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Files posted by theSLAYER
[PKHeX Plugin] SWSH Raid Plugin (Leanny's Plugin)
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
Leanny's plugin for SWSH has not been supported by PKHeX for a few years.
The file here is an attempt to update the plugin to work for the current PKHeX.Core.
Original Github:
[PKHeX Plugin] SV Overworld Viewer
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
In Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, data for Pokémon that are a certain distance around the player get saves into the save, and would respawn on next save reload. (Note: this doesn’t apply in Union Circle; they don’t get saved).
However, it is noticed that the respawns are not 'guaranteed'. This is one way to view and extract any mons that do not get respawned for whatever reason.
Allows the player to also check what was in the 'spawn radius' of archived saves.
Examples of what you can use this for
If a particular Pokémon (such as a shiny) is at a unreachable spot (glitched behind a wall, near a city boundary and would despawn as you move) so you want to extract it directly You saved near a shiny, but it doesn't show back up upon reloading the game. You can comb through the data to see if it is still there (it just doesn't spawn in for whatever reason)
How it works and what it is implemented
Pokémon that is within a radius around the player gets saved when the player saves. This only occurs in single player, and not in Union Circle.
The data saved this way is practically the entire pk9 format, with notable data missing, such as obedience level, met level, met location, ball caught in, and OT details. It actually has a TID/SID, but not one of the save’s trainer (in RNG, commonly known as fake trainer details).
The save also contains a byte to indicate where the player saved (byte for location name; not just coordinates). This makes it easier when it comes to legalising the extract.
Upon clicking extract, the plugin will attempt to pre-legalise some data (set obedience level and met level to current level, set ball caught in to Poké Ball, set OT TID SID to the current player’s, perform the accurate and known modification to PID [against OT details] if the target mon is meant to be shiny/not shiny).
It will then check PKHeX to see if the target would be legal, based on saved location. If it wouldn’t be, brute force check against all locations with current level. Then brute force check with a level variance of ~10. If still illegal, it’ll use the pre-legalised data set and extract.
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Load a SV save into PKHeX, and load up the plugin.
It shows 20 entries, shows whether a Pokémon is shiny, whether it has any marks, whether it is a wild tera encounter (they have full-coloured backgrounds, have a glow around the sprite, and have a Tera star in the top right hand corner). Also shows whether it qualifies for mini/jumbo mark.
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX.
HOME Compatible Living Dex (Regular and Shiny)
Pre-HOME HOME Non Shiny Living Dex | Shiny Living Dex Living Dex (Regular and Shiny)
Key Description:
This page hosts several pcdata.bin files, that have stored all available Pokemon in the Boxes.
Just drag the pcdata.bin onto a save of that file's generation.
The Pokémon in these files are compatible with Pokémon HOME. As long as you don't change any of the immutable values (EC, PID, IVs, shininess, etc), it can be transferred across games via HOME, and would have the correct stats, regardless of whichever HOME compatible Switch title you inserted it into first.
If you want to have a brief understanding of why you should not change immutable values, check here. (you'll also find an example there)
- LGPE is missing from this living dex page (NOT being worked on)
- Spinda is missing, as no other game can withdraw it right now
- Any Pokémon that cannot be transferred out of HOME are missing from this living dex; we gotta wait for games that can support those species.
Last Word:
Despite these Pokemon being legal, I still need to say this:
ProjectPokemon.org is not liable, if you somehow managed to get yourself banned with these Pokemon.
Also, don't be stupid or don't do stupid things.
I can't possibly give every directive or comment on every possibility. Be reasonable, alright :3
Pre-HOME Regular Living Dex
Pre-HOME HOME Non Shiny Living Dex | Shiny Living Dex Living Dex (Regular and Shiny)
Key Description:
This page hosts several pcdata.bin files, that have stored all available Pokemon in the Boxes.
Just drag the pcdata.bin onto a save of that file's generation.
