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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. I hope I'm asking this in the right place, and I apologize if I'm not.

    I have a question about an AR code. The 100% catch rate code. How exactly does that work? I know that it obviously lets you catch any pokemon in any ball 100% of the time, but how does it do that exactly? For VGC players, would the pokemon come up as hacked if I tried to use it in a match?

    catch rate for each ball is made to be the equivalent of the masterball. and no, they shouldn't look hacked.

    Trying to make a Darkrai, I generated legitimate IV's but I simply moved them around to other areas hah. :P

    I also tested this out with a randomly generated IV version and I got the same result; any ideas?


    I attached the Darkrai file, if someone could maybe alter it so it would provide me with a legitimate result with the same IV's, EV's, OT name and such?

    Thanks in advance!

    reduce speed and special defense ivs by1 -- 22/12/22/29/31/18

    I hope Im asking about legality for this type in the right place:

    I use the wild pokemon modifier AR code and also am going to start using a shiny code. Are any pokemon caught with this type of setup legal?


    e: well,"legal", i suppose, but they will come up as hacked in the legality checker.

  2. I am also curious about ID and SID when it comes to event Pokemon such as Arceus and Deoxys, can I use my SoulSilver ID and SID or will I need to alter these numbers to something along the lines of 00000 (read it off somewhere, wasn't sure).

    Thanks in advance!

    \You would need to look up the proper location, s/id, etc if you want it to look legit. if you're going to do that though, why not just grab the wondercard from here and inject it into your save with the tool available here?

  3. The seed is considered the first number that's fed to the RNG function. (At least from a programming point of view... I wouldn't be surprised if the Smogon community has their own unique (and inaccurate) definition.) I can't speak for Jonathan, but I've personally assumed that the RNG function gets that first seed and uses the result of every RNG call for each successive call for the rest of the game. It's certainly possible that the game actually starts the process over with a new seed at any point, I just don't know.

    Reading yours and kaphotics posts, I see where the confusion was. I've seen "initial seed" refer to the seed you get as soon as the game loads the save and starts many times on Smogon. Good to know the difference.

    And thanks for that link, kaphotic. I've fooled around with RNG-ing on DesmuME a bit and this should make it more bearable.

  4. Okay, thanks for the quick response. I know this is irrelevant as far as passing Nintendo's checks and even some of the most comprehensive hack checks out there goes. The question was more for my own "peace of mind" (or obsessiveness depending on how you look at it) that the Pokemon from PokeGen could 100% be recreated without an external device. The only way I think one could prove a Pokemon generated from PokeGen isn't legit is through the program RNGReporter (more info here if you're interested: http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=52180). The program provides the missing link between the DS Date & Time and the initial seed. I guess one could use RNGReporter to ensure the Pokemon created with PokeGen could have actually been created on a given day, and then the Pokemon would be completely legit.

    So as I understand it, this is the Pokemon creation process from start to finish in the actual games:

    DS Date & Time --> Initial Seed --> Legitimate PID & IVs (based on the 4 RNG calls) --> Legitimate Pokemon

    PokeGen, as I understand, essentially begins at the second step, carrying out everything thereafter exactly the way the cartridges do - although the initial seed used in creating the PID & IVs is not explicitly stated in your program, correct? I assume one could back out the original seed, but I'm guessing you didn't explicitly include it in the program as it just confuses the average player without providing any useful information. So I know this is essentially what I asked in my last post, but now that I've given this some more thought I think I can phrase this a little better: the only difference between PokeGen and the way real Pokemon are created is that PokeGen can choose any initial seed on any particular day, while the actual games have a limited number of initial seeds to choose from on a particular day. Is that correct? This would mean that PokeGen gives you more "legitimate" PID & IV combos than there are in reality, right? I'm sorry for all the questions, it's mostly me just thinking out-loud and wanting confirmation (or an explanation why I'm wrong) on my musings :)

    You keep saying "initial seed", but that only generates the first poke caught on that startup, if any at all. The seed changes constantly, especially if you're in a town. There's also the frame count. You can go through thousands of frames on one seed and all the resulting IV/nature combos will be different. Then one town person will take one step, the seed will change, and you have tens of thousands of frames again.

