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Everything posted by Cronus

  1. Arceus i believe this is it if it doesnt work let me know and ill just get the one directly form my ar cuz ik it works
  2. im working on the trainer card code still but i havent been able to get all 5 stars yet will update when i have it working.
  3. the nat. one should work for soul silver they work on mine but the one in the spoiler does work for both games but it just completes the whole pokedex, but if you cant the spoiler one to work then you gotta be doing something wrong but if it still doesnt work ill make another code just in case, but make sure your doing ir right and pressing L+R and make sure your buttons arent sticking and make sure if your using an ardsi that it is still in ur ds when using the codes. those are all the things i can think of that may be reasons why it doesnt work for you. so please double check everything and then get back to me. oh and the codes are just for the us version.
  4. Ummmm I'll let you know as soon as I figure that one out k. I'm still trying it myself
  5. uhhhhhhh i think so if i did and its still not working ill let you know thanks for the help btw
  6. hey can someone help me im trying to get this code for an elekid that i made to work but i cant figure out what im doing wrong for it to work elekid(L+R) thanks in advance to whoever can help me fix it
  7. for the first one do you have to use it at the start of the game or can you use it when ever?
  8. Yeh it will not work with the emulator sorry :c try this one Complete Pokédex - USE ONLY After Obtaining Just press SELECT tested and it works, this will fill your pokedex competely and it gives you the national dex along with the normal one both compeleted
  9. that I only tested it on soul silver so far idk I'll check it tomorrow and try to fix it and this is the other code: Complete Pokédex - USE ONLY After Obtaining Just press SELECT tested and it works, this will fill your pokedex competely and it gives you the national dex along with the normal one both compeleted unless u don't want it completed then dint use this to get the national pokedex
  10. Which game do you have? Well if that'd didn't work(odd it didn't but maybes it's the game ur using also be sure to make sure it's the only code turned on and if it still doesn't work u can use my other code)
  11. No problem im just glad the codes are working it was a real pain to get em to work but I did it and I'm happy I did so ^^ welcomes all around ^^
  12. Ok I have one for the completed pokedex Complete Pokédex - USE ONLY After Obtaining Just press SELECT tested and it works, this will fill your pokedex competely and it gives you the national dex along with the normal one both compeleted and this one should give you the sex with em seen National Dex Acquired [L+R] 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 20001657 00000001 D2000000 00000000
  13. National Dex Acquired [L+R] 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 20001657 00000001 D2000000 00000000 here you go ^^ glad to help out
  14. U ask and u shall recieve National Dex Acquired [L+R] 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 20001657 00000001 D2000000 00000000 hope u like it ^^
  15. Here you guys go a national pokedex code National Dex Acquired(L+R) 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 20001657 00000001 D2000000 00000000
  16. oohhhhhh ok ok i gottcha ill try to work on that then EDIT:Hey i was wondering if any one could help me with this code, it works and everything but sadly it corrupts the game data after using it(after awhile it kills the save file making you start all over again which its donr to me) Groudon and Kyogre (This code removes your first two pokemon in your pc box 1) so any one think they can help and fix it so it doesnt mess up the game.
  17. im working on that today along with some other codes give me just a bit and ill have the pokedex one finished im also experimenting with a pretty awesome elekid and magby i havent gotten a chance to do the magby but i have just finished the elekid one and im working out some bugs with it and ill post it once its perfect. then im also busy with other codes so im trying to go as fast as i can but its not as easy as i thought it was to make codes so hopefully i can get at least a fair amount done today. EDIT::: heres the code( credit goes to my friend he sent me this today i tested it out and it works just fine so now worrries.) Complete Pokédex - USE ONLY After Obtaining Just press SELECT tested and it works, this will fill your pokedex competely and it gives you the national dex along with the normal one both compeleted
  18. you dont need one they made it so you can re-battle red without having to use cheat codes all you have to do is beat the elite 4 again and then go back and battle him
  19. Fir the first one do u have to use that in the begining of the game when u first get ur starter or can it be at any point?
  20. Yeh got to pg 20 or 21 there's a working arceus event code there also I'm working on a starters code so far I can get 2 of the three one with a pokerus and the other with no moves and it can't learn any moves
  21. i need help on fixing this code Ok can someone help me this code isn't working for me it ethier crashes my game or frezzes it. So can some one help pls
  22. Ok can someone help me this code isn't working for me it ethier crashes my game or frezzes it.
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