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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. i must be doing something wrong. i hit A to continue as requested. and it goes to a screen that says "FTP mode unsupported" and then i can't do anything else. i have a couple of 3 in 1s i'm trying with that i know both work. what might i be doing wrong?

  2. because the non-cgear stuff isn't fully fleshed out yet. there's sha-1 hashing involved along with another DSID. seeds are predictable using the cgear, but not yet for non-cgear.

    if you're playing a 5th gen game on a real cart and have a working AR, let me know, because i'd like to have you test something for me.

    there's also a very hastily thrown together list in post 2 so people know when to stop.

    e: and as i said on the list, please trade the celebi and jirachi as much as possible! i would appreciate it.

  3. ok, everything is up and the archive is updated. i'll make a real list in post 2 at some point later on. also keep in mind both servers are serving the same 11 things, so if one is busy and you're skipping things, try the other. :)

    and since very few bother to read the first post:

    New rule: NO MORE REQUESTS. Don't even bother, because once I do start accepting them again I'll be ignoring any made before then.

  4. Can I request a Shiny Bronzong with Leftovers

    Ability: Levitate

    EVs: 252 HP / 184 Atk / 72 Def

    Brave Nature

    - Hypnosis

    - Gyro Ball

    - Earthquake

    - Stealth Rock

    Thank you!

    Edit: Oh, Perfect IV's, Met at Mt. Coronet and Level 100 too. Thanks again and sorry to be a pain in the ass. BTW, will they be Legal and Legit or just Legal (If you know what I mean ;))

    Edit(again): Ok, so when you download it, will you receive it in the PC and it will still come up with the error message? Just checking. :D

    yeah, it'll be bred in HG and untrained but with perfect stats. i already have bronzor done, though, if you still want it.

    to get rid of the error message you need to visit the real GTS once.

  5. Puriru(M) - Calm


    OT: Mat 30160

    Met: 11/22/2010 at P2 Lab

    Notes: Emulator used.


    Puriru(F) - Modest


    OT: Mat 30160

    Met: 11/22/2010 at P2 Lab

    Notes: Emulator used.


    Meguroko - Adamant/Jolly


    OT: Mat 30160

    Met: 11/22/2010 at Desert outside Hiun

    Notes: Emulator used.


    Darumakka - Adamant/Jolly


    OT: Mat 30160

    Met: 11/22/2010 at Desert outside Hiun

    Notes: Emulator used.


    now we just need a way of sending them...

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