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Everything posted by duct.tape.fairy

  1. Dialga. Already have the other two. >.>
  2. Dragonair. No idea why - just love it.
  3. Bidoof and Bibarel. Garchomp annoyed me in Elite 4. I really don't like Dragonite (though, I hang around people who really don't like Dragonite, so they may have effected my way of thinking haha). Plus, I lovelovelovelove Dratini and Dragonair... What happened with the next one up, hey? Orange? Yes, favourite colour, but no. Just no. Geodude and Zubat. I'm sure you all realise why. Ugh.
  4. I can't be certain, but I think I ran into a shiny Spinarak back in the day. I don't recall catching it, but it was a long time ago so not sure.
  5. My Charizard I had in first gen, moved to second, lost when the second gen games erased. <3 Currently, I absolutely love my Empoleon, Rapidash and Luxray in Pearl.
  6. I think the most I had was in Blue, and then later in Gold - we had two gameboy colour's because one was mine and one was my mother's... I might actually check my Blue at some point. I've only had one level 100 that I can recall from those games, it being a Charizard. Then I tried turning on my silver, because I traded it over there prolly to finish off Elite 4 or something, and it was gone with the rest of the saved game. =(
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