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Silent Storm

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Everything posted by Silent Storm

  1. Line breaks when Cheren is about to heal my starter. "And of course, Sena's Pokemon needs to(text breaks here)" After that, Belle's textbox displays this: "Bel: Bel: Heyyy! How about you fight a Pokémon battle, Cheren?" Aside from removing one "Bel:", maybe change fight to have or do?
  2. Maybe I should have reported this earlier...but mischievous heart was missing the t and the end, I will use this patch and see if it's still the same. Also, I will be playing this game from the start and will list any oddities or grammar errors as I see them .
  3. Check the battle descriptions for Focus Sash and Life Orb. Life Orb says something along the lines of the pokemon hanging onto it's life and Focus Sash is really different to what it normally says when it activates. Sorry if not clear.
  4. The closest I have is when I beat the last leader. You're going to have to do the victory road and battles before it first (I think). Edit - Seems I was wrong, it's your lucky day. http://www.sendspace.com/file/gi2p7q
  5. I decided to plow into the translation some more.....and it seems that the books are translated. "White" is what the translator named his character just so you guys don't get a little confused (though you all probably figured that out).
  6. One thing to keep in mind is that the guy uses his own fan translation of the Pokemon and (gym leaders it seems), though it shouldn't be hard to identify what Pokemon is what.
  7. While browsing BulbaGarden, I found a thread that supposedly has the full script for in game dialog for black / white translated. http://vgboy.dabomstew.com/other/BlackAndWhite.txt I decided to skim through this and it seems to cover everything and looks good. Maybe this could help you guys in some way.
  8. Found a guide to editing my game to include new updates. After I've done everything, the problem with teaching moves to a pokemon is still there (All the text still being in one textbox). What I want to do is make a new textbox for some of the text.
  9. Nice. How do I merge these into my game? Is there a quick tutorial? Cause if I can do this without problems then maybe I could contribute to this translation in some way.
  10. Could you check the in battle description for Mold Breaker?
  11. Mold Breaker's effect is still messed up in battle. "オノノクス he other hand the first time!" Kojondo's dex descriptions breaks. I also never got a response to this message. Power Share's and Guard Share's description are messed up. "[Pokemon Name] shared something power" "[Pokemon Name] shared something guard" I also never got a response to this.
  12. Must be an issue with you. In Black City now and it's fine. Acekard 2i with latest AKAIO.
  13. I decided to test some more and I could select moves fine, so I guess it's working fine for me.
  14. Is the fight cursor the thing that appears when I want to use the D-Pad for moves? If so I have it.
  15. When teaching a TM / HM to a pokemon, the message is too big for the text box, resulting in the image cutting off. It was like this in the previous beta (and sometimes it would crash the game but ti doesn't crash now). This is the original message untranslated (as you can see, the message is spread out over three text boxes to avoid cutoffs and all that). This is what the message appears like in-game. Sorry if this sounds nooby, but can you please make it like the first set of screenshots (the untranslated ones) so there are no cutoffs? You is how the whole message is structured in HGSS. Of course I would do this myself and submit the changes here but I am not fully equipped to tackle these kind of things unless someone helps me a little. That, and I could possibly help out with other stuff you guys want an extra hand. Also, this is what happens when I try and teach Dragon Claw to one of my pokemon.
  16. Can confirm this also. I thought I was seeing things when I saw it (only saw it once).
  17. When I discovered the TM / HM bug yesterday, I sent a PM to Kaarosu. When I got a response today he said he would look into it as well as other things I reported so it should be soon.
  18. I can confirm that the 4 move glitch happens when I use the HM strength, I pm'ed Kaarosu about it and other things so hopefully it gets fixed today.
  19. Now it seems I'm nitpicking, sorry >__>. Hatched my fire moth, and the description was this: "Born [Pokemon Name] Put the Nickname?" Looks like this was done in google translate...I also couldn't figure out how to post typo submissions on the site linked on the first post hence why I am posting here, I also feel more comfortable about my reports being on a forum.
  20. Two more things 1. When teaching a pokemon a new move via tm, some of the message where it says that the pokemon has 4 moves get cut off (the word moves is the only one cut off). Maybe shorten it by replacing "However" with "But" or something and add a question mark after "replaced"? 2. Also, when entering the union room, after the lady tells me to enjoy my time in the room, a random text box with a question mark appears for a second before she lets me pass and go down the elevator. I like this translation though. It's nice knowing what moves I am using now.
  21. It could be a problem on my end, so I am repatching everything. I'll come back with results. Edit - Yeah, same problem with this newly patched rom. Think I'll manage till tomorrow.
  22. When purchasing at the pokemart, the money section is blank, and then when you buy something, Item appears where the amount of money you have is supposed to be. This is with the exp patch for black + katakana names. patched after I patched the rom with rudolph's patch. Also, the Pokemart person saying Welcome twice doesn't seem right. Maybe change it to Hi > Welcome to the PokeMart etc.
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