Last Word:
Despite these Pokemon being legal, I still need to say this:
ProjectPokemon.org is not liable, if you somehow managed to get yourself banned with these Pokemon.
Also, don't be stupid or don't do stupid things.
I can't possibly give every directive or comment on every possibility. Be reasonable, alright :3
Pre-HOME Shiny Living Dex
Pre-HOME HOME Non Shiny Living Dex | Shiny Living Dex Living Dex (Regular and Shiny)
Key Description:
This page holds files that contains shinies, based on a game's generation.
All you gotta do is use the relevant pcdata.bin on a save of that generation.
Last Word:
Despite these Pokemon being legal, I still need to say this:
ProjectPokemon.org is not liable, if you somehow managed to get yourself banned with these Pokemon.
Also, don't be stupid or don't do stupid things.
I can't possibly give every directive or comment on every possibility. Be reasonable, alright :3
Kanto Starter Squirtle Egg
Kanto Starter Squirtle Egg
The Kanto Starter Eggs were distributed to players who collected Pokémon found on various Pokémon merchandise sold between June 23 and September 30. Players could receive one of the three eggs at random in exchange for a full set of four stickers (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu). This Squirtle always has an HP IV of 31.
Wondercard ID 095 PID Random Games B2W2 Type IR Dates 09.01.2012-09.30.2012 Nickname ゼニガメ Gender Random Level Egg Nature Random Ability Torrent OT (Player's) SID (Player's) Location Pokémon Event Ribbon --- Ball Poké Ball Held Item --- Moves False Swipe Block Hydro Cannon Follow Me2433 downloads
Kanto Starter Charmander Egg
Kanto Starter Charmander Egg
The Kanto Starter Eggs were distributed to players who collected Pokémon found on various Pokémon merchandise sold between June 23 and September 30. Players could receive one of the three eggs at random in exchange for a full set of four stickers (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu). This Charmander always has a Speed IV of 31.
Wondercard ID 095 PID Random Games B2W2 Type IR Dates 09.01.2012-09.30.2012 Nickname ヒトカゲ Gender Random Level Egg Nature Random Ability Blaze OT (Player's) SID (Player's) Location Pokémon Event Ribbon --- Ball Poké Ball Held Item --- Moves False Swipe Block Blast Burn Acrobatics2349 downloads
Kanto Starter Bulbasaur Egg
Kanto Starter Bulbasaur Egg
The Kanto Starter Eggs were distributed to players who collected Pokémon found on various Pokémon merchandise sold between June 23 and September 30. Players could receive one of the three eggs at random in exchange for a full set of four stickers (Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Pikachu). This Bulbasaur always has a Defense IV of 31.
Wondercard ID 095 PID Random Games B2W2 Type IR Dates 09.01.2012-09.30.2012 Nickname フシギダネ Gender Random Level Egg Nature Random Ability Overgrow OT (Player's) SID (Player's) Location Pokémon Event Ribbon --- Ball Poké Ball Held Item --- Moves False Swipe Block Frenzy Plant Weather Ball2205 downloads
[PKHeX Plugin] SWSH Overworld/Max Raid IVs/BDSP Roaming8b Searcher
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
PKHeX plugin to check for valid PIDIV and other correlated stats for Overworld8 or Max Raid or Max Lair mons.
Once the data is found, the selected row can be sent to PKHeX's viewer, without the user having to copy the data over manually.
Other small features include:
- Able to update Trainer ID/Secret ID in Searcher based on Save's details or Viewed Pokémon's details
- Able to update Trainer ID/Secret ID in Searcher based on viewed Pokémon's details, whenever a different Pokémon is viewed
- Able to update Gender Ratio filter (Max Raids/Max Lair searching only) based on the viewed Pokémon
- The TSV box updates based on what the user inputs, or the data grabbed from save/viewer.
