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About Swampert91

  • Birthday 08/26/1991

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  1. NOw that I have that out the way now I just need a REAL WORKING Victini event code thats not super duper long and ill be happy
  2. Well that freaking bits and im gonna assume that theres no way to transfer them back to my heart gold? and if not then can someone help me get the code to get the 3 shiny dog event code for heart gold that really works and doesnt screw up your game? but message me it cause this is a black and white thread
  3. yo this code is way to long........
  4. HHHHeeeeeeeellllllllooooooooooo peoples!!! wow....its been a lllloooonnnngggg time since I last checked this site :3 but anyway the question i have is kinda related to the thread but here it is......since I got the Raikou, Entei, and Suscune (misspelled) shiny event for heart gold and then relocated them to my (US) pokemon white version cant I just trade them out so i can start a new game and trade them back in for the Zoroark event to activate again?
  5. I tried the same thing from the web site but it doesnt work for my DS action replay
  6. just go to this website and it tell you about it ------> http://datelcustomerservice.com/NDS-AR-ARDS.shtml
  7. I was reading some things on datels web site and saw that they are no longer selling DS action replays in the US and they may not be anymore updates for it in the future T_T
  8. sorry about that but its just been months since i last was here and did see what everyone else wrots cause i forgot my password and stuff and trying to get a new one which was erking the hell out of me >_> but thats then and this is now and also I dont understand by what gen 1 and gen 2 mean?
  9. hey the update doesnt work with my DS action replay it says its not a firmware file when I drop it into the code manager
  10. how do i get professor oak to give me the natonal pokedex at olivine city cause hes not showing up?
  11. what i dont get is with the entire ho-oh legend about how 3 pokemon died in the burned tower and were revived back to life with new forms now i think that the 3 pokemon were the 3 eevee forms because even though flareon,and vaporeon could of survived pokemon can only take so much damaged and also jolteon, flareon, and vaporeon could of died when the tower collasped and then ho-oh did its thing and gaved them new life.
  12. I have codes for the Groudon and Kyogre that unlock the Rayquaza. In case you don't already know, after you input the code you go too Professer Oak with both in your party and he'll give you the Green Orb, go to the mystery cave and get Rayquaza. (This code removes your first two pokemon in box #1) HG: 94000130 FCFF0000 B2110DC0 00000000 E000F710 00000088 5749C3F5 211C0000 2812C0FC 11F894BC 77041F18 421C8876 BE76F77D 4195C3C7 5B0DD131 412F00D9 80D3FBEE BEA9C489 3910E0CE 36C1E8BD 305644C2 E1A616D0 8A50A465 46309FA7 153E9CDB E6A68D4B 36FF5C0A 9C999F39 D37CB611 F7A813CB F81F862D 038BC881 9F871F14 1FA17A72 9CFE5298 861B1A8E 4AAA3E9B 295A2BD1 76A46478 B00DC5EE E000F798 00000088 5749C3F5 F0370000 2A730A14 6D07CF67 F8B3609E EE4AF9F0 E6E5D908 CDF3FF36 6214B73E 87CCC168 739BF1E1 5B930391 BC136F19 080A43BA DFC39D82 E86B4EE6 E53C4432 37A1FCC0 2403E457 9154898D B3912FDE 06F6D191 B1EA5F36 32AD48FA B21BC61A 58942F4D 17C04B49 0148A3BB DA483822 E2388F40 74F4CBF3 49454618 0F842A49 7718B6F3 D2000000 00000000 SS: 94000130 FCFF0000 B2110DC0 00000000 E000F710 00000088 5749C3F5 211C0000 2812C0FC 11F894BC 77041F18 421C8876 BE76F77D 4195C3C7 5B0DD131 412F00D9 80D3FBEE BEA9C489 3910E0CE 36C1E8BD 305644C2 E1A616D0 8A50A465 46309FA7 153E9CDB E6A68D4B 36FF5C0A 9C999F39 D37CB611 F7A813CB F81F862D 038BC881 9F871F14 1FA17A72 9CFE5298 861B1A8E 4AAA3E9B 295A2BD1 76A46478 B00DC5EE E000F798 00000088 5749C3F5 F0370000 2A730A14 6D07CF67 F8B3609E EE4AF9F0 E6E5D908 CDF3FF36 6214B73E 87CCC168 739BF1E1 5B930391 BC136F19 080A43BA DFC39D82 E86B4EE6 E53C4432 37A1FCC0 2403E457 9154898D B3912FDE 06F6D191 B1EA5F36 32AD48FA B21BC61A 58942F4D 17C04B49 0148A3BB DA483822 E2388F40 74F4CBF3 49454618 0F842A49 7718B6F3 D2000000 00000000 thanks and i was wondering if you could make the codes alittle shorter please ^^
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