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About arsyniiC

  • Birthday 02/16/1990
  1. Just use Pokesav and SAV yourself an epic Gengar
  2. Still 3002. Make sure you pressed "Stats Edit" above the name of the pokemon and hit "All Max" That might fix your problem.
  3. First things first, I changed some things in your .pkm files. 1) Make sure you have a pokemon to be changed into the pokemon you are SAVing. For example: You have two pokemon in your party that you don't want at the top of the pokemon list. Activate your code and the pokemon will change into the SAVed poke. 2) Make sure you're using the Pokesav version that is for your version of the game such as Pokesav Platinum (English). .pkm files attached. Minun.pkm Mew.pkm
  4. Would somebody be so kind as to Pokesav a Japanese/German Ditto for me? AR Code would be preferred but a .pkm file would be enough. Thanks in advance.
  5. Like most of the people here, I didn't know about shiny pokemon when I first saw my shiny. I remember it was in Pokemon Silver (the original version) and I was on my way to the cave to go to Azalea Town and I saw an Ekans! I didn't know it was shiny because, to me, the color looked the same and I thought it was the lighting around my house when I was playing. I ended up killing/fainting it and my Totodile evolved :\
  6. I wanted to SAV a legit (as legit as a hack can get) egged poke. I got everything down but whenever I hatch the egg, it says it was met at level 0. It doesn't say it was egg hatched either... Help?? .pkm file included. MagikarpEgg.pkm
  7. Thanks. Would you happen to know the Hex Value for Mr.Pokemon? I tried putting 3002 for the area hatched, then the Hex for Route 29 but it still came up as Faraway Place.
  8. So I opened a .sav file in pokesav and I realized that in the trashbyte 86h, there was a 04 as the value. Does anyone know what this does?
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