    If you were going to hack-check that way, you would have to search fairly high numbers of frames not to mention very high delays, not to mention that a seed doesn't just occur on one day throughout the year. If you look in the seed to time function, most seeds seem to occur between 1/8 and 3/8(or more, I'm basing this off of me looking for various really good seeds) of the days in the year, sometimes multiple times per day. Also don't forget that more than one seed can lead to the same outcome, just at a different number of frames. Also, for something like breeding, if the person having their poke checked can't recall(or doesn't want to) the parents' IVs, you're out of luck from the get-go.

    I've been teaching myself to RNG, and I'm actually pretty good at it now. I'm testing out what you were saying in terms of some things not being available on some days. Last time I searched method one, this thing went through like 750 million seeds and that was for a small scope because I was looking for very specific attributes. I bumped up the delay and frame count pretty high, and the time finder isn't responding at all yet...

    e: 1.1 billion and the progress indicator is yet to move.

  5. i have an older ar ds, and it works fine in win7 x64. you might need new drivers. i grabbed mine off of the ar ds official site, and it works great. i'm looking now to give you the link, though, and i can't find it again. anyway, here's mine, should work for both 32-bit and 64-bit win7:


    download, extract, run the setup, and you should be good to go. just make sure you remove the old ards manager if you tried to run it on win7.

  6. hey, i was just thinking, does pokegen leave traces in the save file like pokesav does? i was reading through an 8 or 9 page thread from last year about traces left behind from pokesav, and i was wondering if pokegen did too? i assume it doesn't, but i read through this topic and i didn't see anything about it. maybe i missed it, but i'm curious.

  7. ohhhh, ok. so it's already in there, i just can't see it. sorry, i misunderstood. so, then, when i name a pokemon within pokegen, the unused bytes will be handled properly and i won't see it, correct? but when i open a pokemon in pokegen that was first edited in pokesav, i'll see the screwed up unused bytes and i can remove them and pokegen will fix them? is that the idea? i'm just trying to get a feel for what i need to be worried about.

  8. Ok, that makes sense. When I type in my name though, for the OT, PokeGen doesn't fill anything in. My name is Mat, so there should be what, 7 more possible characters? I mean, I can just fill them in myself if that's right. It would look like.. Mat\FFFF\0000\0000\0000\0000\0000\0000 right?

    I looked at my current team, and Pokesav seems to have filled it in with a lot of random crap.. For example, my Metagross: Taro\FFFFM\FFFF\0211\0002\0000\4008, Lucario: Anubis\FFFF\FFFF\50C8\020D\3B28

    I knew Pokesav wasn't all that great, but wow.

  9. I should just post here instead of that other thread.

    So, ok, from reading this thread I see that most of my questions are answered. The trash bytes are taken care of automatically,(very nice!) the extra bytes are supposed to all be zero, etc. I think the only thing I really need to know about are the unused trainer name bytes that you were talking about that PokeSav handles differently than the game does. Do I have to edit them in PokeGen, or does PokeGen take care of them for me like the trash bytes? If PokeGen takes core of them for me, do I just need to open the pkm file for it to do so?

  10. Hi there. First post here

    I've been trying to create a legal looking Platinum Heatran for my SoulSilver, but I can't seem to figure it out. My ID/SID is correct, the location appears to be correct, but I cant seem to find the fault where the legality checker says hacked pokemon. Can someone take a look, and tell me what I did wrong?

    EDIT: Just noticed where I went wrong.. I think lol. let me check before you reply...

    EDIT2: Replaced with a changed pkmn file. I have no idea what's wrong...

    your PID was non-existant according to ivpid.exe. i made it naughty instead so the ivs/pid/nature would match. it's fine now. i also fixed your trash bytes, btw. you should read some of the guides here, like this one:


    you should also read up on how iv values and natures correlate with the pid if you want to make something legal.

    e: why do i have zero posts even after making this one?

    e2: you can change its nature to something else using the pid/iv feature in pokesav if you want something else. just keep plugging in different iv combos until you get a nature you like.

    one more edit: read this too:




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