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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. so the surprise i was talking about was our very own backup server! just for this week, though, it will act as its own server. that means there are currently 17 different pokemon up for download JUST for this week. :) next week we will go back to 7-10 with the second server hosting the same ones in case the main one goes down or is overly busy and things are going out way out of order.

    i didn't forget vulpix or carvanha. next week. getting near the end of plat, too, so darkrai will be up next week also i'm hoping!

  2. I think I may be having a similar issue, I'm using NO$GBA and my save filed is xpa-pssu.SAV (77 KB) size. I'm unable to load it in Pokegen, what "TARGET FORMAT" should I set it as in the converting link posted above?

    no, you need to change the no$gba format to uncompressed in the ini that comes with it. THEN you need to convert it to a raw save file. then you need to convert it back. no$gba is a pain in the ass.

  3. we're up. sorry for the down time, folks.

    Hey Bond, can you rng a calm shiny Milotic in a Dive Ball? Or is that too much? I would do this myself but I have to find the encounter slot and do so many journal flips, which I don't have time for due to college. Thanks.

    gonna pass on this. i plan to eventually breed for these and i really don't like catching stuff that i can just breed, regardless of ball. Also, if I catch, I don't have as much of a say over the IVs.

  4. It doesn't work for me.

    I can't access my own network from my public IP when I am inside it, it's due to the router blocking NAT loopback and I can't do anything to fix it.

    Maybe he has the same problem, that's why I told him to use his local IP instead.

    hmm... i was under the impression that most routers these days could handle reverse NAT. guess not. good to know, though.

  5. Oh. I never saw the flawless shiny garatina and the fishies up as by bond. Or a few others on that list either... oh well. I'll just keep a lookout for others then.

    the magikarps and a few others aren't mine. those are what i was asking him for near the top of this page. everything else is, tho. :)

    e: just for the future, even if i don't say anything about a request anyone makes, just assume i added it to my list.

  6. Hi,

    Are you trying to access your public IP from your own network?

    If so, then it is normal that it doesn't work; you must use your local IP if you are inside your own network, and your public one if you are outside.

    If you are from a remote network, then try accessing http://[your.public.IP]/pokemondpds/worldexchange/result.asp?pid=0 from your browser while SendPKM is running and see if it gives a random 32-character string.

    you can use your public IP from inside your own network. it's a good way to test if everything is set up properly. it will still route it "through the internet" out and straight back in.

  7. Well, I'm finally back. I've been busy for about the past week, and playing other games during my free time.

    Here is a list of the distributed Pokemon; I think it looks a lot better than before. This way, people can get an overview of what's been distributed, and know which Pokemon to request. In the future, I'll probably note the OTs of each Pokemon.

    Also, sorry about the whole GTS fiasco. Turns out I still have router problems (specifically, I can't reset the username/password so I can access it and open up the ports). I'll try to get it working, but again, someone else can distribute the Pokes I've posted so far in the meantime.

    can you post an archive of the pkms you had up last week? the different magikarps, etc? there are gonna be some changes come wednesday and i'll be able to host them too.

  8. The Heart Scale Codes didn't work for me, either. I had to edit the Pokmon Modifier code to give me 649 Heart Scales instead of Master Balls in order to get what I needed. All I did was change "01" to "5D"

    btw, what is the HEX for 999?

    with it, i could essentially change the Pokemon Modifier code into a slot 1 and slot 2 item modifier code with the added bonus of being able to catch any Pokemon.

    Most of my HEX dabbling has been with GB/GBC, So I know little about values over FF


    in little endian, though, E703

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