- If a modified IV stat is 31, the Hyper Training Flag would be removed
Spiritual successor of IV Searcher portion found here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4447-gen-8-ow-shiny-pid-genner/
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Tutorial, under Searching for Particular IVs: https://projectpokemon.org/home/tutorials/save-editing/using-pkhex/pid-mismatch-origin-game-swsh-r114/
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Sword and Shield.
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX, his documentation on Github, as well as other various functions found in PKHeX.Core and PKHeX.Drawing
SkyLink98 with helping me figure out how to deal with implementing changes on PKHeX's viewer
Leanny's Source code for Ability and Gender determination for raid stats from seed.
Admiral Fish's Raid stats generation write-up.
SciresM and his Roaming8b code write-up used by PKHeX.
Hyadain Landorus (Land-sama)
Details from Bulbapedia:
Species Landorus Nickname ランドさま OT ヒャダイン TID 14818 Distribution Serial Code Location a Pokémon TV program Dates May 24 to Jun 30, 2016 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Given to: JP 3DS: ORAS
Preset as: OR Lv. 50 Nature Adamant Ability Sand Force (1) Item Assault Vest Card Per Save Only One Allowed Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Earthquake Knock Off U-turn Rock Tomb WC ID 167: 「PJCS2016よせん さんかきねん」's receiving text 0x2D Thank you for participating in the Battle Competition! Please pick up your gift from the delivery girl in any Pokémon Center.
Classic PJCS2016よせん さんかきねん インターネットたいかい
よせん」に さんかした きねんに
ヒャダインの ランドロスを プレゼント! Format Ver.2.1.2-2, Post Updated Date:20210823_1622
Old Sea Map
This Mystery Event Wonder Card is only legal for the Japanese Copy of Pokémon Emerald.
(Event distribution hardware/software was incompatible with all other Generation 3 games, and all non-Japanese language copies of Emerald.)
It was distributed from July 17th to August 21st, 2005 at several Pokémon Festa locations, and from June 23rd to September 24th, 2006 during PokéPark's tour of Taiwan, only available to customers who purchased a ticket to see the "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" movie within the park.
(At PokéPark, the Old Sea Map was distributed via both NDS download play and GBA wireless system, see translated article in images.)
Original Thread and Credits!
WC #0052 - Sophia Gyarados
By theSLAYER in Generation 9
This gift was distributed to Pokémon Scarlet & Violet via the serial code GYARAD0S2023SG, to commemorate the 2024 Asia Championships. This Gyarados was based on the one used by Melvin Keh in the 2023 Singapore Pokémon Championships. The trainer name is Sophia, as Sophia another OT that Melvin uses.
Wonder Card ID #0052: Sophia’s Gyarados Gift Species Gyarados TID 240512 Distribution Serial Code Location a Battle Competition Dates May 12 to June 30, 2024 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games Scarlet Violet Nature Careful Ability Intimidate (1) Item Aguav Berry Tera: IVs EVs HP 31 252 ATK 31 20 DEF 31 30 SPA 31 0 SPD 31 156 SPE 31 52
Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Waterfall Thunder Wave Taunt Protect Partner Ribbon Battle Champion Ribbon Lang
Slot Mon's
Lang Nickname OT Name OT's
Lang JPN (lang' tag default) Sophia JPN ENG (lang' tag default) Sophia ENG FRE (lang' tag default) Sophia FRE ITA (lang' tag default) Sophia ITA GER (lang' tag default) Sophia GER SPA (lang' tag default) Sophia SPA KOR (lang' tag default) Sophia KOR CHS (lang' tag default) Sophia CHS CHT (lang' tag default) Sophia CHT Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.3.0.1-5, Post Updated Date:20240513_2015
What can be done with these files
PKM creation with PKHeX (drag & drop the wondercard file in the spot where you want the Pokémon) In-Game Mystery Gift redemption with Switch Gift Data Manager977 downloads
[PKHeX Plugin] SV Fixed Symbol Viewer
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
In Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, there are various fixed symbol spawns. Some that the player could interact with and catch, some that immediately flies away when approached, and some that allow players to battle wild Tera Pokémon.
