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Posts posted by Bond697

  1. i went ahead and turned off the randomization setting for the second server. that means everything will be handed out in order. i don;t know why the randomization does that, but it does. anyway, everything from the 75.125 server will download in order. that's really all i can do. there are 60 straight deoxys at one point, so i guess someone is getting a ton of different obilivia deoxys eventually.

    and no, no files.

    e: tomorrow i'll go ahead and rename some of them with a batch renamer so they can be interspersed throughout the bunch instead of in 1 big group.

  2. oh, it's been down for awhile...

    e: works. that was weird.

    e2: and for people getting lots of the same/similar stuff in a row, there are 6-10 people connected at any given time. the people entering are queued up and then stuff is distributed in order. i think the app does it randomly based on how many people there are, so if 10 connect it will grab 10 random things. considering the volume of shaymin and deoxys it wouldn't be hard for it to grab a few in a row over and over.

  3. i'm kind of shocked that 425 files that are 250 bytes each take 14 minutes to transfer via RDP.

    anyway, merry christmas everybody! soon!

    e: ok, both servers are up.. there 848 total pokes between them(roughly 424 different things on each). it's completely randomized, so hypergts should be handing them out at random. there's also a full set of TMs in there somewhere. if i didn't have to do it by hand, everything would have a hold item.

    anyway, 5.rar in the 2nd post is updated with all my 5th gen stuff and kaphotics' will be up in a little bit. i'm finishing some last minute stuff with his. they're both completely different, so you'll need both.

    e: and since i see someone grabbing multiple shaymin, there are both oblivia and TRU shaymin in there. also, all 4 oblivia deoxys forms. that's why you might get a few.

    e2: send the exact same duskull twice to the same person. way to be random hyperGTS.

    e3: kaphotics' archive is now up in the second post. xmas.rar has all of his stuff. i'm going to add one more thing to it, but tomorrow.

  4. we don't have enough. the signup ended today and we're 3 short, unfortunately. that's after stef(if they even let him battle).

    not many people were interested, i guess. it sucks because if you look most of the other sites are there. it would've been cool to get in on it.

    anyway, i pm-ed the mod in charge. maybe since i was asked/told about entering 3 days late they'll give us a bit more time. i hope. how fast can you make 23 posts, stef? :P

    e: well, nevermind. i got a rude reply back from the OP and apparently the site list is final. sorry guys.

  5. so far i've mainly used an ez-flash Vi and V+(same company as makes the 3in1, so you would think...) and i've also tried an acekard2i and supercard ds2. also, it does look like that bug happens with non-IR cards too, since that guy's diamond save has the same junk written throughout.

    e: congrats on the ievolution! looking forward to lots of cool stuff.

  6. Smogon will be holding a tournament soon on Pokemon Online and they have nicely asked if we would like to field a team and compete. Check it out here:


    According to the rules anyone battling must have made at least 40 posts here and have registered t least 4 months ago. Your account must also be in good standing.(i.e. not banned)

    So far we have 6 people, Bond697, Kaphotics(as a sub), Randomspot555, gin, tbird(tentatively), and Riolu Aura Sphere Now. I have PMs out to a few other people asking about it and we're still looking for a few more people. We need 8 battlers and 2 substitues(who may not battle), so a total of 10 people.

    Depending on who responds to my PMs and would like to participate we will need betwen 4 and 7 more people to battle. Would anyone like to join?

    Keep in mind you must be able to use Shoddy Battle at a minimum and preferably use Pokemon Online. All battles will be taking place between those 2 simulators.

  7. sounds good. you can open .pkm files right? with pokegen/pokesav? i'll send you a set of pkms every week to make a good list with before they go up on here.

    also, you can use my hosted sprite sets.

    not shiny:

    you just need to tack the right national dex number on those in place of 001.

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