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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. Quick question: is the Arceus seen as being legal on Smogon, Serebii and other established sites?

    It is a Hall of Origin one after all...

    i've seen shiny arceus traded over there before and no one has complained or so much as batted an eye. some people will want it, some won't. honestly, it hasn't come out anywhere and isn't going to come out anywhere. at this point everyone has to know that.

    e: this same topic came up on pokemongts today. odd the way that works.

  2. "There's a problem with your Pokemon, so it/they could not be entered." I'm guessing it's because you have names more than five characters. You need to either nickname your Pokemon 5-character-or-less names or get the Kata patch to keep the default names in Japanese.

    And now that I think about it, future Kata patches should probably keep the in-game trade Pokemon names in Japanese as well.

    trying to use the english patch with the english names will auto-disqualify you. you need to name the pokes using the japanese english unicode chars with pokegen's character map or via the name rater guy. greater than 5 letters is fine, though, even though the game won;t let you go past that unless you use pokegen.

  3. pokesav isn't supported here, so you probably won't get much in terms of replies. you should really have a look at pokegen. it has its own forum here and is a great pokesav replacement with active support here. i think what you need to do, though, is to go to the end of the name you currently have entered and just hold down "backspace" for a few seconds and you should have plenty of room after that. it's a problem with pokesav. one of many.

  4. Celebi is probably impossible to get shiny. The recent wondercard event, like all wondercards released except for the limited pre-set shiny ones, are impossible to get a shiny Pokemon from.

    The bonus disc Celebi and 10 ANIV Celebi of 3rd gen have rumors of possible shiny, but it's hard to actually confirm those rumors. My understanding, and it's a very bad understanding, is that event Pokemon of Gen III had very little that set them apart from event Pokemon of Gen 4. Both in visual clues such as the Classic Ribbon and all the hidden hexidecimal crap and stuff like that.

    it's possible, just unbelievably improbable. i should probably just alternate the shiny celebi and shiny jirachi each week with the shiny manaphy tossed in to make sure the right one gets around more. i wasn't originally going to, but i saw somewhere else that people were saying that no one should trade them(celebi/jirachi) because it would wreck their value. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: there isn't an eyeroll smiley on the internet that's big enough.

  5. that's the standard list that's straight from 4th gen with the 5th gen games tacked on. it's from 3rd gen, not 5th. it would allow them to give away pokes from gen 3, not that they would. it's the same values and everything.

    IF something like that was made, it would be a "faraway place" situation.

  6. Poképedia is a kind of specialized wikipedia pokemon.

    Personally I trust them. http://www.pokepedia.fr/index.php/Liste_des_Pok%C3%A9mon_distribu%C3%A9s_en_2010 >> everything down !

    What about your sources ?

    Yes we speak great frensh but our official language is Arabic ;)

    But there is English version on pokepedia : http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Nintendo_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_in_2010

    ah, ok. thank you, i was trying to figure out where you got the info from. :)

    just FYI, like trance said, they can be either gender usually. kaphotics and myself took the 5th gen wondercard format apart pretty well, and i can verify that. for the info, check here:


  7. there is no event date. did this person even bother to read? it's a wondercard from ranger 3. it can be transferred at any time and picked up at any time. not to mention that to rng it i would have to change the date to hit the right seed. the wondercard came from the US version of the game from the event contributions thread here on pp.org. they were contributed on pikmon667 on page 58 of that thread.

    i just checked on secure, and not that they're a perfect source of info, but they list the ID that my deoxys has as the US one. maybe serebii is wrong? whoever it is should really do some better research.

    e: i just checked an entire set of wondercards(pcd,pgt) from a bunch of different regions from someone else and they all have that ID(03060) also. so, completely wrong. the cards all use that ID(03060) with assorted separate SIDs based on region.

    e2: and of course, i'm always available in case whoever it is wants to chat.

  8. I will not blame anyone of you, because I am less experienced than you, but the pokemon posted by Nigola not match with the ones on PokéPedia: gender. Pokemon that need to be female are male and vis-versa.

    I just want to know if this is normal ?

    Nigola do not particularly think that I blame you, I admire your work;)


    is this it:



    i see you're in morocco, so you likely speak french, right? the official language on this pokepedia wiki is french.

  9. sorrel, which of these are hacked and which aren't? i can't find a seed that matches that TID/SID combo, either. not a reasonable one, at least. definitely need to know before anything gets listed anywhere. i'll go one by one if i have to and check them all myself, but i'd rather not.

    e: i really don't care, except that i've now spent months building a reputation of being reliable and legitimate and i'd rather not have something hacked screw that up, even if it doesn't come directly from me. it's bad for the site, too.

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