Currently, this plugin allows you to view the .
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Load a SV save into PKHeX, and load up the plugin.
Click on the image to load into the plugin's previewer, and click on the Send to viewer button to send to PKHeX's viewer.
Locations for Wild Tera Pokémon are listed. They have full-coloured backgrounds, have a glow around the sprite, and have a Tera star in the top right hand corner.
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX.
[PKHeX Plugin] RSE Berry Plot Editor
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
PKHeX plugin to find and edit content of Berry plots in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald.
(In the image, the plot that the character model is facing, is the berry plot that is being focused on.)
FYI: The e-Reader berries are not 'real' berries, in the sense that they don't have their own data programmed into the ROMs.
They just usurped the slot for Enigma Berries. So if you have those activated in your save, and wanna plant them, just plant Enigma Berries.
Originated from: attempting to resolve a glitch. As such, no immediate plans for other games.
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are supported.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Kaphotics for PKHeX.
BlackShark for his meticulous work with the Feebas Locator [Full disclosure: I've never made a PKHeX plugin before, so had to look at his work to figure it out]
All the wonderful team members involved in pret, for the amazing work regarding disassembly for RSE, which contained all the important structures.
RodrigoTR and Mark_Eire, for providing support for giving the locations and getting all the images for various screenshots of plots.
[PKHeX Plugin] Mons with NPC editor (For Legends Arceus)
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
In Pokémon Legends Arceus, the player is able to give or loan mons to the NPCs, and those mons will show up in the overworld.
Even for permanent gifts, the data of the given mons are actually fully intact.
This plugin allows you to modify the mons that were given/on loan.
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Used to modify the mons in NPC/farm block in the save.
Always back up your saves before you perform any edits.
Pokémon Legends Arceus
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX.
[PKHeX Plugin] SWSH Overworld Checker
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
PKHeX plugin to check the details of any Overworld/Fishing mons roaming around when the player saved.
This is a viewer, not an editor.
Spiritual successor of
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Sword and Shield
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX, his documentation on Github, as well as other various functions found in PKHeX.Core, PKHeX.Drawing, PKHeX.Drawing.Misc, and PKHeX.Drawing.PokeSprite
[PKHeX Plugin] Wonder Records Tool
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
PKHeX plugin to import Wonder Cards as Wonder Record (entries that show up in the Gift Album).
For SWSH, the 50 slots can be viewed via Sprite Representations: Pokémon represented by the relevant sprites; Items represented by relevant sprites (note: only the first item slot of that gift, not all); the Black Ball can represent Clothes, Money, and BP gift type; Blank represents the slot being unused.
(Note: As WR don't store shininess, shininess is only determined by one particular gift title. WR also doesn't store Gmax flag, so it depends on the one particular gift title.)
This edit is merely affects what show up in the Gift Album (cannot be redeemed in-game), but some people want it, so here it is.
Reminder: Due to changes made starting from LGPE, injecting Wonder Cards (or Wonder Records, for that matter) won't allow the gift to be redeemed in-game.
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Used to view the Wonder Records in the KMysteryGift block in the save.
Can be used to inject and extract WR8. Can be used to convert WC8 to WR8.
Both injections can be used via the button or dragging the file into the form.
Do note the conversion is based on best approximation from the data observed. Use at your own risk!
Can be used to manipulate the timestamp on entries.
Always back up your saves before you perform any edits.
PLA & BDSP (to a limited extent)
Sword and Shield - Viewing, WR8 Injection, WC8 -> WR8 Injection, Timecode manipulation
Let's Go Pikachu & Eevee - Viewing (WR7 Injection and Extraction can be done natively using PKHeX)
For help and bug reporting, go here.
Kaphotics for PKHeX.
[PKHeX Plugin] GP1 Editor
By theSLAYER in Save Editing
PKHeX plugin to edit GO Park Storage.
