] <+Bond697> hmm

    [14:13] <+Bond697> a method 7-generated koromori is battling on random wifi right now

    [14:13] <+Bond697> the chedks aren't that good

    [14:13] <+Bond697> *checks

    [14:14] <+Bond697> now a restricted event PID

    [14:32] <+Bond697> mystery gift(restricted) koromori work on random wifi

    [14:32] <+Bond697> ok, now ivs independent of PID

    [14:40] <+Bond697> a caught poke with no correspondance between IVs and PID

    [14:40] <+Bond697> works too

    [15:06] <+Bond697> interesting

    [15:06] <+Bond697> if a poke is caught and straight away has its ivs edited, it doesn't pass the check

    [15:07] <+Bond697> if it's caught and changed to method 1(with correlated ivs)

    [15:07] <+Bond697> it works

    [15:07] <+Bond697> if the poke that has been changed to method 1 has its iv changed

    [15:07] <+Bond697> it works

    [16:11] <+Bond697> non-matching ability and PID still works on random wifi

    [16:11] <+Bond697> change from 0 ->1 works, trying random other ability

    [16:14] <+Bond697> random abilities don’t work

    still working on it.

    what i was talking about with the name is that, for example, TEST in pokesav/pokegen is \7400\6500\7300\7400, while in the game it should be \FF34\FF25\FF33\FF34- the difference causes it to fail.

    e: how to properly name pokemon:


  15. That's good to know. Using pokegen or an english pokesav, or translated rom apparently gives wi-fi errors due to the names being too long.

    i've been testing random wifi to see what works and what doesn't. the english version works fine, the pokes just need to be named in japanese.they can also be named in english, but you need to actually fill in the character values (i.e. \FF34 =T) yourself. The name can go over 5 in english, you just need to do it that way.

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