User can click on the slot to view the content of the slot.
User may edit the GP1 in the viewed slot.
User can also import a GP1 into the viewed slot via the button or dragging it in.
User may also delete the GP1 in the viewed slot.
Given the GO CP on file isn't carried into the game visually, and appears to be unused data, GO CP calculation isn't included.
(If you need it, it is here on an external program)
For help and bug reporting, go here.
How to use
Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu.
Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee is supported.
Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here).
[You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work]
Example of how to unblock:
Kaphotics for the making of PKHeX, as well as documented structure for various GP1 parts.
BlackShark for his meticulous work with the Feebas Locator [Full disclosure: I've never made a PKHeX plugin before, so had to look at his work to figure it out]
PLA Height to Scale Calculator
This tool calculates a possible range for the Scalar Height used in Switch Core series games, based on the height seen in the summary screen of Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
This tool is still undergoing testing, so any constructive comments/feedback would be appreciated.
Use at your own risk.
This tool uses the logic in PKHeX.Core to calculate Absolute height (and subsequently displayed height) based on a scalar value. I just repurposed it and made the logic work for our purposes.
1. You can either use ft&in or meters to search for the range.
In ft/in
In m
2. Having both can help to narrow down the range.
For example, this can be accomplished by viewing said specimen in an English save, then using Pokémon HOME (or trades) to transfer the Pokémon to a Japanese save.
and we have found the exact value!
You will not always get an exact value, but using both helps to narrow the range down.
LGPE/GO to Core Height Calculator
This tool calculates a possible range for the Scalar Height used in Switch Core series games, from the rounded height value provided in Pokémon GO.
This tool is still undergoing testing, so any constructive comments/feedback would be appreciated.
Use at your own risk.
This tool uses the logic in PKHeX.Core of Absolute Height -> Scalar Height. I just repurposed it and made the logic work for our purposes.
Edited Note2: 0 in Height can safely be sent to HOME now.
Pokémon GO Transfers
By theSLAYER in Pokémon GO -> HOME Transfers
This page hosts Pokémon that were obtained from direct GO -> HOME transfers.
This page was previously online, but has been brought offline for maintenance.
As of now, only Legendaries and Mythicals would be uploaded back. The rest are still offline.
For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values.
Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker
Tier 5 Raid - Shiny Genesect
By theSLAYER in Pokémon GO -> HOME Transfers
As part of the Ultra Unlock event that spanned across 3 weeks, a Unova week was part of the event, and Shiny Genesect could be found in raids.
For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values.
Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker
Mythical Special Research - Shiny Celebi
By theSLAYER in Pokémon GO -> HOME Transfers
When players logged into Pokémon GO during the period of December 14, 2020 to February 28, 2021, they gain access to the special research that yields a Shiny Celebi upon completion. Players do not need to complete the research within the period.
The special research was available to players to promote the then upcoming movie in Japan, Pokémon M23: Coco (the movie has the name changed to Secret of the Jungle internationally).
For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values.
Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker
Mythical Special Research - Zarude
By theSLAYER in Pokémon GO -> HOME Transfers
When players logged into Pokémon GO during the period of October 1st to October 10th (2021), they gain access to the special research that yields a Zarude upon completion. Players do not need to complete the research within the period.
The special research was available to players to promote the then upcoming movie Pokémon M23: Secrets of the Jungle, which would have been aired on Netflix.
For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values.
Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker
Tier 5 Raid - Shiny Darkrai
By theSLAYER in Pokémon GO -> HOME Transfers
Darkrai had its first debut in Tier 5 raids globally during the Halloween 2019 event. It however, would not be available shiny until the first Team GO Rocket Takeover event.
Even if you caught one earlier, the Darkrai could not be transferred to the main series games until the HOME v2.0.0 update, which supports Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl and Legends Arceus.
For this file to be transferable across games without any stats oddities, you cannot modify any immutable values.
Read here: Relevance of HOME tracker